The School Prince Has Been Stirred (35)

Traffic was heavy as cars flooded the road.

At this time, people were getting off work, and there was a high volume of vehicles commuting back and forth.

As expected, they were stuck in a traffic jam.

At the entrance of the KTV at this time:

Yao Yufei walked into the KTV wearing a pretty Chanel black lace dress and handbag of the latest model.


A crisp female voice sounded out. It was Zhao Yue.

She had a close relationship with Yao Yufei.

As she walked over, she caught sight of Yao Yufei's outfit. Sheer wonder flashed past her eyes.

"Wah, Yufei, you're really pretty!"

Yao Yufei ruffled her cascading hair, adding an element of mystery to her icy appearance.

Zhao Yue clung onto Yao Yufei's arm and chuckled.

"Today, Yufei is definitely the most stunning and eye-catching star out there."

Such a compliment would naturally bring happiness to the listener.

Yao Yufei patted Zhao Yue on the shoulder

"All right, you don't have to mention it anymore. I'm not even the star of the day. I was invited by someone."

Zhao Yue didn't agree with this. "Ai ya, Yufei! Why are you so shy? It is the truth after all!" Zhao Yue's expression became ambiguous. "I heard Jiang Ran will be here."

Yao Yufei's eyes widened. "Jiang Ran will be coming as well?"

"That's right. When the time comes… When Jiang Ran sees how beautiful you are, he'll prostrate before your red dress."

Zhao Yue spoke with utmost certainty. Yao Yufei's face flushed red and she muttered

"Don't speak nonsense. There is nothing between Jiang Ran and me."

"Ai ya, my dear school beauty Yao. The entire school only recognizes one person. You're the only one who is qualified to be with Jiang Ran, all right? And as for that wildflower that popped up along the way, she'll definitely be inferior if she stands next to you."

Zhao Yue's words seemed to refer to someone.

When Yao Yufei heard this, an image of Su Yan surfaced in her mind. She tightened her grip on her handbag.

Then, Zhao Yue said, "Anyways, Yufei, we should head in soon."

When Yao Yufei heard this, a faint smile appeared on her face. She nodded. "All right."

The two of them walked toward the private room.

When Cheng Xingyang caught sight of Yao Yufei, he blanked out.

Then, when he saw Yao Yufei take a seat noisily, he couldn't help but frown. He nudged the boy seated next to him. "Who asked you to call her over?"

That boy was stumped silly

"What about it? The moment our honorable school beauty arrived, didn't you see how happy they became? To the extent that they almost leaped onto the sofa."

After saying this, the boy's expression changed. He appeared to have remembered something.

"Sh*t, I forgot. Brother Jiang will be bringing schoolmate Su Yan over."

Cheng Xingyang shot a glare at the boy. "Oh, has your brain finally returned from its holiday?"

That boy's complexion paled. "Xingyang, what should I do? Brother Jiang won't murder me, right?"

"No worries, he won't kill you. At the very least, he will leave you with a single breath."

When he said this, Cheng Xingyang slapped the boy on his chest, only to see the boy turn even paler.

Within the next second, that boy clung to Cheng Xingyang's arm. "Xingyang, you must save your brother!!"

Chen Xingyang held up a glass of beer and took a sip. He rolled his eyes in exasperation.

With a flying kick, he exclaimed, "Get lost! Stay far away from me!"

Although the two of them were fretting at the sidelines, it was an irrefutable fact that Yao Yufei's arrival had livened up the atmosphere.

Around 10 minutes later, the doors of the private room opened.

Jiang Ran was wearing a white T-shirt casually paired with a set of black pants. His clothes were loose, and his stature was tall. A touch of indolence could be seen between his brows, coupled with that unrelenting evil aura shrouding him.