Rescuing the Deer

After standing at the door for the longest time, Jia Qian finally summoned the courage to enter Lin Jin's hall with gritted teeth.

She wanted to see how Lin Jin handled the deer.

Her animosity toward Lin Jin was now a thing of the past. The feelings of contempt had now headed away. It was as if Jia Qian had molted overnight into a whole new person when  she decided to get rid of her prejudice and arrogance. And in the process, she realized how 'terrifying' Lin Jin's skills were.

He proceeded steadily, step-by-step as if it all came easily to him, working with surprising speed and accuracy, making little to no errors.

Watching Lin Jin treat the deer was like a revision of what Jia Qian had learned back in the beast appraising academy. Lin Jin's level of skill was on par with her lecturers and there were even some methods he used that the academy had never taught them before.