Museum of Deadly Beasts

Eastern792 Chapters4.5M Views
Author: Diabolical Eggplant
Table of Contents

Lin Jin never imagined he would ever transmigrate. And to such a peculiar world at that. Here, deadly beasts were regarded as sacred, and thankfully, he owned a museum for deadly beasts.

“Master, this is just a dying little tortoise…”

“What tortoise? This is a rare species that contains the blood of a Black Tortoise and could be promoted up to level seven.”

“What about this shedding mongrel?”

“Mongrel? How narrow-minded. This is a branch descendant of the snarling hound with a hint of Kirin’s blood. Take my word for it and sign the blood contract at once. I guarantee you that you'll soar to success and be on your path to invincibility!”

361 Reviews
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petition to bring back the world of deities.........................................................................................................................

4 years ago

Let's say this first. In every Chinese novel there is face-slapping, in some more and others less, we clear? Yes, there happens to a lot of face slaps and most likely there will be a lot more. Ok, basically the mc touches beasts with his body parts and he will immediately know everything about the said beast/pet. The methods to evolution, curing illneses, potential upgrades ect. Now, there exist an occupation called beastmaster tamers whatever so you will know how the face-slaps gonna end. Ok, the mc is just overpowered in his said occupation not in actual strength. Many can kill him though the mc isn't weak either. Okay, now only if you read the later chapters (35 - 40) you would know there is LOTM vibes going on here. (Lord of the mysteries) the mc having his ability (museum) is gonna gather random people into a room where the guests can ask question about their pets to evolve, cure whatever in exchange samples of rare beasts (or other items in the future) Translation - 5* (smooth) SoU - 5* (trial read, always 5 stars) Story Development - 5* (Biased cuz I like the LOTM vibes and sort of copy) Character Design - 3* (There's emotion but not really a solid personality, average?) World Background - 2* (There's no info given, sure where the mc lives and some here and there but it's basically it's name and it's surroundings, no info at all. Maybe in future will it be explained but can't give a high rating. I know it's unfair because only 40 chapters but I am a honest man, have a nice day everyone) Total score: 4.0

4 years ago

I can't find much to criticize in this novel. The beginning is a little cliche, but after that it's interesting. I would say it's similar to Monster Pet Evolution with some elements of Building the Utlimate Fantasy (Specifically the part where random important people are summoned and are given opportunities to improve their strength). I would say it's a decent novel considering all the other alternatives released this week

4 years ago

The title of this novel should be "How not to write a cliche story". I don't know why the author even bother to write. Just like other chinese novels the author dumps a back stabber character who supposedly hate MC while he was in his low. Even though he owes him too much. Just character after character was ripped off of old chinese novels without even bothering to design a plot or character. Same old face slapping to character who hate MC with little to no reason.

4 years ago

A boring, generic novel where for some reason everyone looks down on the MC and constantly wants to humiliate him. This is a standard face-slap novel with the guise of a beast-raising novel. I generally like novels in the mystical-pet genre like Monster Pet Evolution, but this is a huge disappointment and is not worth reading. I hope it's not the picked novel for this week.

4 years ago

another trash Chinese novel added to its bunch. there is nothing here but face slapping. these are written by very untalented garbage level authors just to make money by cheating either novice readers or day dreamers. i wish it is possible to give a rating below 1 star.

3 years ago

Why do people like this? The story is cancerous. I try to be optimistic about stories and give it a chance. I get you want to look cool and shameless but when his Beast gets hurt and he doesn't get angry but instead sucks up to the perpetrator more that's when I lost it. The fact that it's only 700 chapters brings me at ease, at least it quickly gets conclusive. But the other doesn't even bother to explain things for you and everything like a badly brought draft. Well I guess it's not the first time you've seen a CN like this.

3 years ago

its a System novel .............................................................,..,...............,.......,..................

4 years ago

I went to look at the raw, it's just fucking cliche after cliche after cliche, it doesn't get any better. this is a story made by person who saw all the popular shite that was trending and copied all the plot lines from them. 0 f u cking originality, heck "the plagiarist" should give his author name to this guy, at least that guy tries to make a decent story. also if you poor f u c kers think i am exaggerating go read the upcoming chapters whether raw or if they decided to release it. i can't believe i wasted my time reading so many chapters.

3 years ago

I don't recommend this book. It is explained here that he has an additional profession that not everyone has, namely as an animal appraiser. Where does their money come from when these people are willing to pay high prices for animal appraisal services? then why is Mc still poor when he has 2 jobs? because he has a golden finger which has the function of not only being able to identify animal abilities, but also capable of conveying ways of evolution that are not known to many people. why not quit his job and start a business of collecting raw materials for evolution that are unknown to many people and providing evolutionary services. when his company gets bigger those who insult him will shut up. But look at the current situation for mc, he is still making a fool of himself in the well with other fish. The plot is too forced.

3 years ago

I have currently read up to chapter 276. Is this worth reading? Yes. However, do understand that the face slapping stops after about 50-70+ chapters. It seems the Author learned that the readers don't like non stop face slapping. It gets much better after getting past that section of the story.

3 years ago

A very disappointing story. This author is obviously heavily inspired by the novel Library of The Heaven's Path. Both the plot and cheat power draw strong 'inspiration' from LTHP. Unfortunately, this 'inspiration' clashes with the rest of the story. So much so in fact, I felt the author was actively trying to make me stupider by stabbing my brain with an ice pick. The LTHP's MC could obtain information about all the flaws of whatever he touched, this allowed him to vomit out information and con people into thinking he was actually intelligent. The Museum of Deadly Beasts' MC can only do this with animals and hasn't really shown how much information he receives. So when the MC tries to con somebody/faceslap them, it feels incredibly fake. It wasn't a big issue until the author used the "lethargic around midnight" line, at which point it felt like they were just copy and pasting the word vomit from LTHP.

3 years ago

Some face slapping is always expected in a Chinese novel, but this one is just too much. The plot moves from face-slap 1, to set background for face slaps 2, and 3 with some mildly random face slaps in the middle that will help set up face slap 5... it's just too much. The novel follows a Pokemonish style where all the fighting and strength gathering is done by the pets, while the MC remains pretty useless 9so far). The MCs IQ being even lower than Ash's doesn't really help either.

3 years ago


4 years ago

Chapter 37 is where it truly begins, showing us that the story will get more in-depth and serious with more chapters. For an appraising & beast-taming novel, it's super good. The author added something similar to Lord of The Mysteries' "Palace". MC can have up to 20 guests once he unlocks more of his cheat. These guests can return to the Hall once every 7 days and can't see him clearly too, just like in LoTM. Other than that, the characters personalities are clearly definied, initially it's mainly a merry-go easy to follow story, conflicts don't end up in bloodshed or anything. The MC's pretty pacifist, so far no signs of insanity and bloodthirst like in the most novels. He doesn't treat life as cabbage, hasn't killed anyone thus far. Some fresh concepts introduced as well, e.g. the "weirdo meets weirdo" chapter. I am positively surprised. Liking it. Petition to bring back World's Best Martial Artist.

3 years ago