The Ex-Girlfriend of a Wealthy Young Man (5)

"Who are you people?" Tang Guo looked through the peephole and saw three tall, burly men—the kind of men that anyone would think were villains at first glance. She asked, "Are you guys trying to kidnap me?

"You guys better get out of here fast, or I'll call the police."

System: [...]

It kind of seemed like the Host was about to collapse, right?

"Miss, Mr. Leng wants to meet you."

"We're definitely not going to hurt you."

"Don't call the police. We aren't bad guys."

Tang Guo said, "I don't believe you. It's not like bad guys have it written on their foreheads that they're bad guys. You three big men, hovering at the doorstep of a single woman, definitely have bad thoughts in mind.

"I'm so beautiful, you guys must be thinking of doing bad things to me."

The three bodyguards looked at each other before finally pulling out their phones to call their boss.

"Sir, Miss Tang doesn't believe us. Do you want us to try something else?"

"What did she say?" their boss asked from the other end of the phone.

The bodyguard repeated everything that was just said, only to hear the man chuckle. Then, the man instructed, "Bust down the door and bring her here… She won't resist."

"Why???" the bodyguards asked.

[Host, the three big men are going to bust down your door.]

"Let them be," Tang Guo replied. "Someone will pay for it."

[Host, you should change your clothes just in case they try to do anything to you later. Then, you can at least try to fight back.

Do note that you are a virtuous supporting actress, and you have to keep yourself chaste and pure for the male lead. However, when it comes to a situation like this, where you're unable to defend yourself in the slightest, you can only blame it on the fact that you're just a supporting actress, a female cannon fodder.]

[Serves you right to be down on your luck!]

"Stupid. Who the hell wrote a program like you? Why are you such a fool?" Tang Guo mocked unceremoniously.

System: [I…]


Tang Guo was taken to an extremely luxurious villa, where the man, Mr. Leng, was sitting on a couch. She stood inside the living room, dressed in her SpongeBob SquarePants pajamas.

The man raised his head slightly, a cigarette in his hand. After taking a puff, he stubbed out the cigarette and tossed it into the ashtray.

"Sit," he told her.

Tang Guo walked over to the couch and sat down. She propped her chin on her hands and squinted her eyes, also checking out the man in front of her. She was unable to stop the corners of her mouth from curving upward into a smile.

"Do you want to be Mrs. Leng, or do you want fame and money?" the man asked. His sharp eyes were fixated on Tang Guo's body, his gaze pausing momentarily on the SpongeBob SquarePants design printed on the front of her shirt. Then, very quickly, he shifted his gaze, lowered his head, and snorted dismissively. The corners of his mouth were lifted into a somewhat cruel smile, and he said, "If it's the former, I'll throw you out to feed the sharks."

Tang Guo propped her chin with one hand and tutted, "To think you actually have a 'President' character design, and even a hidden Dark BOSS at that."

Leng Rui frowned, not quite understanding what she meant by that.

"Have you prepared a room for me?"

Leng Rui smiled at Tang Guo and in a beautiful voice, he replied, "No."

Tang Guo moved closer to Leng Rui until she was right beside him. In a casual manner, she sat down, and, raising her brows, said, "Let's discuss the matter of compensation now."

"From now on, you will live here. How long you stay depends on your abilities. When you leave here, you'll get the reward you want."

Leng Rui took control, dominating the conversation. He didn't follow Tang Guo's line of thought. "Now it's time for you to list your conditions," he said.

Tang Guo leaned back, acting entirely different from when she first arrived. She yawned, then said, "I want to be a singer. You're going to support me, and you're going to do so at all costs, without holding back. I want to become popular—not only popular in the nation, but also abroad. I want to be popular all over the world."

"That's all?"

"Of course, there's more," Tang Guo said as she lifted her chin. "If someone is out to make things difficult for me, you have to make things difficult for them in return. If someone beats me to the punch in any way, you have to make sure that we give them the same treatment. If any man has wicked designs on me, then you have to break his legs and make him a eunuch for life. In short, you're going to support me, and you're also going to protect me by stopping anyone who spreads rumors about me. You have to defend my reputation at all times."