Chapter 38: Someone Is Breaking Through To Emperor Realm!

Morning came.

Shu Feng were practicing his control over the elements.

He was familiarizing himself. He would sometimes create an enclose space where he could practice his skills.

He would even sometimes try to slow down the time which is quite amazing. Everything around him started to move in a slow pace. It was a sight to behold.

He also tried to speed up the time but he could only at most do it for a few seconds.

Everytime he wants to speed the time up, a huge pressure seemed to weigh on him, making it hard for him to breath.

Slowing and Speeding has a very different concept even more if it involves controlling the flow of time.

Shu Feng could use his Chaos Energy a medium to slow down the surrounding time.

It was like he was putting a mud which in turn slow down a running bull.

That is the reason why he could easily slow down the time.

But the concept of speeding, it was too hard and brings him a huge burden.

He needed to use his Chaos Energy to lift the flow of time and speed it up.

And everytime he tries to do it, he felt like a horse trying to lift an elephant and then speeding up ahead.

It was too much of a burden to him.

As for stopping the time, it is still impossible for him. Although he really tried to do it, the result makes him give it up instantly.

"Although I could create Time using my Chaos Energy, it was still a little bit–" Shu Feng said in a frustrated tone but suddenly stopped halfway.

An idea struck his mind. He cannot help but blame himself for being stupid and didn't come up with this solution.

"That's righ! With my Chaos Energy, I could basically create anything as long as I understand their structure and logic behind them!" Shu Feng shouted out of excitement.

It was his very first time loosing his calmness and burst into excitement.

Shu Feng spreads his Chaos Energy, forming a one meter Domain around him.

After that, he converted his Chaos Energy into Time Element!

Shu Feng frowned.

'What's wrong with it? Everytime I tried to convert the other Chaos Energy into Time Element, the other ones that I already converted would crumble instantly.' Shu Feng said while rubbing his chin with his eyes close.

"Do you have any suggestions UG?"


"The Host's method if halfway correct. But the Time Element you tried to create is not connected to the flow of time of this world.

Basically saying, you're time element is like a cat entering the den of the tigers. Once you diverted your attention in converting the other Chaos Energy, the flow of time of this world would instantly erase the existence of the Time Element you created."

'Woah, so that's the reason.' Shu Feng thought and then retracted back his Chaos Energy.

He sat crossed-leg and close his eyes in meditation.

He recalled the feeling when the time around him slowed down. It was a sight to behold.

He thinks about the feeling when he wanted to speed up the time. It was too hard and burdensome to him.

Time Element runs flows everywhere and dictates everything. We were born, grow and die with the passage of time.

No one would be able to escape the flow of time. Even Immortals and Gods would submit before to power of Time.

Shu Feng's surroundings abruptly turned into silence. A silence that would make anyone deaf.

He could see everything around him, or we could say that he could feel and not see.

Grasses wave in a split second. They moved together with the passage of time.

Every milliseconds...

And every moments....

The leaves rustled. And with every motion they do, time was passing.

Everything was under the influence of Time. No one could truly see the flow of time despite seeing things keep on passing right in front of you.

Because everyone that is born in this world was under the shield of the trees that veiled the sun and only to see the shadow.

Everyone is fated to be under that tree and never to see the sun.

All of this thoughts keep on ringing inside Shu Feng's mind. They are going deeper and deeper.


Inside Shu Feng's consciosness, everything was pitch black.

But he heard a sound of a water dripping. Shu Feng kept on floating aimlessly at the endless darkness not knowing if this is still his consciousness.


Another water drip.




The dripping sound continues and become faster and faster with each moment until the dripping sound turned into the sound of a water being poured.

The sound of water being poured turned into the sound of water splashing.

And the sound of splashing water turned into the sound of a river. Flowing endlessly and constantly.

Shu Feng saw a tiny light from just a few distance from him.

He unconciously reach it out using his hands and tried to grab the light.

The closer he gets, the more visible the sound of river water flowing, sounded into his ears.

Shu Feng grab the light.

A blinding light illuminates the whole dark space which forcefully made Shu Fenv close his eyes.


In the place where Shu Feng was currently sitting, everyone was in turmoil. The clouds were pitch black and sounds of lightning and thunder resounded.

It was scary!

The winds howls and the light of the sun was covered by the darkness of the clouds.

Luo Yong was currently looking at Shu Feng with a strange expression.

It was a few moments ago, Luo Yong was oreparing for his advancement tomorrow when he suddenly feel a great disturbance in the surrounding Energy Source.

This feeling! He was familiar with it.

It was the same pressure he felt when he was trying to break through to the Fifth Stage of Nascent Soul Realm back then.

But something was odd about the pressure, it was several times much more terryfying and powerful.

He looked towards a certain direction and felt the pressure coming from the place where Shu Feng was staying.

He immidiately dash towards Shu Feng's place and appeared to where Shu Feng were currently sitting crossed-leg.

As soon as he saw that it was really Shu Feng, he suddenly felt irritated.

Is he trying to destroy the whole place?!

"What is happening, Leader?" Gao Jie ask after appearing behind Luo Yong.

The other three subordinates also appeared and ask the same question.

"Don't worry, it's just that our little friend trying to deal with his business." Luo Yong said while pointing towards Shu Feng.

Everyone looks at the direction where their leader ia pointing and cannot help but twitch.

'Is this guy trying to destroy the whole place?'

Everyone of them thought.

"Then what should we do, Leader?" One of the subordinates ask the most thing he was concerned right mow.

"Go Down and try to calm down everyone. I am sure that all the Beast were in panic right now. And just let him be. Don't disturb him." Luo Yong ordered to them. He also especially remark his last order which is not to Disturb Shu Feng.

The more powerful Shu Feng is, the more he could ensure his safety for tomorrow.

Although everyone was reluctant, they could not disober the order.

All of them cupped their fist and disappeared right away.

'Seriously, is this guy trying to break through to Emperor Realm?' Luo Yong thought before disappearing also.

He was not worried that someone would disturb Shu Feng since he and all his subordinates was living here.


And just as Luo Yong expected, every single Beast were currently in panick.

"Let's now leave! Someoen is trying to Break Through to Emperor Realm!"

"Is it our leader?"

"Everyone! Let's retreat far away from the Sky Mountain or else we would be killed by the Lightning Tribulation!"

Everyone was in turmoil.

Sky Mountain is so high but even with it's height, the Tribulation still manage to pressure those who are below.

It actually covered the whole Sky Mountain with its dark and pitch black clouds!


Shu Feng opened his eyes.

He was an endless White Space which looks like an illusion but real at the same time.

It was very amazing!

He was currently floating. He looked down and saw a white liquid-like energy that was flowing in a single direction. It was like an endless river.

He followed the flow using his sight but he could not see the end of it. He wanted to get close but something inside him was telling him not to.

He could feel a very pure and thick Time Element coming from that river. To be precise, it was like this is already the time itself.

"Where am I right now UG?" Shu Feng ask while wondering aimlessly but didn't get close to the river. There is something about it that makes him feel like something would devour him anytime if he dared to get close to it.

Shu Feng opened his eyes.

He was an endless White Space which looks like an illusion but real at the same time.

It was very amazing!

He was currently floating. He looked down and saw a white liquid-like energy that was flowing in a single direction. It was like an endless river.

He followed the flow using his sight but he could not see the end of it. He wanted to get close but something inside him was telling him not to.

He could feel a very pure and thick Time Element coming from that river. To be precise, it was like this is already the time itself.

"Where am I right now UG?" Shu Feng ask while wondering aimlessly but didn't get close to the river. There is something about it that makes him feel like something would devour him anytime if he dared to get close to it.


"The Host is currently inside the River of Time of thia world." UG said with his normal tone.

'So this is the River of Time where in the Flow of Time of this world existed.' Shu Feng thought while looking at the river below him.

"Right! What am I gonno do here UG? Do I need to form a connection to the Time Element that I am converting?" Shu Feng ask when he suddenly thinks about his real business of coming here.


"No need, the Host could just directly leave an imprint of your Chaos Energy in the River of Time to form a connection. In this way, every time you created Time Element, it would automatically form a connection to the flow of time of this world.

Rather, if you just merely form a connection using the converted Time Element, it would only become a temporary connection and the Host needed to come here everytime he wanted to form a connection."

Shu Feng nodded in understanding and did as what UG told him, he sends his Chaos Energy towards the River of Time.

But as soon as it was a two meters away from it, a barrier seemed to be rendering it unable to advance anymore.

"What is happening?"

"The barrier serves as a protection so that not just anyone could have an access to the River of Time. The Host needs to overcome the Heavenly Tribulation before managing to form a connection to the River of Time."

"Ahh.. Wait what?! But there is no Heavenly Tribulation righ here you kno–" Shu Feng was just halfway his words when he suddenly thought about his body in the outside world.

"Then that means, I am currently facing a Tribulation at the outside world right now?" Shu Feng ask and wanting to confirm his obvious assumption.


Shu Feng gulped and ask another question.

"How strong is the Heavenly Tribulation?"

"It is as strong as the Tribulation of someone trying to break through to Emperor Realm." UG said without showing any hint of emotion.


Complete silence....

After a few minutes, Shu Feng finally reacted.

"What?!!! Then would that mean that I would die?!" Shu Feng shouted in despair.

"Don't worry, the system estimated that the Host has a chance of survival.

The Tribulation is a Time Tribulation, It would try to speed up and slow down the Host's body and soul making the Host become old. It would even sometimes revert the Host back, making you younger.

The Tribulation will make the Host old until you turned into dust. And make you young again until you turn into nothing."

The reply didn't make Shu Feng relieved a little bit at all!

"The Tribulation would only strike two times. The first tribulation would let the Host experience old age, your Life Regeneration would instantly come into effect and would be able to delay the effect until you just looked like an Old man and will not turn into dust.

At the second strike, the Instant Recovery would recover the Host from his original look and age after being affected by the reversal of time.

So the Host didn't need to worry and just wait patiently." UG explained, which in turn made Shu Feng sigh in relief.

But Shu Feng seemed to be forgetting something.

He could not remember it.

Well, he just brush it off right now and sat cross-leged in meditation. He waited patiently.