The Ex-Girlfriend of a Wealthy Young Man (2)

Tang Guo returned the fountain pen to Leng Ziyue, then picked up the check and blew on it, as if she wanted to blow the ink dry.

Leng Ziyue heaved a sigh of relief. Tang Guo had accepted his gift, and this made him feel much better. Guo seemed to be acting oddly today, but when he thought about what he had done, he could only put the blame on himself for hurting her too deeply.

He had used Guo, treating her as a stand-in for Lu Qi. He had, indeed, hurt her.

"Guo, I'm the one at fault. I've let you down. If you need any help in the future, just give me a call."

Tang Guo put the check on the table and took another sip of milk tea before saying, "I can call you whenever I want to?"


"How about… When you and your girlfriend are sharing an intimate moment, can I also call you then?"

"…" Leng Ziyue was speechless. Was Guo acting so strange because she was angry?

Apparently, Tang Guo didn't bother to pursue her question. She waved the check that she was holding in her hand and said, "I can cash this anytime?"


As for what Tang Guo had said earlier, Leng Ziyue simply attributed it to Tang Guo losing her mind because of the breakup. He could forgive her for talking to him like that. After Leng Ziyue agreed to Tang Guo's request, he suddenly caught sight of the amount on the check. He was stunned.

"Guo, what amount did you fill in?" Leng Ziyue asked, feeling somewhat nervous.

Based on what he knew about Tang Guo, no matter how angry and exasperated she was, she would only ask him for a few million at most. If his eyes weren't playing tricks on him, the amount on the check was 50 million, right?

He asked with some uncertainty, "Fifty million?"

"Yes," Tang Guo answered matter-of-factly with a straight face. "Didn't you ask me to fill in whatever I wanted? That you wanted to make it up to me? What, do you think it's too much?" Tang Guo furrowed her pretty brows and asked, "You can't bear to part with your money?"

"No, no, it's not that I'm reluctant to. I…" Leng Ziyue felt a little embarrassed. "Fifty million is a relatively large amount," he said, "I might not have enough money for you to cash that check. You should be able to cash the check for an amount like 30 million."

"I see." Tang Guo unfurrowed her knitted brows and said, "I thought you were reluctant to part with your money. Since that's not the case, I can put my mind at ease. Then, you can write me a check for 30 million, and an IOU for the remaining 20 million."

"…" Leng Ziyue was speechless yet again. Guo, had she lost her mind?

He must have broken her heart. He had heard that once a woman loses her love, she'll fall madly in love with money.

Since he couldn't give her love, he could only compensate her with money.

Even though 50 million was really too much, Leng Ziyue still obliged Tang Guo's request. So long as Guo felt better—he really felt somewhat sorry for this innocent girl.

Leng Ziyue acted swiftly. The check and IOU were ready in a jiffy and handed over to Tang Guo.

Tang Guo didn't stand on ceremony either and immediately put the check and IOU in her purse. After a final sip of milk tea, she stood up and said, "I'm leaving. Remember to settle the bill when you're done with your drink."

[Host, you're really out of your mind. Have you forgotten the previous few worlds you totally messed up? Are you going to make the same mistake all over again? Host, you've changed. You used to be so well-behaved and would complete the cannon fodder missions, one after the other, according to the plot.

Host, you've turned into someone I no longer recognize.

As a competent and responsible system, I have to warn you that it's best you complete your tasks properly. Otherwise, you'll definitely be wiped out one fine day.]

Tang Guo walked out of the milk tea shop, completely ignoring the chaotic voice that was still rambling on in her mind. She waved her hand to signal for a car. Then, she opened the door, sat down, and closed the door. All in one go.

"Sir, to the nearest bank."

[Host, what are you doing? You'd better calm down. Don't do anything foolish. I'm begging you.]

Tang Guo took off her sunglasses. There was a faint smile on her lips as she said, "Cashing the check. Leng Ziyue just gave me a check for 30 million, didn't he?"