The School Prince Has Been Stirred (36)

"Brother Jiang is here!"

When that outcry sounded, countless boys who were 'in the know' turned their head hastily as they glanced behind Jiang Ran.

In the end, after staring for half a day, they saw no one else aside from Jiang Ran.

They reclined onto the sofa with slight disappointment.

Whispering amongst themselves:

"I thought that our little schoolmate Su Yan would be coming. What's the point if Brother Jiang came alone?"

"That's right. We've already seen her a few hundred thousand times. Is Brother Jiang going to keep his little mistress hidden away from the world?"

The instant Jiang Ran took a seat on the sofa, the whispering immediately ceased.

Gossip was important. But preserving their lives was even more important.

It was fine if Su Yan didn't come. The School Beauty was here.

Countless busybodies winked at him, while giving him enthusiastic reminders.

"Brother Jiang, the School Beauty is here."

As they said this, they would point towards the person hogging the spotlight.

Jiang Ran looked questioningly at Cheng Xingyang with furrowed brows.

"What's she here for?"

Cheng Xingyang raised both his hands to declare his innocence in this matter.

"It wasn't me"

Once he said this, Cheng Xingyang hurriedly changed the subject.

"Where's Su Yan? Didn't you go to pick her up? After leaving for so long, you didn't manage to bring her over?"

Jiang Ran didn't respond. He merely reclined onto the sofa languidly. A large part of his body sunk into the comfy sofa.

Just sitting there, in silence.

At the start, everyone was on the edge due to Jiang Ran's arrival.

But they soon realized that Jiang Ran wasn't going to speak. He was simply sitting there.

After a while, the crowd stopped caring as much. They chose whatever song they fancied and started singing like howling wolves and crying ghosts.

Yao Yufei was seated right in the middle. Her eyes subconsciously drifted to Jiang Ran's figure.

At her side, Zhao Yue couldn't help but say, "Why didn't Su Yan come? Was she frightened because she heard you were coming?"

As she said this, Zhao Yue laughed slightly, covering her mouth.

Yao Yufei's posture was prim and proper.

"Alright, enough with the laughter. A small thing like this doesn't warrant such excitement."

Even though she said that, it was clear that she had heaved a sigh of relief.

Zhao Yue flashed an ambiguous expression and tapped on Yao Yufei's arm

"Just now, I saw Jiang Ran secretly looking at you."

Yao Yufei's face instantly reddened. "How do you know he was looking at me?"

As she said this, Yao Yufei couldn't help but cast a glance at Jiang Ran once more.

Zhao Yue said in confidence, "It wouldn't be a mistake. Apart from you, who else would Jiang Ran look at? But…" She paused for a moment before continuing. "Yufei, do you want to go over and greet him?"

"This… Wouldn't be too good, right?"

"What's not good about it? Our School Beauty is gracing everyone with her face. I haven't seen anyone who wouldn't appreciate it."

After been nudged for a long time, Yao Yufei finally stood up. She held a special beer with low alcohol content in her hand.

Walking up to Jiang Ran, she spoke in a reluctant voice, "Jiang Ran, you're here"

It was rare to see the icy School Beauty take the initiative to greet someone.

Everyone's attention was drawn.

Jiang Ran opened his eyes. His pitch-black eyes were unreadable as he retained his characteristic indolence.


He replied in a lukewarm manner. He didn't speak any further.

Yao Yufei stood there awkwardly.

A boy standing at the side hastily stepped forward to dissolve the awkward atmosphere.

"Here here here. School Beauty Yao, have a seat, have a seat."

As he said this, he gave up his own seat.

Just like this, Yao Yufei sat on the left of Jiang Ran with a glass in her hand and an upright posture.

A red glow surfaced on her face, before fading away almost instantly. She was still as pretty and cold as before

A bang sounded.

The doors of the private room were pushed open.

A fair hand held the handle.

Dressed in an ivory dress, with hair that draped over her shoulders, she walked in while blinking her watery eyes.

She was even holding a pink gift box in her hands.