When Egg Meets Rock

"I'm going to kill you!" the rat's owner burst out in a fit of rage. The rat was the precious baby that he had kept for so many years now. After White Ape smashed it to death, this man obviously wouldn't let Lin Jin off the hook, especially considering how hot-headed he was. 

He stepped forward and drew out two flying daggers, which he threw at Lin Jin.

It was clear that the man was pretty skilled at using his flying daggers, and he seemed visibly confident that he would succeed as well.

His daggers were aimed to kill and maim. Lin Jin on the other hand, simply flicked his fingers and sent out three silver needles in response to the attack.

Lin Jin's needles traveled at a much higher speed than those cumbersome daggers.

Everybody heard two delicate clinking sounds right at the moment when the man's daggers dropped to the ground. The last needle went straight into the man's throat.