Grassy Continent’s Caravan

Although they didn't find anything useful, nor were there clues that might suggest where the dark wind wolf came from, Lin Jin was sure that a lone wolf couldn't possibly have learned cultivation out of nowhere and turn itself into a monster.

This was especially so considering the fact that the Black Wind technique was a high-grade skill. Where or from whom did the dark wind wolf learn it from?

It must've inherited the ability from someone.

There were two possibilities. One explanation was that like Shang'er, the lone wolf had a miraculous encounter. The second was that, before it went away on its own, it already learned cultivation.

If the second explanation was the truth, that made it all the more frightening.

Lin Jin knew that lone wolves were either ostracized by their original pack, or they left the pack due to internal strife. No matter which scenario, it meant that the dark  wind wolf's previous pack learned cultivation as well.