The School Prince Has Been Stirred (31)

Jiang Ran didn't reply. He glanced at Su Yan.

"Want to go?"

KTV… she'd never been to one.

She nodded docilely.

"I want to go."

When Jiang Ran heard this, he grinned languidly. Extending a hand, he caressed Su Yan's hair.

"Alright, then we'll go."

When the boy saw Su Yan nod her head, he almost couldn't stop himself from leaping upwards.

He immediately gave directions.

"Okay, Starry KTV. See you there."

Once he said this, he slipped away hastily.

The moment they exited the school gates, they called a taxi.

However, they headed in the direction of Su Yan's house.

She was bewildered.

"Aren't we going to the KTV?"

Extending two fingers, she fidgeted with the black butterfly bow on her collar.

"You'd wear your school uniform to the KTV?"

When he noticed Su Yan's puzzled expression, he inched closer to her.


"Never been before?"


"Apart from studying, what have you been doing all these years?"


When Jiang Ran heard this, he was a little shocked.

Alright then. This was truly his first time interacting with such a virtuous girl

When they reached Su Yan's house, he conveyed a few words to her before she alighted.

"I will pick you up in a while."


She nodded her head and sounded an acknowledgment.

15 minutes later, in a private KTV room:

Jiang Ran pushed open the doors and strolled in.

He walked straight into a bustling group of people.

Lowering his eye, he sat down on a corner seat.

Soon, everyone quietened down.

A few of them nudged and shoved each other. At last, they pushed Cheng Xingyang forward.

There was nothing Cheng Xingyang could do as he walked over.

"You're back so early? Where's our schoolmate Su Yan?"

No one could discern whether Jiang Ran was smiling or not as he reclined against the sofa.

"Isn't it Fatty's birthday today? Where is he?"

The moment the words left his mouth, everyone exchanged glances. Not a single person responded.

Following which, they heard Jiang Ran say unhurriedly

"If I recall correctly, didn't the Fatty celebrate his birthday two months ago? Did his mom give birth to him twice?"

Cheng Xingyang cleared his voice at the side. "Ah. Hear us out."

"Right right right. Brother Jiang, everything happens for a reason," the people at the sidelines quipped simultaneously.

Jiang Ran stretched out his hands and tossed a ring of keys onto the marble table.

An ear-piercing clang rang.

He was completely unruffled amidst the chaos

"Explain then."

Cheng Xingyang's entire face was brimming with awkwardness. He retreated backward subconsciously and leaned to the side.

"We were all curious about where Su Yan's divinity came from. Didn't we just want to have a look?"

Although he was Jiang Ran's close childhood friend, and although they grew up together since the time they wore baby suits, whenever Jiang Ran got angry, he never considered their close ties, and neither did he care about whether or not they had bonded over baby suits.

Once Cheng Xingyang finished speaking, the other four at the side immediately nodded their heads.

"Right right right. That's exactly it."

When they said this, they checked whether Jiang Ran was displaying any signs of anger.

The entire line of people hastily made their confessions

"Brother Jiang, we won't do it again."

The atmosphere was tense.

Jiang Ran narrowed his eyes.

He stood up.

Cheng Xingyang also retreated backward and dove for cover.

They thought he was about to erupt in fury.

As a result, they heard him say one line

"Since you've already made such claims, you better act well."

"Yes yes yes… Eh?"

He glanced at his phone.

"Half an hour. Make sure everything is ready."

After he said this, Jiang Ran turned around and made his exit.

The moment he left, the few of them widened their small eyes.

"Mm? What does Brother Jiang mean?"

"What else could he mean! We've gotta celebrate Fatty's birthday a second time"

"Jiang Ran hates people who lie the most. I didn't think we'd make it out of this alive."

As he said this, he started to perspire.

"This is all your f*cking fault. KTV, and celebrating a birthday. We agreed on just a regular meeting. Who asked you to spout such nonsense?!"

"Jiang Ran doesn't come on outings like these. Who would have known that he would agree."

"Hey hey hey. Tell me, do you think schoolmate Su Yan will really come?"

"Of course. Do you think Brother Jiang has a screw loose? Why else would he want us to celebrate Fatty's birthday a second time??!"