The Ex-Girlfriend of a Wealthy Young Man (4)

Just when everyone in the KTV had started to get lost in Tang Guo's song, it came to an abrupt stop, and everyone woke up from the dream they were in just a moment ago.

The song they had just heard was still replaying in their minds, and yet Tang Guo had only sung half of it. She had yet to sing the best part. And so everyone was quick to cast reproachful looks at the woman on the stage.

"Miss?" The musician stopped playing. He couldn't make sense of what was happening.

Tang Guo put down the microphone and coughed gently before saying, "There's a tickle in my throat. I won't be singing for the rest of the song. Thank you."

The musician eyed Tang Guo with a helpless look, hoping that she would finish the rest of the song. However, Tang Guo had already walked off the stage.

By the time everyone thought to look for her, they had realized that she was long gone without a trace.

The song had stopped so abruptly that it caused the man standing by the railing to frown. A whiff of fragrance drifted by, forcing him to open his eyes.

He gazed at the beautiful woman standing in front of him with a glass of wine in her hands. She seemed to have something to say but was hesitant to express her thoughts. She looked at him and said, "Mr. Leng, I haven't finished the song I was singing earlier. Do you want to head inside and continue where we left off?"

"If Mr. Leng wants to stay outside for the song, then I will just sing outside." The woman, who looked very obedient and likable, handed the glass of wine to the man and said, "Your glass of wine. I brought it here for you."

The man's sharp eyes stared hard at the woman until her back was soaked in sweat, and both her legs were so weak she could hardly stand. It was at that moment that his thin lips lifted upward into a cold smirk.

The man took the wine glass and gave it a light squeeze. The glass shattered into pieces, and dark-red liquid flowed from his palm and down his arm. The woman was paralyzed with shock and fear, her dainty face instantly turning pale.

"Mr. Leng…"

A cold, sharp shard of glass was held against her lower jaw, and the piercing pain in her neck made the woman tremble all over. She couldn't even utter a single word.

Just as the woman thought that the other party was going to slit her throat, the shattered piece suddenly and unexpectedly left her body.

"You should thank the woman who just sang."

"I don't want to see blood now."

The man took out a handkerchief and wiped the dark-red liquid from his palm. Then, he turned away from her and left.

The woman cried out, gasping. She wouldn't have a future if she offended this man. She really regretted spiking his drink. Why did she let herself get so carried away?

The man returned to the VIP room and stretched both arms out as he leaned back on the sofa. With a cigarette in his mouth, he asked lazily, "Have you found that woman who was singing just now?"

"Mr. Leng, the CCTV shows that she has left the KTV," said the manager, who broke out in cold sweat. "She left right after she got off the stage. If I knew Mr. Leng would look for her, I would definitely have gotten someone to keep her here. I've already sent people out to look for her."

The man, Mr. Leng, waved his hand dismissively and said, "No need. My men will find her."

Then, the man got up.

The manager hastily adjusted his posture to stand even more upright. "Mr. Leng, are you leaving now?"

The man walked out of the cabin, leaving behind the manager, who could finally wipe away the cold sweat he had from all the fear he felt. These women were really a worrisome lot, every one of them. To think they had tried to spike this man's drink without first finding out what kind of person he was. This really scared him to death.

Fortunately... fortunately, another woman had shown up to attract their attention.

[Host, what on earth are you plotting?]

Dressed in a SpongeBob SquarePants nightgown, Tang Guo was curled up on the couch watching TV. Actually, she kind of disliked the SpongeBob SquarePants nightgown she was wearing, but it was a pity that the only other option she had was the Paddi Goat nightgown…

[Host, after watching this talent show, do you intend to follow the original plot?] The System broke down in tears. [Host, have you finally figured things out? Have you decided to be a decent, earnest cannon fodder?]

Tang Guo spat out the skin of the grapes she was eating and then wiped the corners of her mouth and her hands with a napkin. Then she said, "I want to be a singer. I want to sing."

[I love you, Host! You're finally not deviating from your original self. You're finally back to normal.] The System wept tears of joy.

Just then, the doorbell rang.