The School Prince Has Been Stirred (24)

When Jiang Ran heard the doctor's words, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing her collapse on the ground so suddenly had caused him to jump in fright.

Following the diagnosis, he saw the doctor bring a cotton swab and disinfectant over.

"There are abrasions on her leg. I'll help her clean and disinfect it first."

Jiang Ran instinctively made way.

Peering over, there were numerous bruises of varying severity on Su Yan's fair and slender leg. At the sites of broken skin, trails of blood streamed down her calf towards her ankle.

When the doctor saw her wounds, he frowned.

"These abrasions look pretty serious."

As the medicine was applied, Su Yan woke up.

Her sickly lips appeared pale.

She blinked her watery eyes.

When Jiang Ran saw her blank expression, the creases between his brows relaxed a little.


Su Yan looked up at him, before nodding her head.


"Why were you running on the sports field?"

He couldn't help but ask.

Su Yan thought for a moment.

"Got punished by my teacher."


"Playing truant, talking back, lying to the teacher."

She carefully repeated the allegations that the teacher, Fan Haolin, had accused her of.

She spoke so softly. Instantly, the doctor's impression of Su Yan changed.

He always assumed that she was cute and adorable. From the looks of it… No wonder she got along with Jiang Ran so well.

A trace of pity flashed in the doctor's eyes.

But Jiang Ran didn't believe what he heard.

He extended a hand to pinched her cheeks. When he saw her innocent and watery eyes, he bent over and closed the distance between them.


She pondered.

"That's what the teacher said."

"Then, really?"

"I didn't."

She licked the corner of her lips as she spoke in a soft voice.

When he saw the obedient expression on Su Yan's face, the smile on his face widened.

Raising a hand, he wiped the sweat on her forehead.

His languid voice was especially trustworthy

"If you said you didn't, then you didn't."

The doctor who was dressing her wound by the side couldn't help but lift his head. He had to look twice.

Then, he sighed in his heart. Such was youth; it came with raging hormones.

Her ability to titillate others caused him to stir at the sidelines.

Seeing the girl's obedient demeanor, how could she be a match to Jiang Ran.

She'd get eaten alive.

The doctor sympathized with the little girl for a few seconds.

At the entrance of the infirmary, Yao Yufei's fingers were getting pale as they grasped the door frame tightly.

The arrogance was gone from her icy face. Instead, her eyes were brimming with an amalgam of jealousy and seething hatred.

She had never seen Jiang Ran use such a gentle voice, nor had she seen him with such a smile on his indolent face.

He would always be unbridled and willful, and no matter where he stood, he'd always be the center of attention.

Those eyes of his didn't seem to value anyone.

That was how he had always been. She didn't expect anything else.

But who was this person before her now?

Those impatient eyes were softer. His eyes were filled with Su Yan who was lying on the sick bed!

How?! Why?!

She was clearly the first to stand before Jiang Ran.

She was clearly the best match for Jiang Ran. On what basis did Su Yan suddenly appear to snatch everything that should have belonged to her??!

Yao Yufei couldn't accept this, in the depths of her heart. She turned around and left the infirmary.

But, before she could walk far, she heard a voice.

"Eh? Isn't this our School Beauty Senior Yao?" an indecent voice said.

She saw a young man with plaster stuck to his cheeks. His disheveled clothing accentuated his lewdness.

He was blocking Yao Yufei's path.

Yao Yufei was in a terrible mood. She opened her mouth and said, "Get lost! "

But that youth stubbornly refused to budge, as though he was used to Yao Yufei's verbal abuse.