Chapter 62: Fuyong

Shu Feng opened his eyes slowly and took a deep breath. He stands up from his position and made his way towards the others. He didn't know why but he smells something fishy. And when he tried to walk, he felt a sticky and slimy liquid flowing from his skin.

He looked at his robe and got shocked to see it totally red in color! He creates a water mirror to see his reflection. He is shocked to see a hideous and ugly monster staring at him at that mirror! His handsome and beautiful face is covered with a filthy blood!

But he suddenly realize that the blood came from him when his body suffered that hellish pain.

"The heck! My god-like face and flawless skin is tainted by my glistening and holy blood!" Shu Feng said while carefully removing all the blood from his face. He didn't say it was disgusting since this blood contains the bloodline of a Wood Ancient. It would be disrespectful if he called it hideous.

Contrary to his reaction. Long Zao and Zen Fu looked at him with complicated expression. They are thinking how shameless Shu Feng could be. Yes, we could agree if you say that your face is god-like. But what's up with that glistening and holy blood?

Kei run towards Shu Feng while carrying Zise in his arms. He is not bothered by his looks and just keep on looking at Shu Feng with those kindling eyes like he is expecting something.

How could Feng be not aware what those eyes keep on telling him. In all the days that he and his two brothers travelled together, he could tell right away that Kei wanted some of the Chaos Stones that he used for cultivation.

Shu Feng looked at the ground he sat on and only spot ashes without any single Chaos Stone left. He already expected this to happen since that greedy core of his even devoured almost three times the maximum Chaos Energy he could store in his Chaos Pool before calming down!

He secretly buy ten High Quality Chaos Stone at the store which cost him fifty SP. He placed his hands inside his robe like he is getting something. But truthfully, he is just retrieving those ten Chaos Stones from his Item Space and only use his robe as a cover.

He didn't want to be seen by that Shameless Dragon magically giving Kei some Chaos Stones without even wearing any storage items. That Dragon is someone who already reach Immortal Realm back when he was still alive which means that he had a lot of experiences.

He gave Kei all the ten Chaos Stones and pick up Zise from the latter's embrace. The brat immediately run towards the Sky Mountain without any hesistation.

Shu Feng looked at him weirdly. He knows that Kei is obsessed in cultivation more than him. What is fun in cultivating? He suddenly felt pity to this kid's future wife.

What Shu Feng didn't know is that the almost dying flame of desire residing inside Kei was ignited by him once more!

Shu Feng covered Zise with his Chaos Energy so that he won't get sticky with all of the blood covering his body. He made his way towards the two 'old' man and told them that they should go back now.

Long Zao and Zen Fu just nodded unconsciously without replying much. They are still shocked to the core by everything that just happened and it would take at least some time before they could regain their sanity!


Shu Feng placed Zise on the bed. The latter was still sleeping comfortably. He heaved a sigh in relief when he saw that the Little Guy is not trembling anymore. He is not worried about the danger and just thinks about Zise's well-being.

He then got rid of his bloody robe by creating a fire using his Chaos Energy. The robe got engulped by the fire which instantly turned it into fine dust that vanished into the space.

Somewhere at the outside of Shu Feng's residence, some kind of dust magically appeared out of nowhere.

When the fine dust disappeared into the space, Shu Feng just linked the space in the room in the outside and dump all the ashes omof his burned robe there! He didn't know but his control in all the elements seemed to advance further! He didn't even need to tear the space just to connect it to other space!

But he didn't manage to notice it since he felt that everything about it is normal! It's like he just walk one step and don't find anything out of ordinary! But in truth, in that single step traversed more than ten steps! He needs to actually pay it attention in order to find the difference!


He walked inside the bathroom and soaked himself in the warm and comfortable hot spring. After taking a fulfilling bath, he went to the bed and decided to take a rest for the remaining day. It was still four in the afternoon. He didn't wait for Kei anymore since he knows that the latter is just cultivating somewhere here at the Sky Mountain.

While Shu Feng rested comfortably, ten cloaked man appeared at the Sorrow Village. All the people look at them with some wariness. They could feel a very dark and ominous aura coming from these man and didn't dare to get close to them.

The whole village turned silent just by their presence alone! Suddenly, one of the man remove the hood of his cloak and revealed his pale and handsome face. It is the First Devil!

He retrieved a dark crystal ball. Once the ball appeared, some kind of dark smoke keep on coming out from it. Any people who saw it could feel an immense death aura that could instantly choke a person to death.

"It is reported that one of our member is located here back then to conduct a sacrificial ritual here but was stopped by someone. Since the ritual failed, I as the First Devil would accomplish it in his stead!" With that said, a very terryfying dark energy came out from that ball accompanied by ghost like howls!

All the villagers and cultivators screamed in terror. Everyone run away out of instinct but the dark energy is even much more faster than them! The whole village is covered with that ominous energy in just a few moments!

Screams of despair that could make anyone tremble in fear resounded throughout the place!

After a few minutes, the whole screaming died down which makes the place silent and eerie. The dark energy was sucked inside the ball without leaving any single trace left.

When the whole village came into view, dead bodies could be seen everywhere! Children, elderly, woman and even some pregnant and some infants diead without any chance to retaliate. It is too cruel and hateful!

The eyes of those dead became pure white. Their souls had been taken by that dark energy!

The First Devil suddenly looked at the edge of tghe forest and a flash of killing intent appeared in his eyes. He glared at the bush but didn't pay it any heed.

The others also notice this but didn't pay it any attention. They are not interested in killing a rat after all.

The crystal emmits a dark light and an image suddenly showed up in it. It is Shu Feng together with Kei in his embrace that retreats away from the Sorrowful Village and vanish into the forest.

"So it is also him." The First Devil mumbled to himself. He brought the crystal back before disappearing before saying Let's go to his companions.

At the edge of the forest, a boy was trembling all over while some herbs was scattered around him. He is hiding in a bush while covering him mouth with both of his hands while tears keep on flowing from his eyes.

He witnessed everything!


A few minutes ago, Fuyong a ten year old kid was walking happily in the forest towards his home village while holding some herbs in his hands.

'With these herbs, I could sell it for a high price and buy my mother and sister some delicious food to eat for the next few months.' Fuyong thought while gazing at the bunch of herbs he is holding.

But suddenly, he heard screams of despair coming from his home village. He had a bad feeling about those screams. He unconsciously run faster and faster and something inside him keeps on shouting repeatedly that everything is fine.


But when he is at the edge of the forest, just right before his eyes is his home village that is covered by dark energy with those screams of despair resounding throughout the place!

His limbs turned weak and he just kneel at the ground while his mouth keeps on trembling without any words coming out. He loose his grab at those herbs which made it fall down into the ground.

It was then that he saw those ten cloak man with one of them holding a black crytal in his hand. That man slowly looked at his direction. Luckily, he reacted fast enough and manage to hide at the bush that is just beside him.

He could feel a very bone chilling killing intent coming from that man but he just covered his mouth with both of his hands in order to not let any sound come out.

What he didn't know is that the ten man already knows that he is there but they are just too lazy to kill him. They still have a much more urgent matter that they needed to deal after all.

They immediately disappeared from their spot while leaving the whole Sorrowful Village with a pile of dead bodies ranging from children to elderly!

Although the killing intent already vanished, the boy was still trembling while tears keep on flowing from his eyes. That scream leave a very deep trauma to the kid!

But he suddenly thought about something.

'Mother! Sister!'

He quickly rush out from the bush and made his way towards his home at the village. He keep on stumbling but the he could not feel the pain anymore.

But when he arrived at the entrance of the village, numerous dead bodies was all over the place! He even saw some of the man that would occasionally tease him lying on the ground with their lifeless body! Even some kids that he played with are also dead!

He walk over with his trembling body and totally shocked face. Tears keep on falling uncontrollably. His world seemed to be spinning around and he didn't know what to do anymore.

And when he appeared in his house and opened the door with a creaking sound, two lifeless body came to his sight. When he saw it, the last bit of his strength left him and he just drop at the ground with a total despair from his eyes!

It was his mother and sister! They both have an expression of despair with those eyes that already lost it's color. Memories of the time that they had been together flash before his eyes and can't help but scream and cry the last bit of his tears!

He could even see his mother hugging his most favorite shirt that had been torn while some sewing materials got shattered around her. This scene made him lost all of the meaning of his life.

His mother and sister died. They are only his family members but they are now gone!

His eyes just turned colorless. He just carry both of their bodies and dug the soil at their backyard in order to burry his mother and sister.

It was like his body is just acting automatically without any meaning and direction. It was already six in the evening when he finish burrying them, his hands are full of scara and injuries from that seemingly endless digging.

He didn't know why but his body just made it's way towards the Demon King Forest and just continued to walk deeper and deeper without minding the howls and roars of different beasts.

Like something inside him keep on telling him that this place could bring him the light that had been lost. His figure vanish into the forest. As for whether he could survive the night is still unknown.