The School Prince Has Been Stirred (25)

"Wow, who provoked the honorable School Beauty?"

The young man continued to block Yao Yufei's path. As a result, Yao Yufei stopped walking.

She folded her arms and took a deep breath, before adjusting her facial expression. Soon, her usual arrogance was back on her face.

"Yin Kun, do you like me?"

The young man was stumped by her sudden question, but he didn't ignore it.

"I like School Beauty Yao. The whole school knows that. I might as well put up a sign."

Strangely, Yao Yufei didn't get angry. On the contrary, she smirked. "I'm not in a good mood right now. Since you like me, would you be willing to do me a favor?"

Yin Kun didn't respond.

He merely stared at Yao Yufei.

Yao Yufei extended a hand and gripped Yin Kun's disheveled collar

"Aren't you feeling aggrieved because of Jiang Ran? I'm giving you a chance to take your revenge right now."

"What are you trying to say?"

"There's a girl named Su Yan in our class. Haven't you been looking for an opportunity to knock Jiang Ran down a peg? Perhaps, this girl might be the solution."

Yin Kun stared at Yao Yufei silently with narrowed eyes.

When Yao Yufei noticed his vigilant expression, a trace of ridicule flashed behind her eyes.

"I hate this Su Yan. If you can teach her a lesson, I would be pleased. If you can make Jiang Ran upset at the same time… Wouldn't you like to kill two birds with one stone?"

A shred of light flashed past Yin Kun's eyes. Suddenly, he burst out laughing.

"For a smile from you, anything is worth it."

As he said this, he attempted to close in and kiss her, but Yao Yufei dodged him.

Yin Kun didn't respond to her dodge, he just stuffed his hands into his pockets, before departing with big strides.

Seeing Yin Kun's mannerisms, 30% seemed similar to Jiang Ran.

What a pity, it was like a botched attempt at drawing a tiger, only to end up with a dog.

Disdain flashed through Yao Yufei's eyes.

She had originally intended to take her leave, but she couldn't leave it like that.

So, she turned around and stomped back via the same route.

When she returned to the infirmary this time, she realized that the doctor and Jiang Ran were both gone.

Su Yan was the only one there, leaning her head against the wall with a bowed head and a pale complexion.

Yao Yufei clenched her teeth.

She walked inside.

An IV line had been set on Su Yan's hand. It was probably something like an administration of glucose, to help her recover some energy swiftly.

Closing her eyes, her lashes trembled gently, accentuating her fragility.

Yao Yufei stood quietly at her bedside for a long time.

Stretching out a hand, she was about to touch the hand where the IV line was set.

Suddenly, a fair hand grasped her wrist.

A weak voice said faintly, "You cannot touch something that doesn't belong to you."

In shock, Yao Yufei retracted her hand quickly.

Su Yan's eyelashes trembled as she opened her eyes.

Her watery eyes gazed at the visitor as her pale lips opened and closed.

"What's the matter?"

Yao Yufei recovered from her fluster and stood at the head of the bed with a renewed sense of coldness.

"Su Yan, you sure can act."

When the person on the bed heard this, her eyebrows furrowed slightly.

After a long time:

"If you can only say worthless things, then the best option is not to speak."

"You!" Yao Yufei was so incensed by Su Yan's words that her complexion became ashen.

Su Yan reacted quite calmly.

She had lived on this plane for quite a long time. With greater understanding, she had somewhat adapted to it.

If one opened their mouth, and if they could only vocalize threats with no substance, it would only cause the listener to become impatient.

To deal with someone they didn't like, was this all they could say?

Then it would be an utter waste of the 1% brain capacity that Little Flower left for her.

It appeared that she didn't really need much brainpower to interact with them.