Thunder Swamp, Mantra of Heaven

The current situation was clear enough. That thunder pond was the entrance to the promised 'treasure' but no one could pass through its bubbling plasma.

Even profound immortals like Yan Shenjun himself couldn't do it.

Lin Jin suspected that an unfettered immortal wouldn't be able to withstand touching that plasma either.

Only by chanting the Mantra of Heaven could they break through into the pond.

Now, only the oriole among them could use the Dharma voice. After a few questions, Lin Jin learned that it was a unique skill only a few immortals could succeed in cultivating.

During the peak era of immortals, it wasn't hard to find immortals or even monsters capable of using a Dharma voice. After the great tragedy, what was uncommon in that era became increasingly rare.

Rumor had it that only Miao Yan Zhenren and this oriole were capable of using a Dharma voice.