The School Prince Has Been Stirred (32)

The group of boys chatted for a long time before they started to decorate.

After all, if Brother Jiang wasn't satisfied, he might change his mind about ignoring their lies earlier. He would make them all miserable.

With Little Flower's advice, Su Yan chose an ivory dress.

After packing her things, she grabbed her phone and stood just outside her front door to wait obediently.

The parents of the original host were always traveling due to their various business ventures. They were rarely home.

To Su Yan, such freedom was largely an advantage.

Suddenly, she heard a voice call out from the side, "You must be Su Yan, right?"

The voice was snide and overconfident. It was followed by a chorus of rude guffaws.

Lifting her head to have a look, she saw a group of boys. The leader of the group was wearing an Imperial High School uniform, while the rest of them were dressed in a myriad of dribs and drabs.

As he spoke, they circled around her so tightly that no light passed between them.

Su Yan blinked her eyes and replied honestly, "Yes"

When he saw how docile she was, the leader flashed an expression of pity.

"Such an adorable girl. Why did she have to go and provoke Jiang Ran?"

That person scanned Su Yan's figure with lewd eyes.

Su Yan didn't display a trace of the alarm which would have been typical of any other girl. She even inquired, "Have we met?"

That leader ruffled his collar and casually ran his fingers through his hair.

"I'm Yin Kun. You've never met me, but you've probably heard of me."

As he said this, the people standing behind Yin Kun started jeering.

"Why can't I find myself an obedient girl like you?"

"You always involve yourselves with the girls at the bar. How can they compare to the ones in school?"

"Hehehe Brother Kun, how can we strike a girl like this? Why don't we use another method, that'll work too, ah."

That unbridled voice had unknowingly become outrageously lewd.

At this time, the sun was setting and there weren't many people walking along the road.

At a glance, their gang members were the only ones present apart from Su Yan. At this hour, the evil that was suppressed in the depths of their hearts was precipitously amplified.

Su Yan had a fair and tender countenance. Someone couldn't help but stretch his hand out wantonly, intending to take advantage of her.

Yin Kun slapped that perverted hand away.

Making himself appear to be the hero saving a damsel in distress, he drew closer to Su Yan with a smirk on his face.

"Schoolmate Su Yan, why don't you become my girlfriend."

His voice was rather salacious and seemed to infringe uncomfortably into her personal space as he inched closer and closer.

Su Yan looked up.


Her voice was clear and faint. It was also exceptionally well-mannered.

However, such a gentle voice wasn't convincing at all.

Yin Kun grinned and extended a hand to grasp Su Yan's arm.

"Little Su Yan. If you follow me, I guarantee you that you'll have an easy life at Imperial High!"

As he said this, the crowd behind Yin Kun all whistled.

Su Yan shrugged off his hand and took a step back. She said, a little more seriously, "No."

Yin Kun grinned and continued to step closer.

His gaze was getting even wilder.

"No? Just like that? Then don't blame this big brother for taking a harder approach."

As he said this, his hand attempted to grab Su Yan's shoulder.

However, a fair hand moved even swifter than him.

Su Yan pursed her lips slightly. Raising her arm, she grabbed that naughty hand.

Suddenly, she exerted some strength. With a snap, the sound of bones cracking was heard. Yin Kun didn't even have time to cry out in pain before he was slammed to the ground with a shoulder throw.

"Brother Kun??"

"Little Kun??"

The people behind Yin Kun were all stunned.

What was going on??

She licked the corner of her lips and shifted two steps to the side.