Chapter 77: It Is Not A Mere Coincidence!

As Zen Fu slowly opened his eyes, a azure coiling dragon was slowly being marked in his forehead. It gave off a majestic and divine feeling to those that will appear in front of it!

This tattoo emmits a azure light that covers Zen Fu's whole being and created a massive and powerful pillar of Energy that penetrates the ground and the sky with him being at the center!

The gloomy and dark clouds dispersed into nothingness as the Pillar rose upward straight directly vanishing them away!

The dark slash collided with the pillar of blue light but it was instantly repelled and directly extinguishing it into a mist! It didn't even cause any slight disturbance!

Their is no explosion or shockwave from that collision since the slash was not enough to cause any disruption to the pillar. It was like a rusty blade meeting a soft cotton ball head on. It couldn't penetrate the cotton ball and was repelled instead.

No one could utter a single word as they watch everything being folded right in front of their eyes. Everyone was confuse about what was going on except for someone.

They thought that Zen Fu would be doomed already but the table took turns and something magnificent yet divine instantly happened in just a few moments!

Zen Fu has still his eyes slightly opened and was in daze and not aware of what was going on right now. Suddenly, his body floats and was hovering into the mid air and only come to a stop when he is about a hundred feet away from the ground!

And again, everyone was shocked to the core when they saw him floating! An ability to fly is exclusive to those at the Immortal Realm after all! As for what realm, they didn't know since even the Immortal Realm is divided into various atages.


A devastating cry suddenly resounded throughtout the whole Forest. It didn't stop in the mere Center Part and the roar escapes through the Caves used for teleportation and came tot the outside world to let it hear it's majestic might!

The roar brings great disturbance to every Beast that heard it. It's like some unknown force was making them submit into it's authority. They couldn't resist this urge and just kneeled to the ground with their body trembling all over.

Kei frown and looked at Zen Fu in a cold manner. Although it is not his intention, just with the fact that a mere Divine Being was trying to make him, an Ancient Dragon succumb into submission makes his blood boil and treat it as a insult. He didn't like this feeling but what could he do? As his Ancient Dragon Bloodline become more thicker, his attitude as a human would slowly fade away and become to that one that is fitting to a Ancient Dragon.

A Divine Beast is someone that trascends anyone and has something called Divinity. And the most powerful among them is the Four Divine Beast.

The Azure Dragon of the East, the White Tiger of the West, the Black Tortoise of the North and the Vermilion Bird of the South.

Each one of them are Beast that is magical and has an ability that is unique to the four of them. Azure Dragon is said to be the King of all Beast. But no one could confirm this fact. There are taller mountains after another mountain after all.

And for something like a Divine Beast to make a Ancient Dragon submit, that is laughable. Anyone from the Dragon Race could become a Divine Beast and awaken their Ancestor's bloodline which is the Azure Dragon. But an Ancient Dragon is different.

They are the first ever existence that Trascends life and death together with the Celestials. As I already told you, an Ancient Dragon could have a size that is a million times larger than a Adult Dragon! And a size of a Adult Dragon is comparable to the size of this whole world that Shu Feng stayed in right now.

Let's take Long Zao as an example, previously he is just a size of a gigantic cave but that is not his original measure. To be precise, he could cover at least one third of this world if he takes his original size in his original form! That means he is just in the age that could be still consider as Middle-Aged for the Dragon Race!

But the Azure Dragon is different, it didn't have a size as a whole world but only a size of a One Hundred Floor Building when it is adult. It's like their strength was compressed in that 'small' body of theirs.

As for the size of an Ancient Dragon, I didn't need to tell you anymore right? In short, they could grow into the size of a whole galazy and would be able to fit it inside it's stomach.

Let me summarize everything for you to understand it more clearly.

Divine Beast is a Beast that gained Divinity and the most powerful among them is the Four Divine Beast.

And an Ancient Dragon is something far far more powerful than a Divine Beast. As for their origins, I think I couldn't tell that to you right now or else UG would make a *Ding* sound again that would prevent me from revealing any information.

But Kei is someone Special, a mixture of a Celestial Bloodline and a Ancient Dragon. Two supreme bloodlines in a single being!

As the roar was heard throughout that it even reach far far away, some old figures was startled especially a young looking man that was sitting in a throne from a place that could be comsidered as secluded and was away from the outside world.

"Your Highness, that cry just now..." A middle aged man suddenly appeared beside the young man and bowed respectfully.

"I know. The Ancestor has chosen his successor." The young man said while showing a smile of delight. This matter is something that is joyful for their race after all. As for who is this young man, he is no other than the one and only prince of the Dragon Race that also resides in the world where Ling Zao lived.

"I think we need to inform his Majesty about this matter so that they could send a Dragon Emperor–"

He didn't even finish his sentence when the prince wave his hand signalling for him to stop.

"No need, I am sure that they are already aware of this matter."

The middle aged man nodded his head without saying anything anymore.


And just as the prince predicted, some figures were sitting in the high place all around of the oval shaped stadium with a single old looking man standing at the center of the stadium while holding a long staff with a green crystal ball embedded in the top. His back is hunch and he has a long eyebrow that covered his eyes. His white beard was swaying as it reach all the way down to the floor.

Looking at him, he is like a Sage that has lived for over a hundred of thousands of years already!

"Are you sure about this matter, Elder?" A majestic and deep voice came from the center seat as a human figure with a crown on top of his head spoke with a voice full of respect and courtesy. Although he is sitting higher, he is still a kid in front of someone like the Elder.

"Yes, your majesty. We must inform the Prince to move immidiately. I already track down the exact location of the inheritor. And surprisingly, it is also the place where Great Dragon Long Zao has fallen. What's more..." The Elder said while carefully elaborating his point.

The atmosphere was silent but anyone could tell that all of the one that is sitting all around were shocked by what they heard. Back then, they could only track the world where Dragon Emperor Long Zao had fallen and didn't have the exact place where he died. But right now that an Inheritor has appeared, the location of where he died was also located! Isn't this something called coincidence?

But everyone present here didn't belive in the word coincidence, they know that everything that is happening has a reason.

They didn't talk since there is still something that the Elder has to say.

And just after a few moments of silence, the Elder lifted his head which also elevates his eyebrow and revealed those eyes that seemed to experienced the vissitudes of life!

"What's more... The one that the Anscestor wanted us to find that could save our race...

Is also in the same location." His voice was silent but anyone clearly heard it.

All of them was startled and even unconsciously stands up from their position which created a disrupting noise in the silent atmosphere. It was like everything they heard is a fantasy that could only happen in your dreams!

"A-are you sure?" The Emperor said with a stattering voice. He looked directly at the Elder's eyes wanting to find any evidence that he is joking right now. This thought of his was laughable since how could the Elder joke about this kind of matter?

The Elder didn't reply anymore and just raise his staff and smash it to the floor two times before a mist covered him. When the smoke disappeared, his figure was also nowhere to be seen.

As for the Emperor and the others, they already know what to do.


In the battlefield, Long Zao was also thinking the same thing. It's just that his train of thoughts lingered most on Zen Fu.

"The technique that I taught him back them is exclusive only to us Great Dragons and only one of our disciple could learn it. I teach him that technique not because I treat him as my disciple but to let him have enough strength to defend himself when I am totally gone.

And the Azure Dragon Fist is a secret technique that our Ancestor, the Azure Dragon created himself. After passing this technique, he leave a message telling everyone that anyone that could comprehend the true meaning behind this technique would become his Inheritor.

Since then, everyone from our race started to comprehend this technique but only three was able to become our Ancestor's Inheritor. But two of them died mysteriously and the last one was still missing but it seemed like he also died.

There could only be one Inheritor after all. And when onr dies, the next Inheritor would come out after a Hundred or even a thousand of years. And Zen Fu is already the fourth one." Long Zao said while gazing at the man in the center of the Pillar that is undergoing a massive change. He is worried about something.

What if he also died just like the previous Inheritors. He wanted to protect him but he deeply knows that he wouldn't last that long already.

No mattet how much he tried to conserve his existence inside the scale, it wouldn't be able to stop his end at all!

"But isn't it too much of a coincidence? Or it is a sign. Not only my death but even the appearance of the Fourth Inheritor is just right beside me and most of all, the one is just right there. It's like something is changing our fate. And all of this happened when he came here." Long Zao said while rubbing his chin and when he reach his last sentence, he unconsciously looked towards the kid that is clad in a silver armor while holding a spear in his right hand.

He frown deeply and mumbled something under his breath. "Could it be that he is the reason in this coincidences."

But he soon shake this thpughts out of his head. How could meeting someone change the flow of fate to all around him and making it magnificent in just interacting with him? Isn't that ridiculous?

On the other hand, Shu Feng was looking at Zen Fu with a curious look. The way the Pillar appeared is the same as how Kei awaken his Ancient Dragon bloodline back then. But he could tell that Kei has a much more majestic appearance at that time since even a figure of an Ancient Dragon came into being at that time.

Luckily, he suppress and hid the aura and commotion of the awakening of Kei in order to not gather unwanted attention. It was easy to cover up since he is using Chaos Energy that is the origin of everything!

And if somehow he didn't even tried to hide it, it would surely become more shocking than what happened just now! Although the nearby places still sae and heard the event since he is not powerful enough at that time to fully conceal Kei's awakening.

"What is happening to him UG?"