The School Prince Has Been Stirred (3)

Su Yan listened attentively, then nodded her head.

"Okay, I'll keep this in mind the next time," she promised deferentially.

When Little Flower System heard its host say this, it was puzzled.

"Host, didn't you know this?"

"Don't know"

"According to the data, before you became a High God, your living conditions were more or less identical to this place. Unless… have you never been to school?"

"I haven't."

When Little Flower heard Su Yan's reply, its curiosity grew. Why hasn't Host been to school before?

"Then, Host, how did you learn in the past?"

"I read."

"Mm? Host, you could understand everything by yourself?"


Its host responded as though that was nothing unusual.

As a considerate system, it certainly wasn't going to probe any further.

After a period of silence…

Si Yan's fair and slender fingers stroked the pearl earring hanging from her earlobe.

In a soft and doubtful voice:

"Little Flower, will you always remain in this pearl?"

"When both your physical strength and brain capacity reach 7 points, we'll be able to sign a contract. Then, I'll be able to communicate with you via your consciousness."

"Oh," Su Yan softly sounded an acknowledgment.

The current system still had no means of signing a contract with Su Yan. Hence, it could only remain in the pearl earring to communicate with her.

Because she had long hair that she usually wore down, it was concealed most of the time.

In addition, Little Flower's voice was fairly soft, and since it spoke right into her ear, no one would be able to hear Little Flower's voice even if they stood right in front of Su Yan.

In a clear voice:

"Let me see the state of all my current attributes."

Following that, a flurry of red words appeared before her eyes:

[Host's Current Brain Capacity: 1]

[Host's Current Physical Strength: 3]

After which,

"What does a brain capacity of 1 mean?"

The moment the words left her mouth, the girl furrowed her dainty brows.

Not much later, that familiar voice sounded

"Host, you shouldn't think of anything right now. If the issue you're brooding over exceeds the limit of your brain capacity, you'll get a headache!"

The girl blinked her almond-shaped eyes as she stared at her meager brain capacity of 1.


Little Flower explained with a sigh, "You need to start everything from scratch."

So that was why her head hurt at the slightest thought on her way to school.

"Little Flower, you asked me to buy candy to eat. Why is that?"

"Host will definitely suffer from persistent headaches. Whenever it hurts, you should eat a sweet, ah."

"Will eating candy make it better?"

"It won't, but it will soothe your spirit."


Su Yan obediently sounded an acknowledgment.

One system and one host, one questioned while the other replied. Unexpectedly, they shared a tacit understanding of one another.

It was currently 9:10 in the morning.

By this time, lessons had already started.

The sound of footsteps approaching could be heard, accompanied by the voices of a few girls.

"Sister Yufei, I just heard someone say that Jiang Ran fought with people outside school today."

Following which, a crisp and cold voice continued, "Isn't that common? Apart from issuing him demerit points, Imperial High doesn't dare do anything else to him."

"Then… Does Sister Yufei know who he fought with?"


"It was that fiercely persistent suitor of yours, Yin Kun! Sister Yufei, Jiang Ran must have gotten jealous!"

"Don't talk nonsense"

"How is that nonsense? Sister Yufei, you don't know but these two people rarely interact with each other. If it wasn't about you, why would matters have escalated to this degree?"

Su Yan was standing at the foot of the wall when she saw two girls walking toward her.

One of them had a tall figure, an aloof expression, and a pretty face. Her arms were folded across her chest and her back was ramrod straight.

She wore the same school uniform, consisting of a white blouse and a black pleated skirt, but when this girl wore it, it had transformed into a mini skirt, emanating an inexplicable sense of austerity.