Chapter 21: Fourth Stage Foundation Building Realm, Inner World

The sun was shinning from the east while illuminating the forest and giving off the feeling of a brand new day.

Shu Feng was sitting cross-leged in one of the cave that they find during their exploration. Kei was not with him since the kid decided to enhance his combat power more by fighting some Third Stage Core Formation Demon Beast.

Shu Feng in turn just agreed since he was confident that Kei could escape if the situation turned dire.

Shu Feng was accumulating the surrounding Energy Source that instantly converted into Basic Chaos Energy Drops when it entered his Dantian and in turn, half of the drops would remain at his Chaos Pool(Dantian Pool) and the remaining half would be suck at the four vortices and turning it into Bssic Chaos Dust. It will then attract the corresponding Chaos Dust and let the remaining Chaos Dust settle at his Dantian.

This process continued for full four hours until all of the Elemental Vortex expands to an alarming size that almost filled his whole Dantian.

After that, he use all of his Basic Chaos Drops on his Dantian to create a green hole that emmits a sucking force towards his Dantian.

Previously, Shu Feng only needed one drop of Chaos Energy but since he successfully discovered the existence of Wood Element, the expenditure of creating a sungle vortex also greatly increased.

His way of breaking through was also changed, in the past he only needs to fill his Chaos Pool with Basic Chaos Drops until it cannot occupy any single tiny drop anymore and it will naturally break the barrier of his Dantian, but since he discovered the Wood Element, the barrier in his Dantian seemed to become also sturdier and even he filled his Chaos Pool, it didn't manage to break the barrier.

But it didn't take him minutes before he figured out the problem. The one who must break the barrier is his Vortices. So his plan was to expand the size of his four vortices until the maximum of his own Dantian and surprisingly, just as the four vortices reach the maximum size that his Dantian could contain, their capacity of sucking was also maximized.

But this is not the end of the process, next would be to create the next Elemental Vortex amidst those other four vortices. In this way, the four vortices would be forcefully push outwards and would not have a choice but to break the barrier in order to gain enough space for them to move freely.


Sound of breaking could be heard inside Shu Feng's Dantian, the four vortices was forcefully breaking the barrier like it wants to gain it's freedom.

Of course this kind of task was not easy for Shu Feng at all. Because if the fifth vortex that he was creating would have a weaker force than the other four then the four vortices would surely destroy the new created one.

So he needs to assist it in order to not let the other four destroy it. Shu Feng also make sure that the first four votices would spin in the same direction as the fifth one so that they would repel each other.

Positive will not be attracted to another positive after all.

Finally, Shu Feng didn't need to worry about the Fire, Water, Wood and Earth Vortices to destroy each other since they have the same power which made a balance between them.


The creaking sound continued and the barrier was slowly breaking for each second that passed.


With the last push that Shu Feng did, the barrier finally broke like a glass that turn into fragments. And with another free space, the four vortices quickly flew away like a free bird escaping it's own cage.

His Dantian seemed to be enlarge ten times than before. If someone entered his Dantian, they would feel like they enter a whole world because of how wide it is inside him. (I feel something off when I said 'how wide it is inside him' 😐.)

Shu Feng breath a fresh air and felt quite refresh, it was like something inside was freed somehow. He finally manage to enter successfully at the Fourth Stage of Foundation Building Realm.

Feeling his new strength, he was eager to fight some Fifth Stage Core Formation Demon Beast straight away since he knows that those Fourth Stage were like ants to him now.

If someone were to know what Shu Feng was thinking, they would think of him as a mad person. Who would dare to fight a Demon Beast that is a major realm highet than you even after you cannot even defeat a Demon Beast at the same realm!

But before he could relax, he felt the surrounding Energy Source rushing to his body like a mad beast. And in a matter of seconds, he manage to fill his enlarge Chaos Pool.

But that was not the end of it, the speed of the Energy Source entering inside him was getting faster and faster with each time. This kind of situation startled Shu Feng and even wanted to stop the flow of Energy Essence coming to him, but before he could do so, UG reminded him.

"Just let the nature takes its course. It will not harm you but instead will greatly benefit you." UG told him which made Shu Feng feel at ease somehow. So he just watch everything being unfold but still take some precautions in order not to let any mishap.

UG didn't mind his cautious behaviour though and didn't disturb him anymore.

The Energy Source was directly being converted into Basic Chaos Energy Drops. But they didn't go into his Chaos Pool instead they hover in the center of his Dantian.

The next thing that happened was that the Five Vortices slowly rotates around the hovering Energies. They maintained a constant speed when rotating.

Surprisingly, the five vortices didn't suck the hovering energies at the center instead they were somehow helping it gather more Chaos Energy.

After a full one hour, the crazy absorption of Energy Source finally came to a stop. As the last bit of converted energy hover in the center of his Dantian, it finally starts to take form of a round shaped object.

After some time had passed, it finally came to an end. And the final outcome was a white round object. A completely white object and what it makes strange is that it was a physical object.

That means that he could touch it however he wants.

But his thoughts were soon disrupted when the Five Vortices stop rotating all of a sudden. In the next second, the five different colored Chaos Dust that was on each vortex were being absorbed by the white round object.

Light Green, Red, Blue, Brown and Green colored dusts flew towards the round object at the same time.

Feeling the gust of Energt Dust coming towards it, the white object gladly absorbed it inside. Soon after, different kinds of color were painted at the object making it look like a rainbow.

Soon after, it was forming something. It was Land! the round object formed a land then followed right after by a vast Ocean! Then some air were produced at the object! But the surprise didn't stop at it, it soon formed a heat that made the cold temperature vanish in an instant. The heat that was formed was coming from the very center of the object since their was something like a ball of fire that is emmiting a warm temperature. Then after that, some tress strarted to grow and vast grasslands were flourishing to every part of the object.

Just then that he remembered something!


"Inner World successfully created.

Description: It was a world inside the Dantian of the Host which is created by the Five Basic Elements such as Wood, Fire, Water, Earth and Wind. Although it was not yet complete since the time here didnt flow and space is not present. Lightning is needed for the creation of some things that a world needed. Light will serve as a source of energy for plants to grow in a normal way. It will also present the day. Of course Light coexist with the Darkness. Time was of the essence since it will indicate the flow of everyhting. Space was of the vital since it will be needed for the living creatures to move and live in this world."

Shu Feng was intrigued at the description that UG gave him. Specially when he heard that it was possible for someone to live here if he was able to create all the elemental vortex.

Shu Feng entered his inner world. He was surprise to see the vast ocean and vast greenlands and trees. Although he cannot feel any energy coming out off the trees since their source of energy is not yet present.

He move his gave towards the sky which was color white. It was pure white. He breath some fresh air and felt quite refresh at the rich Air Element present in his Inner World.

"How wide is my Inner World, UG?" Shu Feng ask out of curiosity.

"It was two times bigger and wider than your previous planet." UG said without any hint of surprise nor excitement.

On the contrary, Shu Feng was amazed by how big this world is. If he showed it's full sized in the outside then that would mean that it was like showing another world.

But he soon disregard this idea since he might attract some unwanted attention.

"Do I need to send some Chaos Energy or something in here?" Shu Feng suddenly ask with a worried expression.

"No need to do that, the vortices would do the work of nourishing your inner world so all yoy need to do is to cultivate ten times more than before in order to supply your Chaos Pool and your vortices and in turn they will nourish your Inner World as long as there is enough Energy Dust that is being converted. If it was constantly being nourish, your inner world would grow and expand in time." UG said without leaving any details.

Shu Feng sigh in relief since he did not need to send it Chaos Energy since that would add to his additional work.

The only problem for Shu Feng right now is the way to break through to the Fifth Stage of Foundation Building Realm.

"Is it alright to cut the connection of the vortices to the inner world." Shu Feng ask fearing that he might make a mistake if he didn't properly inquired some information.

"No, the Inner World was dependent on the Five Vortices right now and if you remove their connection, your Inner World would instantly crumble and making another one would be quite close to impossible. You must wait until all the Elements were present in the Inner World and just then would it become completed and didn't need the vortices to help it anymore." UG replied in a serious tone.

'Figures.' Shu Feng thought to himself.


Shu Feng came out of his Dantian and slowly opened his eyes. It was already afternoon when he finished his advancement.

He looked around him and felt like his senses were more rhan ten times better than before. He could even feel naturally the flow of the five elements into his surroundings. Although the Wood Element is the faintest one even though he was in the forest for some unknown reason.

It was just all thanks to the Chaos Ball that he manage to maintain a infinite amount of Wood Element. He only needs to send some Chaos Energy into it and it will replenish on its way own which is very convinient.

Shu Feng stands up and triee to casually punch in front of him without applying any Energy.


But this casual punch of him cause the nearby trees to crumble and the surrounding to tremble. Shu Feng looked at that scene and was dumbfounded at the moment. He knows that his strength was not mearly cause by his own advancement.

'It must be because of the emergence of my Inner World that greatly boostee my strength.' Shu Feng was excited ane glad at the moment. He felt like he could squash those Average Two Star Demon Kings with his physical strength alone! He was even confident in killing a Peak Two Star Demon King which is the same as a Sixth Stage Core Formation Cultivator!

Heck! He even dared to think about fighting a Upper Three Star Demon King and even confident in himself in escaping if he cannot deal with it.

What an astonishing power. He thought to himself while clenching his fist in excitement.



[NAME: Shu Feng

AGE: 17

TITLE: [Beast's Nightmare]

BLOODLINE: Wood Ancient- 7%

Human- 93%

RACE: Human


SP: 4 503

HEALTH POINTS: 2 000/2 000 - 2 500/2 500

CHAOS ENERGY: 1 300/1 300 - 2 000/2 000

STAMINA: 500/500

STRENGTH: 340 - 510

SPEED: 330 - 500

MIND: 250



CULTIVATION: Fourth Stage Foundation Building


SOUL: First Stage Soul Perception

HEART: First Stage Heart Still Like Water


Cultivation Technique


SOUL CULTIVATION: Divine Soul of Chaos

Cultivation Technique

HEART CULTIVATION: Endless Chaos Heart

Cultivation Technique

SKILLS: Active: [Basic Chaos Burst]

Passive: [Chaos Will]

ABILITY: [Analyze- Level 2] [Soul Search]

Just like he thought, his total combat power was now comparable to a Seventh Stage Core Formation Demon Beast. He never would have thought that by just creating an Inner World would let him have a boost in strength that is beyond his expectations!

He suddenly thought to himself. 'What if I completed my Inner World, would I have the Power of a World?'