Chapter 74: Undying Twin Devil


Great explosion sweep away all things within the radius of one thousand meters as the Twin Devil clashed against Shu Feng with their new gained stength.

The dust settled down and what welcomes everyone is a whole field with barely any trees left! Only a massive crater could be seen with one shinny figure facing the small yet terryfying small silhouette.

When everyone got a clearer view, Shu Feng was standing in his same spot without moving an inch while wearing a silver armor all over his body and holding a spear in it's center using his right hand.

He is pointing the spear towards the Twin Devil who clashed with his weapon. He is facing his enemy with his in a side view while holding the spear with the bottom tip of the weapon touching his back.

He looked like a War God with his mighty stance! It would be much more stunning if the sun showered it's ray towards his Armor which would surely make it look more majestic!

Sadly, for some reason the sky seemed to be gloomy and didn't have any energy to show it's bright side.

But even without the sunray, the sole silver armor seemed to have it's own source of light which illuminates the gloomy atmosphere. It is like a silver plate placed in a field of coal. Totally stunning and bright!

The Twin Devil looks at Shu Feng with full disbelief written all over their face. They could not believe what they are seeing right now! They are aware that their strength and speed already reached that of Seventh Stage and their speed already max out to their full capability which is at the Eight Stage Soul Projection Realm!

Their fist and the spear clashed but a form of invisible energy seemed to manifest in between that prevent the spear from touching them. It is the same thing as Zen Fu and the Silent Devil as tge former punch the latter out.

They could not react properly or think anymore! Even if their enemy grows another limb, they are sure that he wouldn't be able to keep up with their speed! But he even took out another weapon and a armor just as they were closed to him!

They could tell that the person in front of them is not someone at the Soul Projection Realm or higher, but the strength and speed that he demonstrated until now is something that would make anyone commit suicide in frustration!

Shu Feng look towards the two small kids in front of him with his cold and murderous eyes. He didn't bother to hide his killing intent at all!

Even all the present that is far away from him could clearly feel his desire to kill them! Much worse for the two freaks since they are the closest to Shu Feng. The two of them could even see some dark shadows behind him that seemed to be alive and would devour them in just a single moment of carelessness!

Shu Feng thrusts his spear in attempt to kill the freak that has a red hair. The distance were too close for them to escape! Even with their enhanced speed, the red hair one would still suffer.

Both of them tried to retreat but the distance between them and Shu Feng were too close for the red hair Devil to escape!


Blood gush out from the body of the Red Hair Devil as the spear quickly pierced through his chest. As he looked at the person who wields the spear, he could only see coldness and merciless eyes. Not even a hint of pity could be seen within those pair of eyes!

But he didn't fear death! Instead, he flashed a smile of mock without much reserved. Shu Feng's brows furrow regarding his reaction. And when he looked at the distance where the other Devil were standing, he could see a liquid-like object slowly forming a human shaped figure!

He suddenly looked towards his spear and could only see a tiny trace of violet liquid and the body was nowhere to be seen! He cast his glance at the liquid object beside the blue hair one and it slowly tranformed into the Devil with red hair!

He clearly feel that he successfully killed him. That body is not merely an illusion. He retrieved his spear back while spinning it around that only a blir appear just to ward the disgusting liquid away. He then firmly placed the spear beside him while the blade was pointing towards the sky.

'Is it some kind of secret technique?' Shu Feng thought while gazing at the Twin Devil with a look of curiosity. He then cast his glance at the Red hair one and slowly sizing him up from head to toe.

Feeling his gaze, the two freaks cannot help but shiver a little from those deadly eyes. It is this time that they felt 'that' sensation again. It is something that they didn't want to remember at all cost!

Well, Shu Feng could just do it again and again until they die.

He keep on casting Time Lapse, but not to see his opponent's next move. This time, he would be the one to attack first and use his skill to see where would his enemy go, and since the spear could adjust it's length, he just needs to make sure that his enemy would be in the range of his spear so that he would be able to hit them.


Shu Feng vanished and instantly turn into a silver blurr which instantly flashes towards the Twin Devil.

The two freaks flash a grin on their face when they saw him coming towards them. Although they admit that he is rather strong, but in terms of speed, he still still a hundred years early to catch up with them.

The two of them just stands there and waited for Shu Feng to appear and then they would launch a fatal attack towards the body part that is not covered by the armor.

The two of them could clearly tell where would Shu Geng appear since he appeared to be rather too slow in front of their eyes. They never took into their heart that he would be able to pull some tricks just like a while ago since it was him who was attacking this time.

And just as they predicted, he really apeared in front of them which made them smile from ear to ear.

Looking at their savage faces, Shu Feng cannot help but flash a grin.

'Time Lapse.' He thought to himself and instantly, his surroundings seemed to become a recording tape that plays every scene that is bound to happen. He saw the two freaks appearing behind him while the other is on his left side in attempt to deal a fatal damage towards the place that is not covered by his War God Aegis.

He calculated the time when their distance is closed enough for them to not be able to dodge his attack. That time only took about a whole second which is already fast for the current Shu Feng.

But that is not his worry anymore since it was more than enough for him to defend and launch an attack at the same time.

He cancelled his skill which brought back Shu Feng to reality. The two freaks are still in front of him and was just about to launch their attack.

Shu Feng stepped his right foot to the ground which created a crack and he gathers his Chaos Energy into his right foot. It is not golden in color but dark and ominous instead! It is like an energy made out of death itself!

Shu Feng lifted his right foot while tilting his body downwards and using his other foot to support his body. He is planning to perform a complete 360 degrees kick!

The two freaks appeared at the designated location as Shu Feng predicted. The two devils were showing an evil smile as they thought how they would be able to finally deal a fatal damage to Shu Feng.

The Blue Hair appeared behind Shu Feng and the other one at his left. As the blue haired devil was about to strike, he felt a dangerous sensation coming from his right side! He cancelled his attempt to attack and prepared to used his escaping skill to retreat!


The blur haired devil was a tad bit late in casting and suffered a severe blow from Shu Feng's kick that was embedded with the ominous energy and was flung away!

The Red haired one was the next target of his 360 degrees kick buy since the Blue Haired Devil was flung away, he was able to prepare his escape in time.

He turned into a smoke that tend to vanish into thin air before the attack landed on him.

'Do you think you could escape?!' Shu Grng thought while twisting his left foot and gathering the momentum from his body to further speed up his attack!

Caught off guard, the Red Haired one barely escape the kick which landed into his left hand that he used to block it in order to buy enough time for him to escape.


Blood gush out and a hand flew away. Everything that happened were too fast for those who are watching to react properly! But just how thei face were in utter shock and could not even mutter a single word, it was visible that they are saying how much spectacle they are witnessing!

The smoke vanished into thin air which means that his target successfully escaped from his grasp. But his attack didn't end yet. The spear that is previously in his right hand is now in his left hand!

He continue his 360 degrees kick and performed another 180 degrees before stepping his right foot into the ground and gathered the momentum from the force, he tilted his body together with his right foot as he held the spear firmly with his left hand.


He throws his spear and using his inner thoughts, he commanded it to increase in size. Since he is the owner of the Wrath by blood, he could just direct his command through his mind even if he is not holding the weapon.

He is targetting the Blue Haired Devil that was flung away!

As the whooshing sound past every meters and closed its distance towards it's target, the long and agile spear pierced the Devil's chest and pinned him down to the border that was about a thousand meters away from Shu Feng!


Blood gush out from his chest including his mouth which made him cough a whole liter of blood!

But as he suspected, the Blue Haired Devil soon turned into a violet liquid and melted away.

He retrieved his Wrath back and looked at the distance that is just about five hundred meters away from him. He could clearly see the other Devil with the red hair but his left arm was missing! It is not healing at all!

As he predicted, the Blue Haired Devil was revived beside his twin without a single limb missing.

The two freaks were panting hardly and sweat was dripping from their forehead while glaring at Shu Feng with full hatred! It was visible that their reviving skill comes with a great price and it is not unlimited!

'Sigh, I am still slow.' Shu Femg thought while gazing at the crack that was cause by his right foot and casting a glance at his spear, Wrath.

A while ago, he used Death Strike with the bearable amount of Chaos Energy he could supply with it. His calculations and plan is not miscalculated but his speed were the problem, he is too slow that the Blue Hair one is able to escape the Death Strike while giving a warning towards the Red Hair one which forced him to twist his left foot in order to father enough force from his body just to speed his attack more.

But even with it, he is only able to sliced off a single arm from his enemy. He was even slow when performing his 360 degrees kick which forced him to perform another 180 degrees kick just to gather enough amount of force for hia spear to reach his another target.

He is not meant to throw the spear but hia enemy is too far away so he just threw it using the momentum cause by his gathered force before commanding it to enlarge so that it would successfully hit the target.

But all in all, Shu Feng was still satisfied with the result. The only problem he needed to deal in his undying enemy.

But looking at their complexion, it seemed like their reviving ability is about to reaxh its limit. And looking at the arm that was cutt off using Death Strike, it is not healing at all!

'Time to finish this battle.' Shu Feng thought while spinning his spear between his left and right hand. He is taking one step at a time while continuing his spear play, placing his Wrath in front, right side, back, left side and front again.

He keep on doing it until he closed in for about ten steps. He then rotated his Wrath with his right hand and firmly holds it which made the tip blade point towards the direction of his enemy.

"Shall we end this battle?" He ask while looking at them with his cold eyes that is ready to kill at any moment!