Chapter 83: Tribulation Lightning Talisman


Shu Feng took another strike directly. In result, he was blown away for a whole hundred kilometers and he loss his grip at his spear making it fall to the ground. The impact created a ear numbing explosion that caused the trees to be uprooted and dust scattered everywhere.

The merged Twin Devil was still twitching non stop.


A sound of a beast crying resounded from the Twin Devils as he roared towards the sky showing his might to the Heaven!

But just base on how insane the Devil could be, it was visible that the Twin Devil cannot hold for more than an hour in their merging.

But not even a whole minute had passed after their merging and yet Shu Feng has only left with a single strike to stand before his Aegis fall into a deep slumber for self-repairing.

The dust settled down and a silver figure could be seen standing at the center of the smoke with an expression of someone that would emerge victorious.

Shu Feng's hair was fluttering together with the gust of the wind. His armor was broken already and would be destroyed in a single more strike. But he is still fine and didn't suffer any injuries from that impact just now.

The First Devil shows a shock expression. He knows that any strike from the Merged Twin Devil right now could clearly kill him, and yet that kid manage to withstand two full powered strike from that Devil without catching any injuries!

He suddenly move his gaze towards that cracked armor that emmits a faint silver glow. Greed could be seen flashing in his eyes.

The First Devil coveted for Shu Feng's Aegis! Whp wouldn't crave for something that could withstand a strike from someone at the Emperor Realm?

Righteous cultivators would resort to killing for a treasure so how much more for those Evil Cultivators that had only one sole reason to live, and that is to kill?

But he soon finds a problem, the Armor is about to be destroyed and he won't benefit from it at all!

Then what about the spear? He thought to himself as he saw the dazzling and mighty long pointed weapon lying on the ground. He could just pick it up but when he thought how Shu Feng was able to call it to himself that means that the spear and Shu Feng has a bond.

So he could only patiently wait for the owner's death before keeping the weapon for himself. Naturally, it must be the strongest who could pick the best spoil from a fight but since the Silent Devil cannot fight and the Twin Devil would surely be weakened after their merged, that only leaves them with him being the current strongest.

As for the remaining, he is not worried about them stealing his weapon since he could just kill them right away. That's right, he is already claiming the spear as his own.

Just thinking about how he could possessed such powerful weapon made him shudder in excitement.

Shu Feng could clearly tell what is going on inside his head but didn't pay it any heed. His focused was fixedly concentrated on his current enemy.

He wouldn't let his guard down since he could only withstand for a last strike before his Aegis will be destroyed.

'I cannot make any mistake, this is my last chance.' Shu Feng thought while sneakily gazing at his spear for a split second before focusing his attention to the Twin Devil again.

But when he cast his gaze at the enemy, he cannot find him at his spot! It only took him a split second before knowing what is going on.

But that split second made him regret his descision.


Shu Feng thought when he realized what is happening. He would never thought that his enemy would attack at that moment. He let his guard down and forgot that the current Twin Devil right now is someone at the Peak of Battle Emperor!

But even with facing a mishap, Shu Feng still manage to ready himself for the last strike. He dodge to his right slightly just like he is purposely letting himself got blown away in that direction.


As the punch and the Aegis collides, the armor that is already broken and was solely holding on its last strength before falling into pieces immidiately cracked into millions of particles resulting in a massive explosion coming from it.


It was a silent explosion at first that seemed to turn everything silent before a deafening shockwave came to assault Shu Feng and the Merged Twin Devil.

This wave of explosion creates a disturbance the like how an earthquake travels from the center towards it's surrounding! The nearby trees was blown away and all the living things closely located immidiately vanish without a trace!

The explosion was accompanied by a blinding light that even manage to make eveyone close their eyes.

Shu Feng already expected this to happen. So instead of letting himself got blown away, he took out his Gluttony and grip it tightly before piercing the ground strongly using it.

This action made him stabilized himself, as for the blinding light, he paid it no heed as he could clearly feel the presence of his enemy and locate his location.


He thought to himself as he raise his other hand with a gripping motion. He perfectly placed his hand in front of the Merged Twin Devil and quickly called out his Wrath.

With their connection, the spear quickly picks up it's master's calling and instantly flew at a speed faster than a lightning towards the direction where Shu Feng is located.

The spear pierced anything it it's path be it Demon Beast, boulders or even some trees that appeared on it's way. It could not let anything block it from making his way towarda his one and only master!

If somone block you, just kill them. If the Heaven stands in your way, just eliminate it and continue stepping forward without any stop! That is how a spear should be used! Unstoppable and could pierced the Heaven and Earth without gaining any halt on it's momentum!


Blood spilled as the spear pierced something before coming into a stop!

The victim in question was still in a great state of shock as the massive shockwave assaulted him after destroying the shield of Shu Feng.

The War God Aegis is a set of armor at the Nine Star Arcane Rank after all, and most of all it was at the Advance category which means that it's explosive strength after being destroyed would undoubtly cause those at the Emperor Realm to be blown away as long as they got caught off guard.

And adding with the fact that the Merged Twin Devil is not on their right mind right now, thinking that the armor would explode is surely out of the option since the only thing they could think right now is kill Shu Feng!


The Twin Devil vomits blood as the spear struck him at his chest! He struggled to get away from it but no matter how much he tried the spear won't budge an inch.

The spear head actually came out and only leaving the part where you hold a spear inside his body. It was like the gripping part of the weapon was purposely left struck inside the Devil's chest.

Seeing how much struggle he put didn't came into effect, his anger rose to another level! He roared towards Shu Feng and put his anger on him.

Seeing how much he angered the Twin Devil, Shu Feng didn't show any fear but smiled instead.

'That's it! Come here and let's bath together!' He thought while witnessing how the Twin Devil disappeared from his spot and instantly appear in front of him with a twisted expression and a slanting angled body with his right hand pointing towards Shu Feng's chest in attempt to pierced his heart!

Shu Feng quickly reacted and move away a bit in order to avoid the strike piercing his heart, but since his enemy is too fast, he couldn't fully dodge and the hand directly pierced his right shoulder that is just a few centemeters away from his heart!

And most of all, he didn't have any plan on dodging at all.


This made him spill blood and experience a pain of being pierced directly. But Shu Feng didn't pay any attention to the pain he is feeling right now and instead lets go of his hand from his Gluttony and directly gripped the blade of the spear right in front of him.

"Haa!" With his shout of determination, Shu Feng injected his Chaos Energy into the spear which directly makes it travel to it's other end instantly.

But as soon as the Energy came contact at the gripping part of the spear that is left inside the chest of the Twin Devil, a rectangle paper was placed on it tightly that immidiately lit up after making a contact at the Energy that seemed to be directly being injected in it.


The clouds quickly gathers above Shu Feng and the Twin Devil. This Dark Cloud that spanned at the radius of ten kilometer makes it look like a weak Tribulation but in reality, the power contained inside is very terryfying that could even make those at the Middle Stages of Emperor Realm tremble in fear!

"Is that a Tribulation Lightning?" Long Zao said in full disbelief as he gaze at the gathering dark clouds right above Shu Feng and that Devil. He then look at the kid but he soon found it unbelievable that instead of fear, what he saw is a smile that seemed to claim victory flashes at that young and god like face!

'So this is what you meant...' Long Zao thought to himself. He didn't know how did that kid manage to summom a small scale Tribulation but with a terryfying power that could threaten those at the Emperor Realm, but that is not what he is thinking right now.

Isn't this a little too much of a solution? Base on what Long Zao could see, Shu Feng seemed to have no plan on evading the Tribulation Lightning and wanted to suffer it together with the Twin Devil.

He wanted to get Shu Feng out but with the speed of the Tribulation, he is sure that he won't be able to make it!

And just as he thought, a massive and quick Lightning descends from the Heaven and instantly made it's way to the cause of it's summon.

"Let's enjoy our bath shall we?!" Shu Feng said with a smug face before the Tribulation Lightning strikes them both without any warning!