The School Prince Has Been Stirred (34)

Just as Little Flower was puzzling over the matter...

A taxi stopped in front of Su Yan and Jiang Ran stepped out. He caught sight of her weakened state and pale lips as she leaned against the wall to rest.

His subdued figure transformed once more as a frown surfaced on his face.

Taking big strides over...

Bending forward...

"What happened?"

His voice was infected with an evil aura.

Su Yan blinked her eyes. With innocent eyes...

"Nothing much. I'm just a little tired."

When Jiang Ran heard this, the furrows on his brows didn't relax. On the contrary, the creases tightened.

When Su Yan noticed him staring fixedly at her legs, she followed his line of vision.

At that time, she finally noticed that the scab on her leg had burst open again. Fresh blood trickled down her legs to her ankles. She hadn't noticed it before.

She tugged at her white dress in an attempt to cover it up.

Looking up, he stared at her in the eye.

Catching her by the waist...

"Let's get you to the hospital."

By the time he was finished speaking, he was already sitting in a taxi with her in his arms.

The vehicle slowly revved to life before heading in the direction of the hospital.

She sat right next to Jiang Ran.

The wound on her leg looked frightening, but it actually didn't hurt much.

In contrast to the injured party, Jiang Ran's expression was much graver.

She gripped a handkerchief in her hand. After a short while, beads of sweat surfaced on her forehead again. Then, she used the white handkerchief in her hands to dab away the sweat.

When Jiang Ran saw this, he thought that she was in pain, and his brows knit even further.

The moment they reached the hospital, he immediately rushed into the hospital with her in his arms.

At first, the doctor saw a boy charging in with a girl in his arms.

The boy's complexion was rather unsightly, and he appeared anxious. He didn't look like someone to be trifled with.

Blood was trickling down the leg of the girl in his arms, creating a meandering trail that reached her ankles. It looked quite alarming, and he thought that a serious car accident had occurred.

The surgeon immediately brought a stethoscope to the hospital bed. With a grave expression, he said, "Can you please describe what happened."

"The wound on her leg ripped open."

When the doctor heard that it was a wound that had reopened, his hand paused midair. He lowered his stethoscope and his expression became more relaxed.

When he examined the abrasion on Su Yan's leg, the doctor's expression wandered over to Jiang Ran's figure, most likely blaming him for such an excessive overreaction.

10 minutes later:

The doctor brought two pieces of Band-Aid as well as a bottle of iodine. After cleaning her wound with the iodine, he pasted the two Band-Aids in place.

Following which, he said, "Avoid spicy food, don't smoke, and don't drink alcohol. It'll recover in around a week's time."

Su Yan licked the corner of her lips and stepped off the bed. She tugged at the hem of her dress.

"Thank you, doctor."

She was well-manner, and she even appeared rather docile.

The doctor heaved a sigh of relief.

Then, his eyes shifted onto Jiang Ran's figure, staring at the boy through his reading glasses.

He realized that Jiang Ran's attention was still focused on her wound.

That white-haired doctor couldn't help but comment, "Your boyfriend treats you quite well ah. He was very worried about you. Although his actions have caused me some psychological distress."

The latter half of his comment referred to the expression Jiang Ran displayed when he passed through the doors – An expression with an aura of evil.

Su Yan blinked and glanced at Jiang Ran.

Licking the corner of her lip, she remained taciturn.

Then, Jiang Ran supported Su Yan as they walked out of the hospital.

After this fiasco, the sky had already turned dark.

Su Yan couldn't help but turn to him and ask, "Your friend is celebrating his birthday today. Did we make him wait too long?"

Jiang Ran remembered the 'pack of rogues' in the KTV.

"Nope," he replied indolently.

He looked at her with narrowed eyes. "You really want to go?"


When Jiang Ran saw the injury on her leg, he was reluctant to let her overexert herself.

However, when he noticed her anticipation, he finally said, "Alright, let's go and celebrate his birthday."