The School Prince Has Been Stirred (26)

Yao Yufei had originally intended to teach Su Yan a lesson. In the end, her words were unexpectedly stuck in her throat.

She stomped away in a huff once more.

When the third period of the day ended, Su Yan was done with her IV drip.

The school doctor gave some orders: "Don't let your wound come into contact with water for the next few days to prevent infection."

Su Yan climbed off the bed and replied politely, "Thank you, doctor."

As he watched her, the school doctor grew fonder of Su Yan.

The students who walked into the infirmary were usually those who didn't study well.

It was rare to encounter such an obedient student, one that could soften the heart of others.

He passed a bag packed with medicine to Su Yan.

"Remember to change the dressing on time."


While the two of them were speaking, Jiang Ran walked in.

When he realized that Su Yan had climbed off the bed, he furrowed his brows, moved closer to support her.

"Why did you get up?"

She blinked her watery eyes. "Going to head to class"

"Let me help you."

As he spoke, he took the medicine bag out of her hands.

Without warning, he took her into his arms.

The two of them walked out slowly.

The school doctor, who had been ignored, touched his nose and tried to mask his awkwardness.

Hey, youthfulness is truly wonderful, ah.

When the two of them reached the door of Grade 2 Class 3, the language teacher Fan Haolin just so happened to walk out.

In the end, they came face to face.

When Fan Haolin saw Su Yan embracing Jiang Ran outside the classroom door, his complexion became ashen.

"Su Yan! Is this some sort of demonstration to me??"

When Su Yan heard this, she lifted her head.

"Teacher, what do you mean?"

"What do you think I mean?!"

Fan Haolin pelted them with angry rebukes.

"Not only are you dating at such a young age, you even dare to bring your little boyfriend before me? Were those 20 laps insufficient?"

Jiang Ran's eyelids fluttered open as his eyes carried a faint touch of indolence. "Teacher, is this how you set a good example for others?"

Fan Haolin was too invested in his anger and had failed to have a careful look at who her 'little boyfriend' was.

When he heard that voice, he turned his head and froze for a moment.

"Jiang Ran?"

Strangely, the teacher's attitude suddenly mellowed a little.

Su Yan licked the corner of her lips as she stood to the side.


Fan Haolin furiously turned his head to look at Su Yan again.

"You are my student. I am only responsible for teaching you."

Su Yan blinked her eyes.

"Teacher, are you showing favoritism?"

Fan Haolin wanted to vent his anger. But, when he saw Jiang Ran, he took a deep breath

"Return to class first. After the lesson, meet me in the staff room."

After he finished speaking, Fan Haolin marched off gruffly.

Because the door to Grade 2 Class 3 was wide open, the commotion that occurred outside was clearly visible to all the students inside.

"Hey hey hey, Su Yan came back in Jiang Ran's arms. Jiang Ran wouldn't keep shielding Su Yan from trouble in the future, right?"

"But what happened to Fan Haolin? Wasn't he always strict and impartial? He's always been so harsh towards us, why didn't he get angry when Jiang Ran spoke to him in such a manner?"

"Big Brother, this can't be right? How many years have you been in Imperial High School? Jiang Ran has done everything from fighting to stirring up trouble, right? Apart from a few demerit points here and there, how else has he been punished? The school's never even called his parents. It's probably because Fan Haolin knows he can't afford to offend him, which is why he chose to pick on the pushover Su Yan."

"Then she's a goner. Won't he give Su Yan a hard time as soon as Jiang Ran is gone?"

"Whose fault is that? Didn't you hear what Fan Haolin said?"

"Su Yan might just be pretending to be docile. Who knows how she actually is behind our backs."

When Su Yan walked into the classroom, Jiang Ran was still supporting her.

She hesitated a little as she stood at the entrance.

"I can walk myself."