A Letter From Reed City

To be honest, only a handful of people here knew about Phoenix Palace and those who have heard of Zhao Jingyan's name did not exceed three people.

It was a coincidence that Ye Yuzhou loved reading and one of his hobbies was to learn about the oddities of this world.

He just happened to know about the Phoenix Palace and that it had been around for at least three hundred years. It was said that the organization's strength could compare to a premium country's.

In other words, they had Rank 5 pet beasts to guard their territory.

"A phoenix resides in the Phoenix Palace, and its raging fire is indomitable!" Ye Yuzhou suddenly uttered a saying from origins unknown.

Although Feng Ziqian had similar assumptions, he wasn't the type to investigate the matter personally. Aristocrats were expected to do things subtly after all.

Ye Yuzhou wasn't that subtle, at least not here in the Visitation Hall.