Chapter 52: Shameless Dragon

Shu Feng came back together with Kei and Zise. Their brother suddenly appeared in the room which startled both of them. He then told Kei that someome wanted to meet him which made him confuse.

But Kei still follows his brother and Zise just tag along. The latter shrink his size and sat on top of Shu Feng's head.

Long Zao is waiting patiently while drumming the surface of the table. Zen Fu just stands up at the side while his eyes close and didn't utter any single word.

Shu Feng sat opposite and Kei also sat down beside him.

Kei looked at Long Zao curiously since his body keeps on flickering constantly. He cast his glance at Zen Fu who is silently standing and felt threatened by his presence.

"Sigh, I never would have thought that I would really meet someone who possessed a bloodline of an Ancient Dragon." Long Zao said while staring at Kei with a mix of expressions.

One stare and he already knew whether he really is someone with the bloodline of Ancient Dragon or not. He could even infiltrate Shu Feng's soul and emotion without him noticing!

Kei didn't react to those words since he is not aware himself about how important his bloodline is. It was his brother who help him awaken it after all.

He just need to cultivate properly and he would be strong.

"Before everything else. I want my questions to be answered first." Shu Feng said which interrupted Long Zao's thoughts. But the latter just nodded his head.

"First, does every dragon use 'Long' as their family name?" Shu Feng ask while raising his index finger.

"No, dragon race is divided into many different branches all around the universe but only the main family has the rights to be surnamed as 'Long'." Long Zao answered without any reservations.

'So that means Kei's father is part of the main family which also make him descendant of the main family.' Shu Feng thought while caressing his chin.

"Second, where is the main family staying?" He ask while raising his middle finger.

"Hmmm, the main family is staying at the Dragon Reign World which is a hundred thousand times more bigger than this world. It is also the place where I came from." Long Zao said with a sad expression. That is his home land after all.

Shu Feng pondered a bit before posing his last question after raising his ring finger.

"His father's surname is Long, is it possible that there might be another Dragon Family that has the Long as their surname staying in this world?" Shu Feng ask. This is the most important question and will dictate everything.

"No, although some of our family members stayed at other worlds, it is impossible for someone of our family to stay in this world. And on top of that, I know every world where some of our main family members stayer in. Unless–" Long Zao didn't find this question wierd at first, but when he was about to conclude his answer, he stop halfway and came to a realization.

Shu Feng also got a gist of what Luo Zong was about to say next.

"That only means that someone from your main family already came here and blended with all of the natives of this world. They must have detected that you died in this world and sent someone to look for you here." Shu Feng said slowly.

"But it would take at least two hundred or more years for them to pinpoint my exact location at least." Long Zao said while thinking deeply.

"Alright, that's all what I want to know." Shu Feng said and didn't bother to state his opinion anymore. Long Zao died for almost Five Hundred Years already and even if it takes for the main family at least two hundred years to detect his death and locate him, it is still possible for them to arrive here and interacted with all of the natives that is just enough for the existence of Kei.

He already get what he wanted and that only leaves with the last step. He needs to find those members that stayed here in this world and question them.

Long Zao didn't bother to continue anymore either and instead cast his gaze at Kei. The kid in front of him possessed the bloodline of Ancient Dragon and on top of that, he is the Brother of the one he is searching for.

And base on his interactions with Shu Feng, he value his relationship the most over himself which is quite rare nowadays.

He knows that he could not convince Shu Feng to save his race. So he come up with a plan.

If he could rope Kei in, then as the Big Brother, Shu Feng would naturally come along. Then their race would have someone with the bloodline of Ancient Dragon with a freaky monster as his brother!

Isn't that killing two birds with one stone?

Just thinking about it made Long Zao's expression turn into full smile that made him look really creepy.

"You must be Kei?" Long Zao ask after coughing and fixing his posture. He must look grand and elegant in order for his plan to work.

Kei just nodded his head in response without paying any heed about Long Zao's attitude.

"Can you tell me how did you meet my Junior Brother Shu Feng?" Long Zao ask without any shame written on his face.

Shu Feng almost choke when he heard him. Damn, that's so shameless! He screamed inside him but didn't bother to comment. He trust his brother. With all of the days that they had been together, he is sure that Kei would not betray–

"Are you Brother Feng's acquaintance?!" Kei shouted while slamming the table with a bang and even stands up!

It is very rare to see him act like this. But when he heard how Long Zao ask him, he thought that he must be his Big Brother's acquaintance which agitated him. Everything related to his brother is something that needed at most care and full attention!

Long Zao smiled wryly. But he was laughing inside him. Although Kei's reaction is quite unexpected, it is still more than good enough. He didn't think that just by mentioning that Shu Feng is his Junior Brother, everything would become so easy.

He even planned on coming up with different kinds of scenarios wherein he and Shu Feng ventured the whole world and came to different places and protected each other from great dangers and etc.

But looking at the situation, it does not matter anymore.

Shu Feng felt that if he didn't interfere, something bad would happen.

Long Zao smiled evilly when he saw that Shu Feng is about to interfere. It is better to smash the iron while it is still hot.

'It is already too late, hehehe.'

"Yes, you're right! You're brother and I can be considered as brother already!" Long Zao said which made Shu Feng choke the words that he was about to say.

'Shameless!' That's the only thing that he could think of right now.

"Woah! Then that makes you my Big Brother also!" Kei said while looking at Long Zao with kindling eyes.

'That's it!' Long Zao thought.

"Of course, of course. Hahahaha. Call me Senior Brother Zao from now on. Hahaha" Long Zao said while laughing heartily.

He didn't think that his plan would go this smoothly.

He didn't even care about how Shu Feng thought about him anymore! As long as he could rope Kei in, everything would go the way he wants.

'Heh, you are still too young kiddo.' He thought while smirking and looking at Shu Feng.

Feng wanted to retaliate and shout that everything that this old dragon said is completely wrong! But his shamelessness is too much!

It is too powerful that he could not even utter a single word.

Where is your pride as someone who was called as a Great Dragon?! Aren't you someone who reach Immortal Realm?!

But how could Long Zao care about such past matters. Even if you call me shameless a million times, I don't care.

If Shu Feng had known that being shameless would be this powerful, he would not have stop UG from adding another features and follow the path of shamelessness!


"Do you want to continue the updates for the path of shamelessness?"


Shu Feng thought about it but he still decided not to continue the updates. He is not yet ready to be someone who is very shameless yet.

"Then why does Senior Brother Zao looks like that?" Kei ask curiosly. He even calls him Senior Brother now!

"If Junior Brother Kei wants to know, do you want to accompany your senior brother for a walk?" Long Zao ask while keeping his smile. This is the last step on his plan. He needs to divert Kei away from Shu Feng!

Kei just nodded his head and follows Long Zao out of the pavillion while waving his hand towards Shu Feng and said his goodbye.

But Shu Feng didn't look fine. He turned into a stone! And Zise keep on rubbing his head into him and express his concern.

"I am sorry for that. I didn't think that Long Zao would act that shameless." Zen Fu said while scratching his head and totally embarrassed. Even he himself could not believe what he had just witness!

After saying it, he bid his farewell and vanish instantly before making his way towards the direction where Long Zao and Kei went.


The wind blows and Shu Feng was still inside the pavillion and alone together with Zise. He just sits there like a statue and didn't move an inch.