Chapter 1 = The Project

A bright sunny sun brings Tyrant back to life. A fresh start for a tired day makes Tyrant got up from his blanket immediately and start to get ready. He double check his curly brown hair and wear his long-sleeved shirt along with a tight blue jeans.

"Good morning, Sir Dominic. What do you want for breakfast?" said a robot with a square shape body looking at his master curiously.

"Just go get me some sausage. I have an important things to do in office this morning. And don't forget to clean my new machine. I'll start to work at it tonight," said Tyrant before brushing his curly hair.

After that, Tyrant check on his phone and cringe to some photos that send by his boss. A sexy looking android that make for man lust. That is what his boss want for free time.

"Oh God, this is getting crazy," said him with a cringe expression. Then, the breakfast robot went over him then offer a plate full of sausage and spicy sauce.

"Thanks! You never dissapoint me," said Tyrant before patting his loyal robot.

After that, Tyrant decide to go to his office. He drive a lamborghini car and went fast to the road like lightning. Tyrant really loves his job to the point he doesn't care about the road rule.

"Finally! Back to life!" said him when he finally in his office. Tyrant went to his desk and grabs some paper for his next project.

"As always, the workaholic," said Frederick, one of Tyrant friend that help him in a project. His word makes Tyrant sigh.

"You know, i can't help it. A noble is an honor for me but this machines are my life," said Tyrant before grabbing some metal on his bag and boxes.

Frederick sigh a little and started to drink some coffee on his hand. After that, he decide to say some word that Tyrant always listen from many people.

"You know, you almost 30. Why don't you start to settle down and get a woman on your life?" ask Frederick. That succesfully makes Tyrant cringe a bit.

"You kidding me? A woman? You know, this machines are my womans. I don't know is it a fetish or what, i don't care. I still in love with machine," said Tyrant and ended the conversation. That makes Frederick sigh and when out defeated. He never know what really in Tyrant's mind.

"Mr. Dominic? Mr. Jackson wants to meet you. It's about your new project," said Micah, the secretary of the big boss.

"I'll be there. Just wait a minute," said Tyrant after putting back some metal to the boxes. Then, he went to his boss office that near the big workbench.

"Good morning sir. Is there any client?" ask Tyrant. He always know the reason why his boss call him.

"No actually. This is about the nether project that you create. I wanna know more about it," said Mr.Jackson before lighting up his ciggarate.

Tyrant start his presentation by putting his paperwork in the table and place a black box. After that, the box shine a a lot of picture with numbers inside it. Tyrant takes a deep breath and start to talk.

"First of all, our world divide by three dimension. First is our dimension that is call 'The Real Sight'. Why i call it that? Because this is the world that we actually can see. The second one 'The Lost Soul'. It is the world for all the lost soul that still have revenge and madness inside them. Because of that, they cannot come back to the real after life home where they should be. That is why they are lost. The third dimension, i call it 'The Loner Rat'. Why? Cause in there, the creatures are unique and have a different behaviour than 'The Real Sight' and 'The Lost Soul'. You know elf? Fairies? Or any other? In that world, you can find those kind of creature. And what i want to find, is 'The Loner Rat'," said Tyrant before breathing back. His heart is beating faster than he knows. Hoping his boss talk right now to relief his anxiety.

"You know i don't believe all that right? Like fairies and stuff," said Mr. Jackson before smoking his ciggarate. Makes Tyrant have to explain something again.

"I'll make you believe that is actually real. I will bring one of them and will make you succesfully suprise. You can believe me as the man of a noble," said Tyrant tried to convince his boss. Mr. Jackson takes a deep breath after he sees a deep please inside Tyrant eyes.

"Well, i guess i have no choice," said Mr. Jackson. Making Tyrant eyes bigger because of relief.

"Oh God! Really? Thank you so much," said Tyrant by shaking Mr. Jackson hand. Making Mr. Jackson laugh at his childish behaviour.

"But one thing. If you cannot make that kind of machine, build me the android in that picture i gave you," said Mr. Jackson. Tyrant answer it with a nod and went out from his boss office after grabbing his paperwork and the black presentation box.

"So, how is it going?" ask Frederick before sipping his coffee again.

"Well, he supports my project. Fortunately, i just need to finish this paper, go back home, do some coding, and tada... the machine will work," said Tyrant and makes Frederick laugh a lot. His coffee almost spit from his mouth.

"You know, i don't think my jokes are funny. But okay," said Tyrant before opens up his laptop and started to write on the notepad. Sometimes, he sips his coffee and sigh a lot.

In the evening, Tyrant finish his whole paperwork and reports. The sore feel on his shoulder and back makes him sigh of tired and close his tired eyes.

"So...You still have coding?" ask Frederick. Tyrant answer with a nod and eyes close.

"You know, i can help you with the machine. You do the coding. But i have to go home at eight. Daisy will kill me if i am not," said Frederick and it succesfully makes Tyrant open his eyes. He see Frederick with a thankful eyes.

"Really? You're not kidding right?" ask Tyrant. Frederick nod at his weird friend with a fake looking smile.

"Thank you so much! This project will finish in no time with your help," said Tyrant with a happy expression in all of his face. Makes Frederick sigh and laugh.