Chapter 10: Igniting Other's Hidden Desire To Achieve One's Goals.

Shu Feng continued his journey toward the east. He was not sure if there is a city or village their before but due to his encounter with Young Master Bai who came from the eastern part of the Nightmare Forest, he was now assured that there is a city toward the east.

Shu Feng sped up just to make sure that he can leave the forest before nightime.

The wind breeze keeps on hitting his whole body, his hair was dancing under their guidance and his black robe was moving with the wind.

Shu Feng didn't bother to create a barrier of Chaos Energy because he wants to appreciate the gust of winds hitting him.

Unknown to him, he was slowly turning to be a dendrophile type of a person.

But even if he knows, he won't mind because his first home in this world is a forest and trees.

He keeps on moving on a speed naked to the eye, and after a long run, he can finally catch a glimpse of a mountainous area.

This mountains was the boundery between the Nightmare Forest and his destination.

He slowly stop after he reach the foot of the mountains, he look back at the Nightmare Forest and smiled faintly.

He already decided that he will come back one day and bring some gifts to his neighbors.



Shu Feng exhaled a breath of air after he reach the top of the mountain. He looked on the magnificent view in front of him.

It was already dawn when he reach the top and the red-orange light of the sun spreads throughout the horizon.

It was a grassy and rocky plains that greeted him as soon as his eyes was layed.

From his position, he could see several farms and villages from afar. And as he moved forward his sight, he catch a glimpse of a stone wall from far way.

He assumed that it was the place wherein Young Master Bai came from, but even if it is not. It was still alright for him.

He decided to sleep first in his spot and continue his travel tomorrow. He didn't find a cave nor a tree to sleep on because he wants to appreciate to nightsky filled with stars under the illumination of the moon. He just laid his back on the small grassfield that he was standing on.


It was already afternoon when he manage to reach a fair distance to the stone wall.

He was currently standing in front of it. His mouth was slightly agape seeing the towering wall that seems to reach the sky.

Although he already entered the First Level of his Heart Realm, he still cannot help but feel amazed by every new things that he discovered.

The guards on duty looked at him while showing a slight grin thinking that Shu Feng was a country bumpkin. They manage to come to their conclusion, because of a ordinary black robe he was wearing right now.

"How can I enter, UG?"

"You just need to enter through the entrance and pay for a entrance fee."

Shu Feng immidiately noddee his head and made his was towards the entrance gate, but he was soon welcomed with a big problem, he didn't have any single penny right now.

But he remembered something in his Shop.

So he immidiately check it and see if he can solve his current predicament right now.





>1 SP for:

1- Middle Grade Energy Stone

100- Low Grade Energy Stones

100 Thousand- Gold Coins

100 Million- Silver Coins

100 Billion- Copper Coins

>100 SP for:

1- High Grade Energy Stone

100- Middle Grade Energy Stones

10 Thousand- Low Grade Energy Stones

>10 000 SP for:

1- Superior Grade Energy Stone

100- High Grade Energy Stones

10 Thousand- Middle Grade Energy Stones

1 Million- Low Grade Energy Stones


Shu Feng didn't think that he was reach right now, so he bought One Hundred Thousand Gold Coins for only one System Point. It was immidiately transferred to his Item Space.

Now that his problem for currency has been solved, he finally made his way towards the Gate.

He saw people, carriages and even some demons lining-up. Although Demons are the enemy of the humans, no one dared to attack them due to the agreement between the powerhouses of both race.

Shu Feng made his way to the farthest line and patiently waited for his turn.


After a full two hours, it was finally his turn after the person in front of him.

Just as he was about to make his way and pay his entrance fee, a sudden commotion attracts his attention.

"Give me back my Energy Herb!" A young man in his teens shouted at the guard in front of him.

"Heh, Young Master Song want this herb so it was only natural that you would give it to him." The guard rebuked at the young man.

"Are you not afraid of the Bai Family if this incident is reported?!" The Young man shouted while gritting his teeth.

"Bai Family, Hahaha it was already known throughout the city that my Song Family will be the new lord of this city." Young Master Song suddenly spoke while bursting into a laughter. He made his way towards the Young Man and the guard immidiately step backward while bowing to him.

"Since you are not grateful, I will only chop your one arm as a compensation for the waste of my time." With a wave of his hand, the guard slowly unsheath his sword and points it at the young man.

He unconciously step backward while his butt hits the ground. But thinking about how important the Herb is for him, he pick himself up and point his finger at Young Master Song.

"Give my Energy Herb back, your Song Family is not worthy to be the lord of this City. It is better if the Bai Family keeps on managing this place!" The young man shouted with all the courage that he save.

Young Master Song's face immidiately turned green from embarrassment, how can a lowly peasant dare to slap his face in front of so many people.

"Since you didn't want my mercy, you shall die today as a warning for those who thinks that my Song Family did not deserve to lord over this city."

With a wave of his hand, the guard raise his sword with a evil grin on his face.

"You can only blame yourself for being stupid, kid."

The guard said before slashing down the sword.

"Haiz.. such a pity, I know that kid, his name was Kei, he was a good kid but his mother was on the death's door, so he force himself to go to a nearby forest to find some medical herb to cure his mother." A citizen watching from the sideline commented.

"You're right, I didn't think that the day that he could save his mother is the day that his life would be claimed." A middle-aged man replied.


Endless discussion keeps on happening in the crowd. But no one ever bothered to care in Kei's situation. They didn't want to risk themselves to save some unrelated person in exchange for offending Young Master Song.

Just like what he said, the lord of the city would be soon change. Even though almost every citizen was unwilling, they will not be able to voice their opinion unless they wanted to die.

They know that if one doesn't have a strength, they would just be some useless bunch of people.


With a clean sweep, the sword came down to take Kei's life. He just closed his eyes waiting for his doom. He has only one thought in his mind right now.

'I am sorry mother, I will not be able to save you anymore.'

But contrary to anyone's expectations, there is no blood that was shed.

"It's not good to immidiately give up just because of your own circumstances."

Kai slowly opened his eyes only to see a young man in black facing his back towards him.

Who could it be except for our brave Main Character Shu Feng.

After he heard the commotion, he immidiately join the group of crowds. When he saw the scene in front of him, he cannot help but frown in dissatisfaction.

It seems like his guess was right, it was really the city that Young Master Bai came from but it seems like it is not peaceful now.

Seeing the unreasonable and overbearing Young Master Song, he already decided to help the young man.

And when he heard the discussions of the crowd, he was also slightly touched because of the kid's love to his mother.

Just as he was about to stop the commotion, he heard Kai shouting and berating Young Master Song. He just smiled faintly due to his resolution.


Everyone was flabestered at the scene in front of them, a young man in black robe was standing in front of the expected to be dead young man while stopping the sword using only his two fingers.

It was like a posture of an expert, he was standing straight, one of his hand behind his back while displaying an unimahinable feat.

Seeing the sudden turn of events, the guard didn't react for a while.

"Who are you? Don't you know who you are offending by saving that kid. I am Young Master Song." Young Master Song pose a warning without a slight of care. He was currently in his own territory or so he thought.

After he spoke, just then that everyone came back to their senses, they observed Shu Feng like looking at a mystery.

"No worries, I am just passing by when I heard the commotion. So I came to watch and save this young lad from death. As for who I am... "

Shu Feng honestly replied.

With a slight smile on his face, he continued.

"My name.. Sorry but just the likes of you is not worthy to know my name." After the blatant reply, the surrounding suddenly turned silent.

No one bothered to speak a single word. It is mot that they are mute, it is just that they are astonished in Shu Feng's reply.

After hearing his answer, Young Master Song's face immidiately turn dark from rage and embarassment.

No one uttered a single word in fear that Young Master Song would vent his frustration in them.

They could just pray that he would let them go.

"What are you standing here for?!" Young Master Song shouted at the crowd of people that instantly scram everywhere not wanting to stay anymore.

Although it was interesting to watch someone disrespecting Young Master Song, it was still not a valid reason to risk their lives for a temporary entertainment.

"As for you, I will chop your head and feed it to the dogs."

Shu Feng just stands their quitely not minding everything. He slightly push the sword which instantly made the guard step a few meters backward.

He just looked at Shu Feng like seeing a ghost. He was after all an Eighth Stage Foundation Building Realm Cultivator and yet his attack was like a ball hitting a cotton, totally useless.

"I am Song Tie, young master of the Song Family. Just the likes of you with an unknown origin wants to humiliate this young lord? It seems like you are tired of living al–"

But Shu Feng didn't give a crap to what he is saying, he just flick his finger and the Energy Herb that was on the guard before instantly flew in his direction.

He reach out his hands and grab the herb.



[Name: Poison Cleansing Flower

Grade: 1-star Spirit Rank

Condition: Good

Description: A type of Energy Herb that is usually found in areas wherein poison was abundant. It sucks the poison energy in the surroundings making it totally immune to the poison. If was taken by someone that is poisoned with the same poison of the flower, it will suck the poison in the victim's body and completely dissipating after.]

Shu Feng tried to analyzed the Energy Herb and it actually showed some of it's qualities and properties. Sadly for him, he could only analyze something that is in his touch.

He turn his head toward Kei who was still dazed at the moment.

"Here, this is your Energy Herb right?" Shu Feng ask while smiling sweetly not wanting to scare the young lad.

Kei then abruptly woke up from his dazed state. He cannot help but look at the man in front of him while showing a slight blush on his face. Kei was straight, a total straight but seeing Shu Feng's beauty that traverse the word handsomeness and goddess makes him feel incredibly excited.

He was blushing due to the excitement he is feeling right now.

And he was excited due to the heroic figure of Shu Feng, the way he saved him and stop the sword with just his two fingers makes him inspired to be like him in the future.

This was a Dream, his goal. Just like his mother told him back then, his father was a heroic figure and strong but he didn't believe it, if his father was strong then why are they living a life worse than a beggar?

It was like a hidden disire was ignited inside him unable to be extinguished anymore.


"Strong desire on achieving one's goals was detected from Kei."

Requirements had been met.

Unlocking new feature...

[Mission Board has been unlocked]

Description: It was a system feature wherein the host can do some missions in exchange for it's corresponding reward.]


"New feature [Desire Points] was added."

"New Shop feature [Desire Exchange] was added."


Shu Feng cannot help but be confuse on the sudden notifications from UG.