The School Prince Has Been Stirred (5)

When the two of them stood together, it accentuated Su Yan's petite stature.

He stood there for a long time. He soon realized that the girl's head had remained bowed this whole time, never once looking up.

It appeared as though she wasn't aware of his presence.

He inched his body forward and leaned closer to her, "What are you thinking about?"

His voice contained a quality of indolence unique only to him.

The clear lack of inhibition had surfaced on his face, diminishing the evil aura that she had seen in the alley.

His indolence was amplified many times.

Su Yan raised her head and glanced over with watery eyes.

It was him.

She remembered that his name was Jiang Ran.

In an exceedingly soft and earnest voice:

"Not thinking of anything"

She had probably eaten too many sweets, for when a light breeze blew by, Jiang Ran smelled the scent of strawberry milk taffies wafting over from her body.

He hated eating candy, but when he got a whiff of the fragrance on her, he thought it smelled good.

"This is our second meeting; what's your name?"

She licked the corner of her lips. "Su Yan"

When he heard that name, an idea popped up in his mind.

Looking at her, he asked, in a carefree tone, "Punished to stand?"




When Jiang Ran heard her docile reply, he chuckled.

Without continuing the conversation any further, he stuck his hands in his pocket and left with big strides. He headed downstairs.

As he took his leave, he walked past the windows of Grade 2 Class 2 by coincidence. Yao Yufei heard her classmates whisper amongst themselves.

"It's Jiang Ran ah, he's so handsome~~"

"Are you love-struck? The show's over."

"I think our goddess Yao Yufei is the only one who has a hope of capturing Jiang Ran's heart."

"Obviously I know that! But everyone has the right to ogle over handsome boys!"

The teacher rapped the blackboard to garner their attention.


The seated students finally fell silent. Because Yao Yufei had been mentioned repeatedly, many eyes turned to stare at the goddess seated in the middle of the classroom.

Yao Yufei naturally heard everything.

She straightened her back and plastered on a cold and indifferent expression.

After five minutes, Jiang Ran had unexpectedly walked back.

That caused many eyes to turn once more.

However, the students in the classroom couldn't see the bag of strawberry milk taffies in his hand.

His footsteps stopped in front of Su Yan again,

Ripping open the packaging, he picked out a piece of strawberry milk taffy and tipped it to her.

She blinked her eyes.

"It's for me?"

He grinned and propped himself up by leaning one hand against the wall, closing in the distance between the two of them.

"If it's not for you, are you saying that I should eat this baby food?"

He glanced at the candy in his hand with disdain.

When she noticed his expression, Su Yan did not say a word.

She thought, 20 minutes ago, in the alley, you ate one.

All this time, she didn't extend a hand to accept it. He knitted his brows, and peeled open the wrapper himself with great impatience, before shoving it straight into her mouth.


She was caught off-guard. The milk taffy was a little firm and his actions were far from gentle. The impact caused her lips to hurt a little.

However, the flavor of strawberry milk soon diffused inside her mouth.

That diverted her attention instantly.

Following which, the entire bag of taffy was stuffed into her hands.

When he saw her confused expression, Jiang Ran casually made up an explanation.

"This is compensation. For the alley. I'm sorry you got hurt."

In her mouth, the flavor of the milk taffy became even richer.

She blinked her watery eyes.

Because she was busy chewing her taffy, she didn't give a reply.

When the person in front of her stopped talking, his gaze brushed over her injured arm.

Suddenly, he extended a finger and tapped her forehead.

"I only have one tie, you have to return it."

She was unable to react in time to this sudden change in subject

After a long pause

"How do I return it?"

A soft voice, infused with the fragrance of strawberry and milk.

The youth standing before her suddenly leaned over, closing the gap between them. His pitch-black eyes remained fixated on her for a long time.

He asked, "Do you recognize me?"