
Hua Shasha had also come prepared. When Yun Wei took the seat on her right, she immediately kept the seat on her left empty.

It was true that she'd already snared Bai Wenping, but what if she were able to establish a connection of any kind with Lu Zhanting?

After all, she was a woman who wouldn't throw away any opportunity that could potentially be beneficial.

Yun Wei wasn't sure if Lu Zhanting would make an appearance.

Her ears were filled with the animated chatter and excited discussions from all the female students around her.

Not interested or bothered by what was going on around her, she slouched down her desk in boredom and idly flipped through her textbook.

It was strange, but ever since her head injury had healed, Yun Wei felt that her memory had greatly improved.

Initially, she'd expected to have to spend a lot of time catching up with her schoolwork after being absent from class for three months.

However, when she'd opened her textbooks recently, she'd realized that her reading speed was very fast, that she was able to quite easily remember the uninteresting content, and that her reading comprehension was significantly better.

She had the same feeling today as she flipped open her textbook.

Maybe her brain had become more energized after recovering from three months of being a halfwit.

Watching her, Hua Shasha secretly mused, "You're definitely an idiot. Once connected to Master Ting, even the rich and spoilt girl Yun Wei wouldn't have to work hard for a living for a few decades. And to think that at an opportune time like this she's just focused on her reading."

Then again, Hua Shasha was still happy that without Yun Wei in the midst, she now had one less person to compete with.

Someone with outstanding looks and physique appeared at the entrance. He had such an imposing presence that, within an instant, the boisterous noise in the lecture theatre died down.

Lu Zhanting had indeed opted to sit in on the open classroom session for Yun Wei's class.

Above all, the only reason why he was at the university was because of Yun Wei.

The eerie silence that his imposing presence had generated suddenly erupted into a cacophony of noise again.

While all the female students lusted after him, the guys were divided in their reactions. Some viewed Lu Zhanting with respect, while others weren't too happy, disdainfully regarding his presence and monopoly over the attention of almost all the girls in the class, and, of course, feeling uncomfortable with the situation.

However, regardless of how uncomfortable they felt, one couldn't deny the fact that, in Lu Zhanting's presence, anyone would be overshadowed.

Lu Zhanting had the presence of a leader, something only someone who'd been in a position of authority for a long time possessed. It was something that none of these kids who'd just entered university could possibly have.

Once again, everyone started talking amongst themselves enthusiastically.

All except for Jian Zhifei and Yun Wei, that is.

Jian Zhifei was actually feeling a little bored, while Yun Wei couldn't bring herself to join the girls in their lustful fantasies about Lu Zhanting.

Facing the class, the teacher pushed his hands in a downward motion, signaling for the class to quiet down. "All right everyone. Please be quiet. We're very honored to have Master Ting sitting in on our open classroom session today. I'm sure his presence here will make the session a lot more energetic. Please join me in welcoming him."

Everyone started clapping.

All except Yun Wei, who was thinking idly: what exactly was this man up to?

Obviously, he wasn't someone who relished being present at a place like this, but yet he was still hanging around and hadn't left yet. Did he really think that this place was a fun place to be?

Even the teacher, despite being a well-respected scholar at this reputable university, couldn't help but treat Lu Zhanting with more respect. "Please take your seat, Master Ting."

Lu Zhanting strode in.

"Ah… Master Ting is walking this way." Some of the girls' eyes gleamed. "Walk toward me…"

Some of the girls could be heard praying in low voices, "Sit here with me, sit here with me. Master Ting, come sit by me."

Even Hua Shasha looked expectantly at Lu Zhanting.