Chen Wenlin Is Pleased

Some of these shopkeepers had been with the Shi family for many years now. Some had even been employed since Shi Wenjun's father's time so the bond they shared was as deep as blood ties.

Moreover, their bests interests were tied together with the Shi family. If the latter fell from grace, they would lose their jobs too.

"Yeah, let's report this to the authorities," the other shopkeepers echoed.

Shi Wenjun was frowning hard as she shook her head. "We don't have evidence and the names the Chen family are using on their pills are different from ours so reporting them would be useless."

Shi Wenjun knew this well.

They couldn't claim that the Chen family was stealing their prescription just because they were selling the same type of pills. That was unless both parties could compare their prescriptions. But even if they turned out to be identical in composition, what would it prove?

That wouldn't solve the bigger issue.