Chapter 54: Killing Order

After the Twin Devil descended, they positioned themselves at the left side of the pillar and stayed their silently.

Another shadow figure came down to the pillar. He looked like a giant with his bulky body while carrying a massive axe that is two times his body size! His face is hidden under a mascot that had holes in the nose part for breathing purpose.

His mouth and eyes are hidden under that cover. He is half naked with a tattered pants. He looked like someone who have gone to a war. His chest muscle was full of scars all over.

They call him the Silent Devil! He is a Sixth Stage Soul Projection Realm Cultivator! He never uttered a single word since the day that he is born! Even the Lord himself could not do anything to his silence!

But when he is in battle, he is like an unstoppable killing machine that would only stop after killing all of his enemies!

After the Silent Devil positioned himself at the right side of the pillar, the surrounding atmosphere suddenly turned more gloomy and eerie. This made all of those who are kneeling tremble unconsciously!

The Lord had come!

"Kawk! Kawk! The Lord had come! The Lord had come!" This is the voice that announced the arrival of the Lord. It is actually a crow with blood red eyes.

It flew down and descended towards the center of the pillar.

A black smoke emerge in the middle of the pillar and slowly takes form of a human figure.

The figure stretches it's right arm where the crow place itself.

The human figure had a very pale skin with his long pitch black hairand that keeps on swaying. Half of his face is covered with a silver mask.

He wears a black robe with a skull figure hanging on his sides. His stature and disposition is very fitting of someone who was entitled as the Lord.

Starting from his aura and those sharp red eyes makes him more terryfying!

"Greetings to our Lord!"

"Greetings to our Lord!"

Everyone present shouted in unison. Including the Silent Devil and Twin Devil. Everyone is kneeling down once the Lord makes his appearance.

No one knows what cultivation level their Lord already reach. There is even a rumor that he already entered the Emperor Realm!

But no one could ever prove these rumors. But one thing ia for sure, that he is the strongest among all the present right now! No matter his cultivation level is, even if all of them combined together, they could not match the strength of their Lord!

"Seventh Devil reported to me that someone keeps on opposing our plan on reviving the Devil! Such act is unforgivable! No matter what, we must revive the Devil and bring cleanse the filth of this world! Whoever tried to opposed us shall die! Kill without mercy!" The Lord shouted with his voice filled with devotion and killing intent.

"Kill without mercy!" The First Devil shouted which creates a domino effect.

"Kill without mercy!"

"Kill without mercy!"

Looking at the shouts of the crowd, the Lord smiles evilly with a flash of ruthlessness in his eyes. He wave his hand and papers after papers flew everywhere.

"If anyone ever saw him, kill him!" He shouted at the crowd. The Twin Devil, Silent Devil and even the Seven Pillars of the Devil pick one paper each and look carefully at the image that is drawn.

The image looks very gorgeous and beautiful. Everyone gasped on how handsome the person is. Some of them are even wondering why such a young looking lad dare to oppose their Lord.

He looks like someone who didn't even have his hair fully grown yet! Youngs are really arrogant and ignorant!

The image looks very familiar. It is Shu Feng!

The Lord then vanish together with his crow. His order is already issued and he just needed to wait for it to finish.

Although it would be much more easier for him to act and finish it himself, some old geezers might notice him and that would surely cause him troubles.

He is the Lord of the Blood Skull Society after all and letting all his subordinates do the acts would be much more proper.

When he disappeared, everyone finally stands up and started to move out. All the Seven Pillars of the Devil also leave the place and started to issue the killing order from their Lord.

Even the Twin and Silent Devil made their move since the order is directly from their Lord himself.

A bunch of Foundation and Core Formation Realm Cultivators were hunting Shu Feng, but they are not his problems.

The one that could threaten him the most is those Late Stage Nascent Soul Realm Cultivators and those Soul Projection Realm Cultivator that could instantly kill him with just a single move.

Not just one but more than three of them is after his life!

And Shu Feng who was lying in his room while his eyes close is oblivious on the incoming danger.


After his conversation with Long Zao, he already accepted the possibility of Kei being rope on by that shameless dragon!

Zise is just lying beside him in his shrinked size. He suddenly realize that Zise is the only one that truly love him.

Suddenly, just as Shu Feng is about to caress Zise, he abruptly awakened and jump out of the bed which confuse him.

Zise is trembling all over and he could feel the little guy's fear. And that fear is directed towards him?!

Shu Feng felt that an impending danger. He didn't know why but something dangerous is going to happen to him.

He gestured to Zise to come towards him and embrace the little guy. It keeps on howling and crying like he was about to die which is quite odd.

"Calm down Little Guy, your brother is alright." Shu Feng said while assuring Zise. He waited until he fall asleep before asking UG about his strange behavior.

"Ubercorn has the Thread Weaver ability which enables them to see someone's fate like how it can normally see everything. Due to the contract between you and Zise, it would instantly react to any danger you will about to encounter." UG explained which enables Shu Feng to come to a conclusion.

"Am I going to die?" Shu Feng ask wierdly. But UG didn't reply nor sent any answer to his question.

'Zise didn't act like these when I made a deal with Long Zao regarding protecting him against a bunch of Nascent Soul Cultivators. That means that someone at the Late Stage is after my life, but with the presence of Zen Fu, it is quite impossible for that to happen since he is at the Sixth Stage Soul Projection Realm.' Shu Feng analyze his situation carefully. And when he came to a realization, he suddenly felt that everything became more complicated.

'At least someone with the same cultivation level as Zen Fu is after me but I killed anyone who was present at that fight back then.

Did Bai Shi or his family members betrayed me? Or that other one? No, it's not the case.

That's right! I did offend someone. But the problem is not just someone but a whole organization.' Shu Feng thought to himself. He felt really conflicted right now since it is the Blood Skull Society he had to deal right now!

And if its really the case, then they must have sent at least two or more Soul Projection Realm Cultivators after me.

"Urgh, this makes it much more troublesome than I had just thought." Shu Feng grumbles while lying in his bed in comfort. But deep inside him, he is nervous.

But when he thinks about it, when he is fighting those bunch of Nascent Soul Cultivators, he sense some black cloaked man in his map but didn't pay much attention to them since he is keeping his eyes on Kai Hong at that time.

And if his guess is correct, those cloaked man should be part of the Blood Skull Society. For them to appear that time should be connected to Long Zao. And my dumb self just got in their way! But he didn't regret it.

He just regrets the fact that he didn't kill them first so that all this trouble would not have happened.

He is really careless this time.

"How many System Points and Luck Points do I have currently, UG?"


[SP: 53 199]

[LP: 65 000]

UG showed him the total number of his System Points and Luck Points. This also surprises Shu Feng slightly since it's been a long time since he saw his status and he is not sure how many points he already earned.

But the more points means more items he could buy. It's just a pity that a single spin in his Ultimate Lucky Spin cost 10 000 Luck Points.

But considering how his Luck grows more than twenty points, he expected that the items he would get is worth of this Luck.

"Alright! Time for some shopping!" Shu Feng shouted happily like he is about to go in a grocery store to buy some needed items.