The School Prince Has Been Stirred (4)

Those two girls were Su Yan's classmates.

And the pretty one was considered their year's school beauty. Her name was Yao Yufei.

The words of the girl at her side seemed to have pleased Yao Yufei greatly, causing a trace of bashful joy to surface on her cold face.


The girl beside her affirmed it confidently.

"Of course, it's true. You're the school beauty, everyone says so. When you and Jiang Ran are together, it's a match made in heaven."

The smile on Yao Yufei's face became even more apparent.

"The whole school has heard of it?"

"That's right! Only you are compatible with Jiang Ran!" The girl made a solemn vow.

The two of them walked toward the entrance of the classroom.

Just before Yao Yufei pushed open the classroom doors, she mindlessly threw a glance at Su Yan.

That frosty and aloof expression resurfaced on her face. However, when she noticed the black tie on Su Yan's arm, she threw her a second look.

Just now… When she saw Jiang Ran at the entrance of the school...she vaguely recalled that he wasn't wearing his tie.

Furthermore, his friends seemed to have plastered an ambiguous and profound expression on their faces.

The girl next to her noticed Yao Yufei's pause, and she asked in a perplexed voice, "Yufei, what did you see?"

Yao Yufei's eyes brushed past Su Yan and, after a moment, said, "Tell me, do you think Jiang Ran will like delicate girls?"

At one glance, the girl at her side knew that Yao Yufei was referring to Su Yan.

This Su Yan had always been a timid weakling. Even though her looks were acceptable, what use would that be?

That girl spoke in a mocking voice as she intentionally took a step toward Su Yan.

"Sister Yufei, aren't you confident in yourself? How could someone like Jiang Ran be partial toward a pretentious girl? Surely he likes girls like Sister Yufei!"

When Yao Yufei heard this, she found her reasoning logical. She scoffed lightly.

She was scoffing at herself. She had no idea what crossed her mind for her to ask such a question.

She turned around and stepped into the classroom.

Yao Yufei's stare was probably too piercing, for when Su Tan looked up, her eyes caught the sight of those two girls as they threw her a mocking glance before entering the classroom.

A wisp of bewilderment surfaced in her eyes. Just now, were they talking about her?

Her fingers fiddled with the hem of her clothes.

Another twenty minutes went by.

Beyond the corridors, the weather was sunny as the sun hung brightly in the sky.

Groups of boys trickled toward the stairway, their footsteps unhurried.

They were completely unperturbed by the fact that lessons had started as they continued strolling leisurely around the campus.

This was most likely a common occurrence for them…

Until someone spoke up.

"Eh? Brother Jiang, is that the girl that we met along the alley just now?"

Originally, Jiang Ran had been walking heedlessly at the very back of the group. When he heard the boy speak, he raised his head and glanced over.

Standing at the entrance of Grades 2 Class 3 was a girl wearing a white T-shirt and a black pleated skirt, the Imperial High school uniform. His black tie was still tied around her left arm.

The girl's head was lowered and her hair cascaded down her shoulders, covering her cheeks.

At a glance, she seemed pretty listless.

"Ah, she was late?"

"Such a cute little girl, which heartless teacher punished her to stand outside?"

As these words were spoken, this group of boys traversed the long corridor. When they walked past the girl, they paid her a second glance.


As they trod on, they discovered that Jiang Ran had disappeared.

Looking back, when they finally noticed, they saw that Jiang Ran had actually stopped in front of that girl.

These few friends who welcomed any form of excitement knelt at the end of the hall, just around the corner, to watch the show unfold.

Jiang Ran looked up and his gaze brushed over them.

With one threatening stare, those boys instantly became well-behaved again.

They retreated in a jiffy.

Jiang Ran possessed a tall stature, and with Su Yan's height, she only reached up to his shoulders.