Chapter 30: Assassination


A large snake body flew from the sky and directly smash to the ground causing a massive explosion.

The Python was bleeding from the wound that is inflicted to him by Zise.

He cannot believe that a mere Third Stage Foundation Building Realm could injure him. Even those with higher stages would find it hard to inflict a wound on his body.

And yet, a ant in his eyes manage to do that?! It was unreasonable!

But what can he do, it already happened so he could only reluctantly accept it.

Zise was panting very hard since he used all of his strength with that single attack.

Due to the nature of his own energy with a little tinge of Chaos, it was very destructive like it has the power of total annihilation.

What's more, Zise was a Mythical Beast himself which is innately strong. And coupled with all the instructions and guidance of Shu Feng, he manage to inflict a severe blow to the Python despite being a major realm lower than the Demon Beast.

Zise slowly landed to the ground and faced the trembling Python with his prideful look.

Even if you are a whole realm higher than me, you are just a mere Demon Beast.

Shu Feng saw the whole situation and felt please inside his heart.

He was not expecting Zise to kill the Demon Beast since he was just a few weeks days old.

But all in all, he was still please in the achievement that Zise acomplished.

He called him back since he knows that the little guy could not fight anymore.

But Zise was reluctant, he didn't manage to kill the Demon Beast and it means that there won't be any extra Energy?

Sensing his predicament, Shu Feng sigh and immediately promised that he would still give him extra since he performed well.

Zise immidiately felt excited and quickly made his way towards Shu Feng.

"You should be able to deal with it yourself right?" Shu Feng casually said to General Su and the others.

As for them, they were still dumbstruck about what happened. How can a mere Second Stage Foundation Building Realm able to deal a massive injury to someone at the Second Stage of Core Formation Realm?!

But everything happened right before their eyes so they can only accept it.

"Wha- yes, yes, we could deal with it by ourself." General Su replied while seemingly still at dazed.

Shu Feng casually nodded and lets Zise rest on top of his head. The Little Guy was exhausted after all and for the reward, he was slowly feeding it with his Chaos Energy which he happily absorb.

As for the next fight, he was not interested in it so he sat crossed-leg and was cultivating silently and slowly.


After a full one hour. Bai Shi and the others finally manage to kill the Beast.

Even if it was injured, it was still a true-blue Upper One Star Demon King.

All of them sustained some light injuries and no one was gravely injured.

They decided to take a rest in a nearby place and set their camp right there.

General Su wanted to give the Demon Core but Shu Feng flatly rejected it. He was not the one who killed it in the end and even Zise would definitely not accept some lowly Beast Core.

General Su felt awkward but happy inside. He could sell this for a very high price after they leave the forest.

Everything was peaceful but the peace suddenly got disturbed by some uninvited guest.

Shu Feng slowly opened his eyes and looked in the direction in front of him.

"Why don't you come out now." Shu Feng said after closing his eyes again and didn't show any interest.

But his remark alerted Bai Shi and his group, they immediately raise their guard and and became warry to their surroundings.

Kei also notice their existence a little bit late but he didn't pay any heed to it since he was also not interested in some puny weaklings.

Zise was just laying comfortly on Shu Feng's lap and didn't even showed any reaction.

Few more seconds had passed but no one came out but Shu Feng was not bothered by it and just keep his calm expression.

But General Su and the others were becoming anxious for every second that passed. They didn't doubt Shu Feng's remark since he was a lot stronger than them. And the fact that they didn't manage to detect them only means that they are a lot stronget than them.


A shadow suddenly appeared beside Shu Feng with its eyes filled with killing intent.

He was cloaked all over his body with black cloth and only his eyes were revealed.

But he suddenly felt his body froze and he felt painful on his chest.

When he looked at his chest, blood was flowing down endlessly and a hand pierced through from his back while it was holding his own heart!

When he looked back, he only saw a terryfying eyes that was glaring at him with intense murderous intent.

He can even see a faint image of a very terryfying Dragon that was glaring at him with it's silver eyes.


Kei removed his hand while crushing the bloody heart he was holding, causing blood to splatter everywhere.

Shu Feng opened his eyes and look towards the dead body beside him and scoffed coldly. He flick his finger and a tiny Chaos Energy hit the corpse and immidiately burned it turning into a very fine dust.

Although Shu Feng was not diverse in any elements, he could still create all the elements he knows through the use of his own Chaos Energy.

It was Chaos after all.

And any kinds of element he creates woul be much more potent than the same one.

Although he could not yet used it to form Darkness, Time and Space Element since he didnt yet created their vortex.

It was also because of his Voxtices that he could comprehend each elements easily. It was like the Elements was originally a part of him.

But he knows that in order to create the last two elements, he needs a place rich in those elements to make his vortex creation much more easier.

Although there was some Time and Space Dust in hia Dantian, he knows that they won't be enough to create their respective vortex.

But he knows one thing for sure. As long as he manage to comprehend those last two elements, he could easily create them using his Basic Chaos Energy.

"Kill them all and bring their body to me." Shu Feng said before closing his eyes again. But when lookinv closely, before he close his eyes, a flash of very terryfying killing intent could be seen.

He would naturally didn't want to bother with them but since they wanted to kill him, then they should be prepared to be killed.

Kei looked towards the darkness, his aura of an Ancient Celestial Dragon immidiately exploded causing the ground to shake violently.

Young Master Bai and his companions was looking at Kei with a complete fear from their eyes.

He is at the Eight Stage of Foundation Building Realm!

They all exclaimed inside their heart. Even General Su felt like an ant in front of the terryfying aura. And just one look and he could tell that he was not a match for Kei at all.

Just the aura alone made him surrender! A Core Formation was yielding in front of a Foundation Realm Cultivator even they did not even fight!

"Retreat!" An old man suddenly shouted and flee without waiting for his comrades anymore.

He seemed to be the leader of the group and as soon as he saw how one of his people died in such a pathetic way, he immidiately cursed himself for provoking such existence.

They were here to assassinate Bai Shi and stop them from reaching their destination but they provoke the wrong person instead.

When Shu Feng called them out a moment ago, they estimated that Shu Feng was at the Fifth Stage of Core Formation. So the old man decided to eliminate him first since he felt threatened by his existence.

They were ordered to kill any witness, after all they could not manage to reveal their identity to anyone.

He was a assassin himself and he could even kill someone at the Sixth Stage Core Formation if they were caught off guard even though he was only at the Fourth Stage of Core Formation.

That's also the reason why he sent someone at the Third Stage to deal with Shu Feng so that he could estimate his combat ability and then he would deal the final blow.

But everything didn't go as planned, the man he sent was instead got killed by the kid who was sitting far away from their target.

There was a total of seven assasins including the one who died. All of them run away from different directions so as to buy time for someone to escape and made a report back about their situation.

Kei scoffed at their strategy, after disappearing, he arrive at the first person who was very close to him.


The person suddenly felt his body turning cold and he died just like that. Without any chance to fight back nor make any single sound.

Kei carried the dead body along with his massacre. He was task to give their bodies to his Big Brother after all.

He didn't dare to leave them on the ground since it was possible that a Demon Beast would eat them and if that happens, he would not be able to complete his Brother's order.

"Don't kill me I beg y–"




Sounds of misserable cry sounded throughout the darkness. It gives a creepy feeling to General Su and the others and can't help but hold their weapons with their hands trembling.

They decided not to belittle Kei anymore in their heart.

Who said that he was a servant?! Come out, and I will beat you to death.

That is what they are thinking right now.

The cries suddenly stopped and the peacefulness of the forest soon returned.

But the hearts of the others were bearing very fast.

Soon, a shadow came out with five dead bodies being pulled on the ground.

Kei came out while his two hands were dyed in blood, looking very terryfying.

Some blood also stained his cloth and some was on his hair.

Everyone's heart skip a beat when they saw him coming out of the darkness.

He walk slowly, with dead bodies being pulled while dying thw ground in blood. His hands were tainted by red color. All in all he looks like a Devil that came out of the Hell!

They gulp and felt a invisible sweat on their forehead.


Kei throws all the dead bloody bodies towards Shu Feng. The latter didn't move but the bodies was hovering that seemed to be covered in some kind of energy.

"Can you not throw corpses to me all the time?" Shu Feng said in a somewhat irritated look.

Kei didn't reply and just harrumphed. You ordered me to do such a filthy thing and yet you didn't even give me some of your energy, that's what you deserve.

Shu Feng knows already what was running through his Little Brother's mind. He sigh and causually made a rotating gesture with his index finger.

A golden energy started to form and a fist size Chaos Energy Ball was soon formed. This fist sized was very condensed and even become a physical golden ball. It was a total of 2% of his Chaos Energy.

If the energy of this ball would be release, it could cover a whole thousand meters. That is how terrifying his 2% of Chaos Energy were.

It was known that his Chaos Pool was like an endless ocean that has almost infinite amount of Chaos Energy.

He throws it towards Kei. The latter just casually picks it up and look at it like some kind of precious delicious candy that any kid would want for their birthday present.

'Such a condense Energy from Big Brother.' Kei thought and immidiately sat down to absorb the energy without minding other things.

He was already familiar with this energy, his Brother was guiding it in his body previously which is slow and careful.

He could feel that this Energy was very destructive ane has also a feeling like it could be mold into anything and able to create everything.

Because of the previous experience with his Brother's Energy, his meridians were strengthened everytime this energy entered his body which made his absorption of Energy Essence much more faster than before.

Even the arousing of his Bloodline would be boosted several times when he used this energy to cultivate.

This is the reason why he was very much like a three year old kid that was granted his wish when he receive the ball of energy.

Zise was envious and even look at Shu Feng with kindling eyes but the latter ignored him and instead look towards the corpes in front of him.

'So my guess were right.'