Chapter 65: Mission #04 (2)

While Fuyong was still in a daze and keep on inspecting the whole room, Kei appeared in front of his door and opened it gently afraid that the injured boy inside would be distracted if he were to just suddenly open it with a bang.

'Creak.. '

The door slowly opened and creates a sound which disturb Fuyong from his wandering mind. He looked nervously at the silhouette of the person who slowly entered his room.

'An Angel!' Fuyong cannot help but exclaim inside him when he saw a beautiful young man that was being illuminated by a bright light in his back! It was obviously Kei who was facing the morning sunrays backwards.

It was just that his otherworldly face with those silvery eyes and some of his front hair turning into silver color made him looked holy and dignified. It came without any explanation that his own aura made him looked more respectable!

Fuyong is now sure that he is in heaven right now! The beautiful room and an angel appearing right after he woke up indicated that his time to be picked up has come. Although he felt regretful that he didn't get any justice for his family and friends, he just accepted the fact that he already died.

His mind is already matured since early age. Hunting Demon Beast and facing many life and death situations made his mind mature earlier than any other kids of his age.

But it was odd that he still feel a deep heartache that never fades away. He could see some blurry corpses and two dead bodies into his mind and he could not help but tremble a little. He wanted to cry but all of his tears had already dried up.

He knows that something must have happened but he could not remember it clearly. It was like something or someone had erase a particular memory of his. He knows, he knows inside his heart that all of the important people to him must have suffered a very tragic experience.

But what is it? The more he tried to remember, the more he would feel his head aching. Something seemed to be stopping him from recalling those memories!

Didn't they say that all of the pain would go away once you died? But why would he still have this deep ache that reached the most bottom part of his heart?

But his train of thoughts was soon interrupted when he heard a light yet handsome voice that directly spoke towards him.

"So you're already awake. Come with me, my brother wants to meet you." Kei said without showing any expression. He still remembered how his brother smack his head that night. He is partially at fault at that time but the kid is also at fault! Who ask him to be dying at that moment and indirectly took advantage of his kindness which made him kick the door of his brother in the middle of the night?

He blamed himself for his recklessness but he also blamed the kid for causing him to act like that. So all in all, both of them were in wrong!

Don't worry, Kei is not being unreasonable, he is just calculating everything and placing all the blames to those who deserves it. He is just copying Shu Feng! As long as you have a share of those wrongdoings, you will be held accountable even if you are already at the death's door!

Fuyong just nodded his head and thought that he would be now put in a trial for all the sins that he had committed when he was still alive. He wondered and tried to remember the things that could be considered as a sin.

As far as he could recall, he only stealed some chicken eggs from his neighbor and some of their fruits that grows on the trees.

Kei lead Fuyong towards their dining area. It was a wide open room with a table that was enough to fit six person. All the food are already served and everyone was sitted and only waits for the last two.

Shu Feng is sitting at the chair at the head of the table. This seat meant for those that held the highest position within a family. And the two sides would be the place where tge family members would sit.

But Shu Feng didn't know about this tradition. Even if he is aware, he won't give it a single shit. Sit wherever you want! Eat whatever you want! He just felt like sitting here would make him look like the Big Brother so he just did.

Kei sat at the right side of the table while Zise sat at the left side. Yes you're right, Zise could sit but his chair is different from the others. It didn't have any back support and just a square chair with a pillow on it.

Fuyong stared at them in daze. It is not what he had expected at all. Why does it looks like he is invited to eat instead of entering his trial? He cast his glance at the young man that is on the left side of the angel and cannot help but stare at him in complete awe!

He is even much more handsome than the angel!

Shu Feng looked at Fuyong and smiled at him. He is not aware of all the thoughts that runs through his head but he is the one that invited him for breakfast so he must be polite.

But he didn't know that with just this smile made Fuyong blush in embarrassment! No matter how the kid tried to looked unperturbed, he could not stop himself from being bashful with just that smile of Shu Feng!

Who in their right mind to create such a beautiful being! He knows that he like girls but the one that is smiling right in front of him could not be considered as merely handsome or beautiful! He is someone that could make any woman go crazy!

"Come, please join us in our breakfast. I know that you are already hungry." Shu Feng said whilw gesturing his hand towards the opposite chair in front of him.

Fuyong just nodded his head unconsciously without averting his gaze at Shu Feng. He sat down and was still in complete daze! He didn't know why but even the air that he inhales feels so refreshing! And what's more, the aura around that person opposite him made him comfortable. It was like the pain and worries are lessened greatly!

"Um-m.. Where am I?" Fuyong as in confusion and awkward tone. Although he knows that he is in afterlife, he just wanted to know why did he have to eat breakfast?

"Oh right, that was rude in our part. I apologize for that. As you may not know, we are at the Sky Mountain that is located at the Center Part of the Demon King Forest." Shu Feng said while keeping his warm smile.

"I am Shu Feng. This is Kei and Zise. They are my brothers." He continued after a brief pause.

Fuyong was confuse at first but he suddenly come back to his senses. He is not dead yet and this is not the heaven! He was shocked beyond words!

But he suddenly realize something terryfying! He heard about some tales and stories about the Center Part of the Demon King Forest.

It was said that some terryfying Demon Beasts live here and a few of them could already take a human form! Then didn't that mean that the two humans right in front of him are a Demon Beast in a human clothing?! He looked at the odd purple horse at his right side and he further confirmed his conclusion!

So that's the reason why they wanted him to eat! So that he could become much more fat and nutritious before they could devour him!

Shu Feng could accurately tell what's running through his head and cannot help but smile wryly. The kid is right though, he and Kei could not be considered as a Human anymore but they are not a Demon Beast either.

Heck! Who wanted to be a Demon Beast? They are ugly and weak!

"Don't worry, we are not a Demon Beast or anything." Shu Feng said before the misunderstanding continued to grow further.

But how could Fuyong believe him? Isn't the odd horse that is sitting right now a Demon Beast? And how the heck could you read my mind?! He became much more warry and vigilant. Even though he could not escape, at least he would fight till the end! That was the thing that all his fellow villager–

Fuyong suddenly stop at his thoughts. He didn't know why but his body started to tremble all over. It was like a pain that was confined inside him came to the surface again.

That's right! All of the villagers, his friends and even his mother and sister are already dead! His world suddenly turned dark and silent. His eyes slowly yet again looses it's light.

'Just as I thought, it would still came to him.' Shu Feng thought while watching Fuyong tremble all over. He wanted to take this slowly but some things really didn't go well as we expected.

You're right, last night when Fuyong was suffering his Nightmare, Shu Feng appeared in his room since he could not really hold his curiosity back. He invaded silently his mind and he could clearly saw those terryfying and traumatizing scenes that a ten year old kid didn't have to witness.

He even manage to catch a glimpse of those ten cloaked man in that nightmare. He know those outfits, it is the Blood Skull Society again!

He frowned deeper and could not help but release a slight disturbance which cause a tiny turmoil but he soon calmed himself down.

Albeit calm on the outside, a storm was slowly brewing inside him. Flash of cold glint could be seen in his eyes. He could not bear those scenes. Killing a whole village that has innocent people like just picking a berry out of the tree?

Even children? Babies? And those pregnant women with their own child that didn't even manage to catch a glimpse of the outside world died just like that? That kind of thing could not be forgiven by just death!

And with these run of thoughts that Shu Feng had, UG gave him a notification.


"Detecting the Host's intense desire for killing."


"Issuing another Mission."

"Mission #04 - Killing Mission"