Chapter 25: Fortune In Disguise(3)


"Mission completed. Rewards had been sent to the Host's Item Space."

Shu Feng finally breath a sigh in relief. Even though his bresk through didn't go as planned, at least it still ended well. He even promise himself that he would ask first about UG's opinion about his advancement plan before proceeding.

Kei was staring dumbstruck, he witnessed how his Bug Brother madly absorbs the surrounding Energy Source like a hungry beast.

He even saw him gulping Pills like eating a candy. Although he didn't know what grade those pills are, at least he knows that Pills were nsturally expensive and that means that they are precious.

After advancing to the Fourth Stage Foundation Building Realm, Shu Feng told Kei that they would stay in this cave for another three days.

It is not because Shu Feng was afraid of going out, it was due to his Soul Perception.

As soon as he broke through, his senses were sharpened tremendiously, but as soon as he tried to sense the depths of the cave, it feels like there is something obstructing him.

So he spreads his Soul Perception but the result was still the same. So he thought that there must be something precious inside the cave that is being protected.

He was sure that it was something and not a beast because Beast are naturally teritorial beings. Once someone tried to enter their territory, they would attack immidiately.

But since there is no one attacking them then that would only mean that this cave is not being sheltered by any kinds of Beast.

"Let's rest for now, tomorrow we would scout the inside of this cave for our safety." Shu Feng instructed to Kei.

Hearing him, Kei just nodded his head snd didn't find anything strange. Although his senses were sharp, it was still not comparable to Shu Feng.

Shu Feng set up their tent and immidiately entered inside it and take their rest. But Shu Feng decided to check his improvement first before sleeping.



[NAME: Shu Feng

AGE: 17

TITLE: [Beast's Nightmare]

BLOODLINE: Wood Ancient- 8%

Human- 92%

RACE: Human

CHARISMA: 180 - 185

SP: 7 503

HEALTH POINTS: 2 500/2 500 - 3 000/3 000

CHAOS ENERGY: 2 000/2 000 - 2 700/2 700

STAMINA: 500/500 - 700/700

STRENGTH: 510 - 600

SPEED: 500 - 550

MIND: 250 - 260



CULTIVATION: Fifth Stage Foundation Building


SOUL: First Stage Soul Perception

HEART: First Stage Heart Still Like Water


Cultivation Technique


SOUL CULTIVATION: Divine Soul of Chaos

Cultivation Technique

HEART CULTIVATION: Endless Chaos Heart

Cultivation Technique

SKILLS: Active: [Basic Chaos Burst]

Passive: [Chaos Will]

ABILITY: [Analyze- Level 2] [Soul Search]

He look towards his status and finds his Wood Ancient Bloodline move up to 1% since the last time. It was understandable since he didn't try to refine the Blood of Ancient that is lingering in him.

The only thing that he was lacking right now was his Body Cultivation. Other than that, he was overall satisfied with with his improvement.

After glancing for one last time, he then Analyze Kei's status.


[Name: Shu Kei

Gender: Male

Age: 12

Talent: Black

Bloodline: Human - 75%

Ancient Dragon - 15%

Celestial - 10%

Race: Human Ancient Celestial Dragon

Cultivation: Seventh Stage Foundation Building Realm

Condition: Good

Title: Son of a Human Celestial and Descendant of Ancient Dragon]

'It seems like his progress in his Cultivation Manual was quite good huh.' Shu Feng thought to himself. And then he suddenly realize something.

'Hey UG, is there any other benefits from absorbing or arousing your bloodline?'


"Yes, first you would be able to become much more powerful than ordinary. You will also be able to perform somethings that is exclusive to the bloodline. And most of all, if you managed to absorbed or purify a certain amount of your bloodline, you could inherit some Bloodline Skills, Inheritance, Cultivation Technique or some Memories."

Shu Feng then think about how many percent he needed to acquire some skills or any other things from his Wood Ancient Bloodline.

"The stronger the Bloodline, the earlier you could get the other benefits from it such as inheritance. Since you has a Bloodline of an Ancient, you would get benefits from it when you manage to absorb 10% of it. And if you are about to ask about Kei's situation, he needs to arouse his Ancient Dragon's Bloodline to at least 25% and 30% for his Celestial Bloodline." UG answered every question he had including about the expected question he would get about Kei.

Shu Feng felt excited all of a sudden when he thought how near he is in gaining his very first desired benefit from his Ancient Bloodline.


Morning came and both Shu Feng and Kei were having their wonderful meal. After their eating time, Shu Feng and Kei started to explore the inside of the cave.

They walk towards for almost an hour but they still cannot find the end of the cave. It seems like it was endless.

"It feels off Big Brother, it was like we are circling around."

"You feel it too, huh. You are right it seems like we will just wander if we continue walking like this. And going back seems to be impossible right now."

"Then we are struck here?" Kei ask without feeling any bit of fear nor anxiety.

"Yup. It seems like so." Shu Feng answered while plastering a smile on his face. Both of them seems like treating their current situation like nothing.


"We just need to walk ans walk and we would eventually reach the end. Right Big Brother?"

"Yeah, you're right Little Brother." Shu Feng shouted while forcing a smile on his face even though beads of sweat was pouring down on his forehead.


"Can we really reach the end Big Brother?" Kei ask while hokding himself back from bursting into tears. He was after all a twelve year old kid.

"Yeah, I think so." Shu Feng answered while not even believing on what he just said.


'Sniff. Sniff. Sniff.' Kei was already bursting into tears while hugging Shu Feng out of despair.

'Is there any kinds of problem here UG?' Shu Feng finally ask due to lossing all hope.

"Yes, you were caught on a illusion formation that will make you go around forever unless you mange to destroy the core of the formation or find some loopholes."

'Do you have anything that will help us get out of here.' Shu Feng ask.

In response, UG directly showed him some things that is helpful in their current situation.


[Basic Formation Manual - 10 SP]

[Complex Formation Manual - 50 SP]

[Advance Formation Manual - 100 SP]

[Peak Formation Manual - 500 SP]

"This four manuals would help you understand the Path of Formations and Arrays. It has theories, basis, and conclusions starting from Basics until at the Peak. When you manage to successfully comprehend the Peak Manual, you would then be able to create and discern formations like it was at the back of your hand."

[Flawless Eye - 2 000 SP - Perfect Unrivaled

Description: This ability will help you see flaws in everthing. Flaw in Skills will not escape your eyes. Flaws in Formations would be immidiately discern. Flaws in pills and refining could be spotted. This ability will also improve one's comprehenshion.]

[Third Eye - 500 SP - Perfect Unique

Description: An ability that would help the user spot hidden traps, illusuons, and hidden treasures. It will also enhanced the user's senses ans reaction. Time will also slow down a bit when this ability was active.]

"The Host's was adviced to purchase everything that is being recommended. It was also because you would encounter much more dire situations in the future. It would be better to familiarize yourself right now to ensure your survival."

Shu Feng didn't hesitate anymore and just directly purchase everything costing him a total of 3 160 System Points and only leaving him with his remaining 4 343 SP.

But it is not his concern anymore since his and Kei's safety was the priority right of the moment.

He first receive the Flawless Eye ability.

He felt his left eye being prick by countless needles. He cannot help but sit down and concentrate so that he could reduce the pain.

Seeing his Big Brother calming down, Kei also stop sniffing and also sat down to immitate Shu Feng while calming himself down.

After few hours of sitting and enduring, Shu Feng abruptly opened his eyes.

Purple light could be seen shinning at the very center of his left eye that seemed like a laser that could pierce through everything.

He stands up and looked around him, he could see some purple light in some places. He concluded that those lights should be the flaws in the illusion. But he didn't attack those flaws first since there might be a possibility that it was a purposely exposed flaw that might trigger sone traps.

After looking around some more, he manage to memorize every place where the flaw was in.

Looking at the strange behavior of Shu Feng, Kei cannot help but look at him with curiosity in his eyes. And when he looked at his Big brother's keft eye, he could see a purple light shinning at the center.

He rubbed his eyes thinking that he was imagining things right now. And when he looked again, he didn't see any purple light anymore. He just then brush off those thoughts.

Shu Feng sat down again and receive his next ability. The Third Eye.

The very first he heard it, he thought that it would help him see ghost and someof superficial creatures that cannot be seen by oridinary humans.

But since he read it's description, he breath sma sigh in relief and was even amazed at it's effect. After all it could somewhat slow down the time when this ability was activated.

And this effect alone would convince Shu Feng to buy it without any secong thought. He learned fron when he fought the Fire Lion that speed played a very huge part on a battle. If you have enough speed, no attacks would manage to hit you. And with enough speed, you could damage your opponent without him fighting back.

He felt the center of his forehead being sliced by a sharp blade but there is no blood coming out of it. Thankfully, this kind of pain was nothing to him. Si he just waited until he successfully received this ability and then proceed on his last step before leaving this illusuon formation.

After a full hour, Shu Feng then stands up again and activated his Third Eye, and just like he thought, some flaws are purposely revealed. Some flaws have black aura coming out of them. Some are even red. And this two colors indicated a bad thing.

There are only ten flaws that is glowing in green aura, then that would only mean that those ten flaws was the true flaw of the formation. He looked around more just to make sure that he memorized it carefully.

After that, Shu Feng retrieve the Basic Formation Manual and read it carefully.

Shu Feng felt something odd, so he looked around only to see Kei looking at him with a strange face.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Shu Feng ask while tilting his head in confusion. Even he himself was not aware of the reason that an eye two times bigger than the one of his eyes were currently blinking in his forehead.

"Why did you have another eye at your forehead Big Brother?" Kei ask while looking somewhat confuse and a little but afraid. What if his Big Brother was a monster that was eating humans and decided to devour him since he was already annoyed to him being a crybaby.

He suddenly wanted to cry not because he was going to be eaten by his Big Brother but the favt that he thinks that he was annoyed to him. He suddenly have the urge to beg and promise him that he will not cry anymore.

"Oh, this is my third eye. A unique ability of mine that can help us in our current situation right now." Shu Feng explained to him while activating his Flawless Eye to further enhance his comprehenshion ability.

Kei was again startled at the sight of a Purple Light coming from Shu Feng's left eye. So my sight was right back then. He suddenly felt like Shu Feng was lying to him when he said that his third eye was just a ability after seeing the Purple Light shinning in his left eye.

'I swear that if I was given another chance, I would not cry anymore and will not annoy Big Brother from now on.' Kei sweared in himself secretly. Heck! He didn't even believe Shu Feng's answer to him. Because he knows that there is no himan who has a third eye and has their left eye glowing in a purple light.

And just like that, Shu Feng manage to indirectly discipline his Little Brother.