Chapter 67: Desire Points

Shu Feng told Kei to escort Fuyong back to his room while keeping Zise and Zen Fu at the room. He wanted to let the old man know about his situation but he didn't want to tell it directly and just wanted to leave some few clues and Zen Fu would surely find it out himself.

"I am sure you know the identity of those cloaked man." Shu Feng said while looking at the peaceful and beautiful scenery outside. He is directing his question to Zen Fu who is sitting at the chair where Fuyong sat a while ago.

"Of course I know! Do you think that I am some kind of cave man?" Zen Fu said while clicking his tongue.

Feng looked at him with full disbelief written all over his face. He didn't even believe a single bit of what Zen Fu just told him.

Base on his knowledge, the old man in front of him likes to just stay at that underground cave all of his life. Those Nascent Soul Cultivators are not even aware of his existence as the Protector of the Demon King Forest.

Zen Fu could directly read what is going on inside Shu Feng's mind by just looking at his expression.

"Tch, although I don't go out that often, I could at least know some informations from the Leader of Demon King Forest just by wandering around here without them noticing." Zen Fu said while rolling his eyes.

Shu Feng just nodded his head since he believe what Zen Fu said.

"Base on what I know, those ten cloaked man should be the ten strongest subordinate just after the Lord of the Blood Skull Society. The strange thing is that why would they go out to exterminate a whole village with all of them.

I think they are mobilized to hunt for someone since this thing also happened to hundred years ago. But it is not that grand back then that the ten strongest would go out themselves.

Although the strongest among them should be at the Sixth Stage of Soul Projection Realm, it would still be a great burden if I were to fight them since they are cultivating some unorthodox techniques which made them unpredictable." Zen Fu said while rubbing his chin. He carefully analyze everything and just then that he realized something.

He looked at Shu Feng who was still gazing outside and seemed to be lost in thought. Feng felt his gaze and also looked back at him.

Shu Feng smiled at him because he knows that the old man already figured out what was happening.

Looking at his smile, Zen Fu didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"So they are after you?" Zen Fu ask while hoping inside him that his guess must be wrong. But his hope was soon shattered when Shu Feng opened his mouth.

"Yup! I think they would arrive here this afternoon or maybe a little bit earlier or a little bit later." Shu Feng said while keeping his smile like he is going to receive some gifts.

"What?! Then why are you still here?! You should hide for now! Do you think someone would be able to protect you here?" Zen Fu said while abruptly standing up from his chair in shock.

Although he already knew that his guess might be correct, he was still dumbstruck about how Shu Feng treated this matter jokingly. Could he just sit here and do nothing when he is being hunted down by not only one but more than three Soul Projection Realm Cultivators?!

Zen Fu took a deep breath to calm himself down. He could not help but cough in embarrassment on how he just reacted. But who could blame him? No one would be able to keep themselves composed if you are in his situation.

"Although I am already at the Seventh Stage, I am not hundred percent confident to deal with those Soul Projection Realm Cultivators with me only. And Long Zao couldn't help that much since his remaining strength is just about barely one percent of his original power and it could only deal with those at the early stage of Soul Projection Realm and even with that, his remaining time of existence would drop to another thousand years if he would engage to another fight." Zen Fu said while showing a troubled expression. That memory from the past were still vivid.

Back then when Zen Fu was still at the Nascent Soul Realm, some old monsters that manage to discover the Center Part of the Demon King Forest and they wanted to occupy it. He would have died already at that time if Long Zao didn't intervene and killed those Soul Projection Realm in one attack!

But with his intervention comes with a great price. He won't be able to perform another attack or else his soul would totally diminish into nothingness.

"No one had ever escape from their hunt. And now that all of them are mobilized, your chance of escape would be much more slim." Zen Fu said while rubbing his forehead.

"Heh, we don't know yet who is going to be the hunter and prey." With that said, Shu Feng stands up and made his exit together with Zise, leaving the confuse and dumbstruck Zen Fu inside the room.

'So you are the hunter..'



Shu Feng appeared at the edge of the Sky Mountain while gazing towards the horizon. He could see a wide range of forest trees with some small animals running and flying respectively. These small animals that he saw are Demon Beast of different type and size.

It's just looking from above made all these seemingly gigantic Demon Beast small.

The place where the residence of Luo Zong was placed is not the total peak of the Sky Mountain! Shu Feng bet that there is still another thousand feet or more that is just above them.

He opened his system panel. Shu Feng wanted to check something a while ago but he could not get any chance to be free.

"Open the Desire Exchange and tell me the current amount of my Desire Points."


[Desire Exchange]

[Desire Points: 110]

[2x Revival Potion – 100 DP

Description: A pill that could revive anyone as long as a part of their body are still complete and intact. If someone died, just find any parts of his body that is still complete such as the heart, brain, finger, toe or anything as long as it is a part of their body and just pour a single drop of this potion and they would come back to life.

Side effect: The gender would be reverse. Cultivation level wouldn't be recovered. They would maintain their looks albeit being at a different gender.

Total Drop: 10 (Five drops per bottle) ]

[God Slayer – 50 DP

Description: A sword that could kill a god in a single strike. Even mortals could wield this sword to slay a god.

Side effect: The sword would decrease the user's luck by 100 when it is being wield.

Endurance: Indestructible]


[Knowledge about Soul – 30 DP

Description: This book contains all of the knowledge about souls of all races since the time of existence. Even some forbidden informations are written in this book.

Side effect: Too much knowledge would caused the reader to go insane if their Soul Cultivation level is too low.

Status: Completed]

[Refresh Time: 22 days, 14 hours, 34 minutes]

[Instant Refresh: 200 DP]

Three different items appeared in front of Shu Feng. But he could not complain nor utter any word since he is dumbstruck by all the informations about those three items.


"Since this is the Host's first time in opening the Desire Exchange, the system would make a brief explanation regarding this function."

"Desire Exchange is the system's special function wherein only Desire Points could be used. You cannot convert any other points into Desire Points unlike the Luck Points.

Occasionally, the Desire Exchange would show only three item every 30 days after it will be refreshed and another three items would be available.

Don't look down on this three items since anything that is shown at the Desire Exchange could make any God fight to death.

The Host's could instantly refresh the items using 200 DP and then the refresh time would go back to 30 days. But always remember that an item would only appear once a year so the Host should decide which item would be useful to you the most.

Because if it is already refreshed, you could only wait for a year to have a chance of encountering that same item." UG explained which gave Shu Feng enough time to calm himself down.

"Isn't these items a little bit.. Overpowered?" He said while scratching his head. Any of these items would be of great advantage to him but he knows that trouble would knock on his door with this fancy items.

Just like how things work in his previous world, no one could keep themselves alive if they are holding a treasure. Because no matter how powerful you are, there will be always someone who are more powerful than you.

Maybe he could hide these items just to be safe, time would still come wherein he needs to take any of these items out and that is when trouble would come and find him.

" The Host must not worry, although the items seemed to be overpowered to the current Host, you must take note that even the most unfathomable item or being, it would still have a weakness and disadvantage. Nothing is ever created as perfect in all nature. You could treat these items as Godly treasures that could either save or caused your doom but the Host's must not think about it this way.

Instead, make this a reason to grow stronger and have a sufficient strength to protect these items from any malicious intentions. What if someday one of these items could save one of your loved ones and it was snatched by someone, then you could only blame yourself for being weak." UG said while using a dedicated and passionate voice. Damn, he even played a background music inside his head which made his persuasive speech much more effective.

Shu Feng almost fell into deep thought! But he knows that what UG told him is purely facts and right. With that said, his worry soon vanish into the abyss and got motivated instead.

"That's right! I would just become strong so why should I worry about any troubles. I will just pave my way and achieve everything that I want!" Shu Feng said while punching the air with his fist and showing a motivated expression.

He didn't know why but UG really knows best. It was like a parent that could instantly tell and solve the troubles of their child with just a few words of advice.

[Author: Sigh.. Only if you know..]