Chapter 27: Purple Horse

"This stalagmite is the only one which is gigantic. The Mythic Water also came out of it. Maybe there is something inside it." Shu Feng mumbled while moving around the object, carefully inspecting it.

Kei was also curiously looking at it and felt the same energy he just absorb coming from it. He didn't mention it since he knows that his Brother already knows it.

How can someone who drank almost all the water won't be able to feel it! Even a pig would learn how to fly if it live among the birds.

Author-san: I think it is impossible though.

Kei: That's right! It was IMPOSSIBLE! How can there be a human who could drink almost all the water that a whole lake contained! (Frustrated looking)

Author-san: .....You don't understand how you Big Brother–

Kei: That's the point! I. DON'T. UNDERSTAND! How can I understand something impossible?!

Author-san: {~ ... ~}


"Come here Kei." Shu Feng said to his little brother who was looking very gloomy at the side of the cave.

Hearing his Big Brother calling out for him, Kei just walk towards him with a gloomy expression.

"Come on, it was only some kind of special energy and not that powerful. Sigh, then I would help you sometime in your cultivation by giving you 30 percent of my own Energy." Shu Feng suggested while looking at Kei with a smile on his face.

Hearing his suggestion, Kei was immidiately overjoyed and directly flash towards Shu Feng in a speed that seemed to be faster than the light.

It was after all his Brother's energy. Although the energy he absorbed from the lake was strong, there was still something lacking in it compared to the energy that his Big Brother gave him the other day.

The reason why he would give Kei 30 percent the total amount of his Chaos Energy was simple. Since Kei only managed to absorbed 20% of the Mystic Energy then he would just compensate him with another 30 percent of his own to make it 50 percent.

"What would you like me to do Big Brother?" Kei ask while his eyes were kindling and even dog ears could be seen twitching. Heck! Shu Feng could even glimpse a dog tail wagging behind Kei.

He didn't find anything strange about his reaction since he knows that his Chaos Energy was more potent than the Mythic Energy.

After all he still considered Kei as a twelve year old little brother even if his looks were that of a seventeen years old.

"Try to inject your energy in this thing." Shu Feng said while pointing towards the gigantic stalagmite that was right in front of them.

Kei steps forward and did as Shu Feng told him. But as soon as he inject his Energy, a repelling force suddenly obstructed him and push him back a few meters.

Shu Feng was startled at what happened, he flick his finger and gave Kei a Recovery Pill just in case he received any kinds of injury from that impact. He estimated that the impact was strong as a full power of someone at the Third Stage Core Formarion Cultivator which is not a problem for the current him and Kei, but since the he didn't know the origin of the stalagmite, it was better to take precautions.

Shu Feng inspect it for another round before finally coming to a decision. Since every energy originated from Chaos, then he would just inject some Chaos Energy into it and try to break it open.

He placed his right hand into the crystal object and slowly injects his Energy Inside it. But he didn't feel any resistance.

It was like he was freely wandering without any obstruction.

Confirming his conclusion, he didn't idle anymore and just rushly injects his Chaos Energy frenziedly.


Seeing signs of cracking, Shu Feng felt excited and rush his Chaos Energy more.




The stalagmite explode into purple colored dust that scattered mid air and falling down like some kind of purple stars. A sight that truly needs to behold.



Sounds of explosion one after another came from the smaller stalagmited when the gigantic stalagmite broke into dust.

A bright purple light suddenly flew slowly out of the broken gigantic stalagmite. It soon formed a sucking force which directly attracts all the purple dust that was scattered everywhere.

It keeps on sucking and sucking and sucking until the last bit of purple dusk was suck inside.

The purple light that was hovering then slowly dimmed and soon revealed a purple egg shaped object with some strange lines in it.

The object then descends to the ground slowly. Shu Feng and Kei was still dumbstruck at the scenes that is unfolded right in front of them.

They were just abruptly awakened when they spot the egg shaped object descending slowly to the ground.

Without any further idling, Shu Feng and Kei surrounded the egg like object and look at it curiously. It was quite big since it needs two people to wrap their arms around it just to completely cover it up.

"Is it some kind of egg Brother Feng?"

"Hmm.. Maybe it is."

"What if we cooked it right now, I didn't get to eat any humburgurs this past few days. Maybe I could make a egg humburger out of it." Kei said while looking at the egg with his silava.

"Yeah, you're right. Hehehe" Shu Feng responded with a evil smile.

Sensing it's life coming to an end, the egg started to tremble.


Cracks started to appear on the shell which is the sign or something breaking out of it. This scene made Kei and Shu Feng felt disappointed since they won't be able to eat an Egg Hamburgur.

But when they thought about it, maybe they could eat a Chicken Burger instead?

No, it was not right to eat something that is jist born. That would make us cruel.


Shu Feng was lying inside his tent while eating some Hamburgurs paired with a soda. As for Kei, he was waiting for the little guy to come out of the egg.

It was already one hour since the egg started to crack which made them thinn that maybe the little guy was already dead.

So Shu Feng ordered Kei to observe it and inform him immidiately if the little guy will come out.

Poor Kei, he was task to watched over some egg while his Brother was there enjoying himself.

"Brother Feng, the little guy was coming out!"

Shu Feng immidiately went beside Kei to check the changes of the egg.

After arriving, he could see the little guy trying to come out. He just threw another hamburgur at Kei which made the latter jump in excitement.




Cracks after cracks came out of the shell.


The half of the giant egg fell on the ground with a boom.

Shu Feng then went beside the egg and wantee to take a look at what kind of little guy was born from the egg.

When he take a look, he could see a purple animal with a cute rounded long face with some mixed colored hair and a pair of cute small ears. It has also a little bump on its forehead. It's tail was the same color as its hair.

It was a freaking Purple Horse! Or maybe a Purple Foal!

[Note: A young horse is known as a Foal.]

Shu Feng exclaimed loudly inside him. Why would a good horse suddenly came out of egg?

As for the little guy, it was sitting with his butt on bottom of the shell and staring blankly at his surroundings.

And when the Little Guy landed his sights on Shu Feng, it's eyes were suddenly sparking. He tried to move towards Shu Feng but he was currently powerless right now.

It was already quite unbelievable for a small horse to break an egg that is almost tentimes larger than it's own sized.

Shu Feng was suddenly have the urge to pick the foal up and carry it on his lap. It was so damn cute! Those sparking Big purple eyes and its small ears with short legs made it look more adorable.

Specially since the Foal is purple all over it's body. Kei walk up towards the egg and also catch a glimpse of the little adorable guy.

The Foal was still looking at Shu Feng with kindling eyes since he smelled something 'delicious' coming from him. It can also feel something incredible from Shu Feng which made the Foal became more attracted.

But when ir saw Kei, he felt something that is threatening coming from it. And Kei also felt something amiss from the little guy.

Shu Feng picks up the Foal and embrace it while appreciating it's adorableness.

After some appreciation, he put the little guy doen first because it seems like it wanted to tell him something.


"A Mythical Beast wanted to form a Family Contract towards the Host. Do you want to accept? Y/N."

Shu Feng was stunned at the sudden notification. He didn't think that this little guy would turn out to be a Mythical Beast.

Well, it all made sense now since there is an Mythic Energy coming out of the lake.

"What is the Family Contract?" Shu Feng ask since he wants to take some precautions. Even though it was quite attractive to have a Mythical Beast by your side, he still needs that everything was fine.


"Family Contract refers to the contract that is made between a Beast and the contractor that will bound them by blood. The Beast would become a familiar of the contractor and would never resort to betrayal. In return, the Beast would still has it's own freedom."

Shu Feng sigh in relief when he heard nothing wrong about the contract. So he immidiately agreed without any hesitation.


"The Host should let the Beast drink your blood willingly and give it a name."

Shu Feng did as UG told him. He bit his thumb and let the blood drip inside the little guy's mouth. After he sense that it willingly drinks his blood, he started to ponder what would name he would give this little guy.

"From now on, you would be called Shu Zise." Shu Feng said. Which made the little guy excited about it's name.

[Note: Purple in chinese is translated as Zîsè.]


A invisible connection was suddenly formed between Shu Feng and Zise. Even Feng can feel the excitement that the little foal felt.

Zise suddenly looked towards Shu Feng that seemed to be asking for something. Feng immidiately understood it's meaning and let it go.

The horse just run towards hia broken shell and startes eating.


" Successfully establising a contract with a Mythical Beast."

"+20 000 LP"

[Note: LP - Lucky Points]



[Name: Shu Zise

Race: Ubercorn (Mythical Beast)

Origin: *****

Cultivation: None

Condition: Good]

Shu Feng analyzed Shu Zise to check on his stats. And just as he was expecting, some informations are currently not accessible to him. He even tried to ask about what is an Ubercorn and yet he didnt got any information.

"You could directly check his status with the use of the contract." UG suddenly notified him.

Shu Feng just gave an 'oh' response. He tried UG's suggestion and he could really see its status. But compared to his analyzed ability, it was still lacking in some aspects. It only ahows the name, race and cultivation.


"Huh?" A sage looking old man suddenly expressed after sensing something.

Yes you're right, this was the past sage who was sitting in a round platform and floating at the void aimlessly.

"Another star was bounded to him again. Completely changing it's destined fate...." The old sage mumbled and then just close his eyes again after mumbling some words under his breath. Not knowing what did he mumble.


Shu Feng has now another family member. Him being the Big Brother, Kei being the second eldest and Zise being the youngest.

And just like that, Shu Feng will then continue his journey with another member tagging them along.

But that was not his concern anymore, he was now thinking on how they would go out of this cave!