We’re All Clever Folks

"That's alright. We're inside the palace so I'm sure nothing bad will happen to my pet beast. Also, while he may seem rather ordinary, he's quite a bold one."

Lin Jin didn't seem to mind at all.

Hearing his response, Yan Quan mused, 'Forget it, forget it. I've already broken the rules by hinting at him. If His Majesty ever finds out about what I did, I might even get punished. Since Appraiser Lin doesn't mind, I'll just pretend I said nothing."

"Appraiser Lin, this way please!" said Yan Quan, as if their brief exchange had never happened. The main hall was filled with strong-looking palace guards who were all heavily clad in armor. Their pet beasts were just as domineering as their masters. More importantly, they were all Rank 4.

Such was the strength of a premium country.

An inconspicuous door could be seen up ahead but the place was heavily guarded. Lin Jin even noticed Yan Quan's footsteps lightening as he approached the small door.