Circled Past Her

If Lu Zhanting chose to sit next to her, Hua Shasha was determined to make the most of the rare opportunity.

True enough, Lu Zhanting walked straight ahead in her direction.

Hua Shasha's eyes lit up as she stared intently at Lu Zhanting.

Lu Zhanting paused in front of where Yun Wei and Hua Shasha were seated.

Hua Shasha was almost jumping for joy. She just knew that she had the right kind of charm to attract him.

Even Lu Zhanting, an experienced man who'd been exposed to all kinds of situations and people, couldn't help being captivated by the power of her charm.

Eyes wide open, Hua Shasha looked doggedly at Lu Zhanting…

But Lu Zhanting, without even glancing at her, circled round her seat and took the seat next to Yun Wei instead.

"Oohh…" All the girls made a collective sigh of disappointment.

Hua Shasha was disappointed beyond words. What was Lu Zhanting thinking? Instead of sitting beside her, he'd opted to sit next to that half-witted Yun Wei?

Noting that Lu Zhanting had taken his seat, the teacher said, "Okay. Let's begin our lesson."

This lesson was in Higher Mathematics, a subject with extremely complicated content.

Having missed class for three months, Yun Wei had initially assumed that it would take some time for her to catch up.

But, unexpectedly, she felt clearheaded and didn't find the subject too tough.

Flipping through her textbook, she felt that as long as she put some thought into what the teacher was talking about, she'd basically have no difficulty understanding the content.

And so, because the content wasn't difficult, Yun Wei could no longer stay focused after listening to the lecture for a short while.

Looking sideways at Lu Zhanting, she noticed that he was totally focused on the lecture. She wrote something on her notepad: "Master Ting, why are you so interested, making the time to attend the lecture?"

She then pushed the notepad toward Lu Zhanting.

Lu Zhanting glanced at the notepad and noticed that while her writing looked dainty and elegant, the characters emanated strength, a characteristic similar to what writers had.

He wrote a few words on the notepad and pushed it back to her: "Why not, since I'm already on site."

His writing was flamboyant, well-defined, and precise.

Without thinking, Yun Wei drew an emoji with a protruding tongue next to his words.

Well, he was the one who had gone too far in the pantry earlier, stirring up her emotions and confusing her. Even now, her heart was still beating fast while he, on the other hand, didn't seem affected at all by what had happened earlier.

Lu Zhanting wrote: "Pay attention to the lecture."

Truth be told, Yun Wei was the only reason why he had accepted the university's invitation to come for a visit in the first place.

In the past, he'd never shown any interest in any of the university's activities. When the university had persisted in their request for him to be an honorary director, he'd only accepted on the condition that he'd have his own say on any matter.

Yun Wei had been suffering from her head injury for three months and had only just recovered. Since this was her first day back in school, Lu Zhanting was naturally a tad apprehensive about how she would manage.

But then again, he had a lot of confidence in her intelligence. She had consistently exceeded his expectations with her agile mind and intelligence.

Perhaps because Lu Zhanting was sitting in on the lesson, the teacher didn't want to seem incompetent and therefore lectured on topics that weren't in the syllabus. The content was more advanced than what the class was generally capable of understanding.

The teacher paused in his lecture and gave them a problem to solve, saying, "Does anyone know how this problem could be solved?"

Although she had loose morals and was constantly scheming and manipulating people, Hua Shasha was smart enough to have made it to this university, proving that her IQ wasn't, in fact, low.

And it so happened that she knew the answer to the problem that the teacher had asked.

In the teacher's eyes, Yun Wei had always been a good student. Whenever something good came up, the first student that the teacher would always think of was Yun Wei. A good example was the seminar with the school directors at the lecture theatre earlier.

Hua Shasha felt perplexed and very slighted.