Chapter 69: World End (2)

Zen Fu gritted his teeth in annoyance and directly disappeared from his spot and followed Shu Feng down the Sky Mountain.

Although he felt complicated deep down, his own personality still pushed him to accompany Shu Feng even though he is not sure if the brat would be able to deal with them together with him.

He is not scared for himself since he is confident in keeping his life. He is not an average Seventh Stage Soul Projection Realm and his comprehension could be considered as deep.

But he is worried about Shu Feng's well-being. Even though they did not grow together to be considered as close as a family, there are still a lot of reason to become worried and support him.

Since what happened that day, Zen Fu resented the whole human race with their fake and illusionary good face. No one had ever become good and righteous in front of a treasure.

But Shu Feng is different from every person that he had met and fought back then. He acted the way he wants while keeping everything in check. He never kill innocent lives for just a pety treasure and he value relationship the most.

And a person like him is the type that never go against his own will for just a mere object. It was very rare to find someone like him and that made Zen Fu liked the brat.

Maybe the world would attain absolute peace if every creature would have the same attitude as Shu Feng? But how could a perfect world like that appear?

Because in every light, there will be shadows to be found as well. The selfish intent to preserve peace initiates war and hatred was born in order to protect happiness and love.

It has never been and never will be a perfect world. Such things would only exist in our imagination which directly contrasted the cruel reality.

When Zen Fu appeared, he is shocked by the scene right in front of him! He could not believe what he is seeing right now!

Shu Feng is confronting the nine of his enemies that is a whole and two realms higher than him without even falling into disadvantage!

He took a deep breath to calm himself down and direct his gaze towards the Nine cloaked man.

"I am the protector of the Demon King Forest. Please don't cause any commotion here or else I would not have any choice but to drive you away forcefully." Zen Fu said. He used his Energy to amplify his voice so that those Nine Cultivators would be able to hear him. He even fully release his aura that indicated that he is someone at the Seventh Stage of Soul Projection Realm just to make his statement much more imposing and threatening.

He even disclose the fact that he is the protector and was hoping to scare them away so that some innocent Demon Beast would not die if a fight broke out right here.

But how could the First Devil and the other members of the Blood Skull Society back down with just a mere Seventh Stage appearing out of nowhere?

No one replied from Zen Fu's sentence and the eerie silence came back with a much more horrifying pressure compared before.

Zen Fu sigh in frustration since even his title as the Protector of the Demon King Forest didn't manage to even make anyone of them flinch. What's more, his cultivation level seemed to be useless in front of them!

Back then, he only needs to release a tiny bit of his aura and anyone who dared to cause any trouble here would immidiately back down. But that happened hundred of years ago and he is sure that no one from back then was able to to remember him.

Naturally, he would only intervene if the trouble would cause a total annihilation of the whole Demon King Forest. But if it is just some kind of fight and hunt, he wouldn't bother to even bath an eyelid. Because continuos fighting would also be beneficial to both the Human race and the Demon Beast.

But for the incoming battle this time which involves someone at the Soul Projection Realm? Of course the casualties would surely cause a great threat for the future of the whole Demon King Forest.

And Zen Fu didn't want this to happen which is why he is trying to hold the situation as much as possible but just as he expected, a mere title won't scare those Nine men away.

Shu Feng looked at Zen Fu and could clearly tell what he is worried about. He is grateful that the old man came out to aide him and even tried to stop the fight for his own well.

Although he didn't need his support, it was still good to know that someone would come and give their help in times of needs.

He also wanted to fight these evildoers somewhere far away here but he knows that they won't listen to him even if he invited them to fight outside. Base on the fact that they could eliminate a whole village without even bathing an eyelid is a proof that they didn't care if someone would die in their mission even if that someone is innocent or not.

And just thinking about the gruesome and cruel scene that he witnessed made his blood boil i don't anger and create a massive killing intent around him!

The surrounding Energy Source started to gather around Shu Feng! He is not casting or using any skills and just purely expressing his emotion!

The First Devil and the others flinch when they saw their target gathering the surrounding Energy Source without even using any skills! They didn't even react to Zen Fu's statement since those words is merely an air and didn't deserve their attention!

But now... They are seeing something shocking! Although they could also gather the surrounding Energy Source, they still need to used their own aura or their Energy but they know that they could not trigger the surrounding Energy Source with just a mere killing intent!

The most shocked is Zen Fu himself since he is the closest one to Shu Feng and he could witness clearly what was happening.

This is not a merely killing intent! It is his own emotion that came from the deepest part of his heart! It is something that is much more terrifying than a mere killing intent!

He didn't think that the brat would be triggered by the gruesome things that these Blood Skull Society Members did. Yes, he is also angry deep down since they killed innocent lives but the world is always like that.

If you didn't get used to it, you won't be able to survive. He had seen much more gruesome things with the passage of years and some of them could be even consider as something that even Devils cannot do!

Their will be always something that would make you feel that it is wrong but every person has their own beliefs and point of view.

You killed pigs because it is meant to be eaten and their is nothing wrong with it but what about the pig's feelings? Of course the pigs would think that what you did is wrong but even if you know what the pigs are thinking, you won't take it to the heart because you believe that pigs are only livestocks ang nothing more.

It is our own beliefs that made humans and other races fight and kill each other. Humans are afraid of the unknowns and tend to eliminate any threat in order to protect theirselves.

Being innocent is not an exception in this world. Being weak is a sin and being strong is the justice. That's how this world works.

No one knows but deep inside Shu Feng's Serene Space, the black storm was slowly growing and any place that it expands became pitch black that even lighy would disappear from it's own existence!

You could also see a faint black dot at the middle of his eyes that would make anyone sink into the feep abyss if they stared for too long!

Shu Feng just stands there while looking at the Nine men with his hateful and agered eyes. No one knows what thoughts that is running inside his mind right now!

"Killing innocent lives like it was nothing. You didn't even spare a pregnant women and children...." Shu Feng mumbled while looking at the ground.

Some past memories begun to flash back. He had been enjoying his life in this world ang almost totally forgot how cruel reality could be.

"Hahahahahaha! Those petty lives you are talking about deserves to be claimed! They would served as nourishment and sacrifice! So what's wrong with killing them? They would soon serve as food to the Devil! They should be grateful that they could serve the Devil with their petty lives!" The First Devil laugh out loud while showing a savage expression.

Shu Feng bit his lower lip in anger. Just listening to that voice made him irritated and become more mad!

He took a deeo breath to calm himself down since he knows that getting angry won't do him any good but no matter how many times he tried to calm himself down, something inside his heart wanted to burst out and destroy everything from it's existence!

He tried to make his train of thoughts clearer and didn't let himself succumb into deep hatred. Successfully, he manage to restore his calm composure but deep inside him, a world destroying power was waiting to burst out at any time!

A singel mistake and the whole world would meet it's end!

Even the Heaven and Earth are crying in agony with the incoming threat that it would bear! It knows by instinct that if that power was released, no one even Immortals would be able to save the whole world from being arased from it's existence!