The Ex-Girlfriend of a Wealthy Young Man (3))

[Host, what you're doing is wrong. You're a supporting actress, a female cannon fodder. What you should do now is shut yourself up at home because you're lovesick and heartbroken.

You're silently paying close attention to Leng Ziyue, but when you see how in love Leng Ziyue and Lu Qi are with each other, you can't help feeling so angry that you just have to destroy their happiness… And you're the kind of unlucky person who gets exposed every time they try to pull something off … But the more obstacles you face, the more resilient you get; and you continue to court your own doom regardless of the dangers you might bring upon yourself, until the moment you get to claim a packed meal!]

Seeing Tang Guo withdraw 30 million and deposit it to the account under her bank card, the System really wished it could jump out and strangle her.

Tang Guo scanned the text message she received. It was about the 30 million she'd just deposited. The corners of her mouth tugged into a slight smile, making her look like a complacent villain. The System was really hopping mad.

The lobby manager at the bank was very respectful towards Tang Guo. With a pleasant expression on his face, he walked her all the way out of the bank, and before she left, he also handed her his business card.

Tang Guo casually stuffed the business card into her bag and waved her hand to hail a car. When she opened the door, her gaze fell on a certain spot across the street.

"Miss, do you want a ride or not?"

The driver was clearly getting a little impatient. When he stuck his head out, his line of sight happened to fall on Tang Guo, and for a moment, he couldn't breathe. It wasn't so much that the woman right in front of him was overwhelmingly beautiful, but rather, the way she was smiling. It was so eerie and peculiar. The driver carefully asked again, "Excuse me, miss, do you still need a ride?"


Tang Guo chuckled softly before shutting the car door. Her gaze swept up to the KTV that was located across the street. Or to be more precise, her gaze followed the back of that tall, imposing man who had just walked into the KTV building.

She squinted her eyes while the corners of her mouth tugged upwards into a smile.

[Host, what antics are you up to now? I'm warning you, you'd better follow the script.]

[And you better not bring about the collapse and destruction of another world, or…]

[Ha ha ha… Or there'll come a day when I'll be wiped out? So long-winded. Are you finished yet? If you're going to keep droning on with such mindless talk, believe it or not, I'm just going to cross this road right now and proceed directly to the next world."

System: Aggrieved.

[Host, we're partners. You shouldn't abuse your teammate like this.]

Tang Guo no longer paid attention to the chaotic voice in her mind. There was only the sound of her high heels clattering away as she headed right in the direction of the KTV building.

At this point in time, Tang Guo was both innocent and seductive. In the eyes of every man who saw her, she was a little temptress, through and through. When she walked into the KTV, countless gazes fell on her.

The destination that Tang Guo had in mind was the stage where the musicians sang. The others noticed the direction she was walking in and quickly made way for her.

When Tang Guo reached the stage, the musician sitting there, singing and playing his instrument, couldn't help but stop his performance. He was a big boy with a sunny personality, and yet he blushed profusely under Tang Guo's smile.

"Miss, what song do you want to hear?"

The musician hurriedly placed both his hands back on his guitar. If it weren't for the extreme self-control he was exercising, he might not have been able to control what he was saying.

Tang Guo smiled faintly and said, "Suddenly, I feel like singing. Can I?"

"Yes, of course you can." The musician nodded his head very quickly and hurriedly made room for Tang Guo to sit. And he also made a request. "I… Can I help you with the music accompaniment?"

Tang Guo swept her gaze over the musician, giving him a once-over, before agreeing.

When she started to sing, a beautiful, intoxicating voice resounded throughout the entire dance floor. Everyone stopped whatever they were doing at the moment, their eyes seeking out the person who was singing.

The woman on stage was wearing a white dress and had a beautiful, innocent face. And the moment she raised her eyes, everyone found themselves immersed in them. These eyes were mesmerizing. Like magic, they guided everyone present into the world of her singing voice.

The door of one of the VIP rooms in the KTV opened, and a man walked over to the railing. Without even looking at the woman who was singing on the stage, he leaned against the railing, closed his eyes tightly, and seemed to be reveling in the woman's song.