Chapter 2 = A Woman

A full moon decorate a dark night sky and make it more beautiful. It however guide the two young man down to the town. The two of them having a nice conversation with a coffee in one of their hands. Looking comfortable at each other.

"So how is your project? I heard you gonna make a dog android?" ask Tyrant before sipping his coffee.

"Well, i almost finish it. Only a few days until the company due date for my android. By the way, what did you cost if you didn't finish this big project you proud of?" ask Frederick with a curious look.

"Um... Making a sexy android for boss?" answer Tyrant not sure. Making Frederick burst to laugh.

"You know our boss, right? He is full of lust," said Frederick and making Tyrant feels a cold aura for a second.

"Oh yeah! Why you leave the car?" ask Frederick.

"Well, i give it to boss. He is addicted to it," said Tyrant before sipping his coffee again. His answer makes Frederick sigh because of how rich his comrade is.

Then, they finally stop on the big house. The big house belongs to Tyrant a few years after he got the noble.

"So here we are. Now what?" ask Frederick to his beloved and rich comrade, Tyrant that is busy with his bag right now. Frederick still stands and sees in front of a big house with a modern interior that make every single human stand for a second just to look at it.

"Oh sorry. Come in! I'll show you the machine," said Tyrant with welcoming expression to his comrade. Frederick roll his eyes and sigh as he walks in.

Inside the house, there are many comfortable sofas and a big television in front of it. The kitchen are full of robot and the living room fill with lot of cleaning androids. That makes Frederick shake his head looking at all the interior in front of him.

They finally made it to the gigantic workbench. Making Frederick's eyes bigger when sees all the metal and all the unfinished machine.

"So where is it? You know that i am going to work at it, right?" ask Frederick impatiently. Making Tyrant chuckle by seeing Frederick's curious expression. Tyrant takes Frederick in front of gigantic things that wrap inside a blanket.

"Here," said Tyrant when they went in front of a big thing that wrap inside a blanket. Tyrant took the blanket off and it show a big wheel with lot of cable attach to it. The scenery makes Frederick laugh.

"You kidding? This wheel?" ask Frederick before continue to laugh. But Tyrant didn't give up to show Frederick how the machine works. He know that Frederick will be surprise of what he sees later.

"I just finish some coding and you'll see how it done," said Tyrant with an expression full of pride. That makes Frederick's laugh even harder.

"I believe that kind of things, it is only your childish imagination," said Frederick before continue to laugh.

"Well, people used to see as a workaholic man with a childish-mindblowing imagination. But that actually how i get a noble," said Tyrant before transfer some of the metal in his hand to Frederick's hands. Making Frederick overwhelmed with all the parts on his hand.

"This is the paperwork. This will guide you to where the part must attach. Please work carefully.This is a big project for me and i don't want to ruin it and end up with making sexy robot for our boss," said Tyrant with a please face. Making Frederick sigh seeing his expression.

"Is it better to make a sexy woman android than this thing, right? It's frustating and i don't believe fairytale," said Frederick with a small voice so Tyrant didn't hear any of his mutter.

An hour pass and the two young man still concentrate with all of their work. Sure it is theraputic thing to them when they start to work in amazing machines.

"So, how do it look?" ask Tyrant when all the important metals already attach to the machine. They stand up and see the gigantic wheel in front of them and looked ready to be played.

"Well, just look at this pretty lady," answer Frederick before wiping his sweat with his left hand. His smile didn't even fade after seeing his hardwork.

"Let us try then," said Tyrant exitedly before grabbing a remote control that attach to a laptop. Tyrant push some button and he makes some coding in it. Only a few second, a ray lights came from the wheel hole and it makes all the eyes close. After a few second, the ray lights turn into a dark portal in the wheel hole.

"So, how do you think?" ask Tyrant by playing his remote control. It successfully making Frederick burst to laugh because of how proud he is.

"Well, where is the creature?" ask Frederick. Tyrant shake his shoulder and went inside the portal.

By that time, Tyrant saw a beautiful rainforest with lot of flowers that glow brightly and some of butterflies that fly around the flowers. A gigantic tree with a lot of mystique aura stand among all of the plants. A river full of shining fishes makin this forest a lot more beautiful.

"I can't believe it. I actually made it," said Tyrant with eyes full of happiness.

"Yep! You did it," said Frederick that already standing with Tyrant all along the times. Enjoy the beautiful scenery in front of him.

"We should come back," said Frederick by shaking his comrade shoulder. Tyrant walk slowly to the portal went to his dimension. Then he close the portal with his remote.

"Great sight," said him before breathing with a relax expression. Until when he turn around, his face began to pale.

A woman with a dark eyes see him sharply. She has a little wings behind her and her ear are kinda weird. But she use an earring in one her ear. Her hair long enough to close her naked feature. She sees around him curiously and starts running like a lost cat.

"Hey! Come back!" said Tyrant by chasing the woman with a panic expression. But the fact is, the woman runs a lot faster than Tyrant and causing Tyrant to breath heavily.

"Huh... I guess running is not attach to science," said Tyrant before breathing heavily. He tries to control his tired body to find the woman. But he senses something was off. Like someone is not in this room.

"Frederick?" call Tyrant before looking around to find his comrade. But the problem is, Frederick is not there. That makes him has a bad feeling where his comrade might be.

"No! He got trap!" said Tyrant before running to his laptop. In there, he makes a lot of code to cancel the closing portal. But, there is no use. None of the codes are useful.

"Dang it! Frederick!" shout Tyrant to the portal. Hoping his comrade to actually come back. But hoping a miracle are less than make efforts to bring back Frederick.

But, he hears a loud sound coming from outside his big workbench. Tyrant runs fast to go outside from his workbench to see what's going on. He just hope something likes in his mind. But what he sees is even worse.

The woman that lost to his dimension starting to plays all of the robot. She flies from other robot to another. Playing with the robot heads and laugh along with it. Some of the robots are tearing apart and calling for their master.

"What are you doing!?" yells Tyrant. It make the woman shook and sees him with an afraid expression. Her mouth is shut seeing every move that Tyrant make.

"You really kidding me?! Look at this mess! You're making my comrade lost to other dimension and you really here to just hanging around like a monkey! The -" Tyrant's mouth shuts immediately when suddenly he sees a tear drops from the woman's eyes. Making his heart beating fast and feeling afraid that he might hurts her feeling.

He went in front of her. He sees her with a warm eyes. Trying not to make his move so sudden that might scared the lady. Fortunately, he finally grabs the woman hand and stroke it gently.

"Sorry... I just stressed out. My comrade is gone and i don't know what to do. I am so sorry," said Tyrant by grabbing the woman's hand and tried to convince the woman that he is nice person. The woman sees him into his deep dark eyes and smile. Making Tyrant heart beats fast.

"Well... What is your name?" ask Tyrant curiously. But the woman sees him with a confuse look. She seems like trying to understand Tyrant wants.

"Do you know my word?" ask Tyrant once again. The woman still looks confuse.

"Guess you don't know my word then," said Tyrant before sigh in stressful look on his face. Then immediately, the woman wipe a sweat in Tyrant's face with a cute-looking smile. Making Tyrants jaw drop.

"Why you so cute? I mean, not other girls like you. It is a relief when i know you cannot understand my words. So i can say it freely. I guess i have an awesome name for you," said Tyrant with a face full of red colour. He looks at the woman with warm eye.

"Elodie. That will fits you perfectly," said Tyrant before stroking Elodie's hair with a sweet smile. But in that time, he shake his head and stands up.

"I have to bring back Frederick. But how about this woman. Should i buy her a clothes? Argh! It is still so confusing," said Tyrant with a stressful expression. But then again, Elodie stands up and stroking Tyrant's hair slowly. Making Tyrant turns around and smiles at her.

"Well, i guess this woman first," said Tyrant before grabbing Elodie's right hand and makes her sit in one of his sofa.

"You stay here. I have to go to buy some clothes for you," said Tyrant with a hand gesture so Elodie might understand what he said.

Now, he grabs some of his money and went out from his big modern house. Tyrant now went into the town with his CR-V car.

He went into some of shop to buy a woman dresses. He cannot understand what dresses he must buy for Elodie cause he never buy a clothe for a single girl. So he just buy what ever he sees. That makes him carry a lot of bag on his hands. But he still tried to walk into the road.

"I guess that is enough. Now, go home, give this to Elodie, and bring back Frederick," said him when he looks at his bag. Then, he drive to his home to give the dresses for Elodie. When he imagine Elodie wearing a clothe that he bought, he smiles a lot.

But when comes home, something was off. He went inside his house to see what happen. He went into his living room and looking around if something is missing. Until the answer is found.

"Elodie...," said Tyrant when he sees the empty sofa in front of him. He throw all the bags he carry and run outside the house. He's looking around and hoping Elodie comes in front of his eyes.

He went to the town and running to search Elodie. He went to many of his neighbours and yelling Elodie's name all along the road. He is very frustated if someone went into her and she doesn't understand the people wants.

Plus, she walks with a bare body. That is a big problem to a big town full of thief and other bad guys. She cannot walk like that.

Tyrant still running down the road with sweat in his face. His pale face didn't even turn just to see Elodie again. His mind full of negative vibes and his overthinking habit didn't even help.

He finally stop in front of a store and wipe his sweat. He still looking around with a pale look. Hoping in every single body he sees, Elodie is one of them.