Chapter 90: Too Late (5)

Shu Feng opened his eyes slowly while gazing at his surroundings. His state of enlightenment was done and albeit not knowing what happened a few moments ago, he still realized that he is the one who cause this commotion.

An information appeared in front of him like some hologram. It is the notification that UG rang when he successfully comprehended the second level of Chaos Will.

Unlike any other of his skills, Chaos Will will respond to what he desired and willed to happen. It is not something he can use by merely thinking but also needs his own urge to do the deed. It will not follow his command but his own feelings and will.

He understands that his desire to protect himself from the incoming danger triggered his Chaos Will to move up to another level in order to fulfill his will. Then what if he has a will to remodel the whole world? Does that mean that his Chaos Will would upgrade to another level?

He fully understand now how to move his Chaos Will to another level. That is to have a will to do something. But it is easier to said than done because he couldn't just will for something to happen since he can't desire for it if he didn't even want it in the first place.

He didn't think about it any further since he got a more urgent business to deal with at the moment.


A soft collision between the Black Smoke and the barrier happened without any shocking sound as if a cotton bump into a sturdy wall.

But soon, the black smoke that was block by the wall of Energy Source slowly disperse into dust just like how a fire burns a paper. It is corrupting the whole barrier frenziedly!

Shu Feng could clearly feel the ominous threat coming from that black smoke even if he couldn't see it himself. It would bring him to great danger if he even make a single contact with that object!

What Shu Feng didn't know, the storm that was brewing inside his Serene Space was slowly growing again due to unknown reasons. He can't feel it yet since it is so tiny that even ants wouldn't be able to catch a glimpse of it!

"I should be able to recover some of my strength." Shu Feng mumbled as he stared at the massive tornado around him. He felt relieved that the enlightenment come at the right time or else, he would be good as dead already but with his Instant Recovery he could still live in the end. It's just that it would be a waste of his chances.

He close his eyes after buying ten Chaos Pills and gulped it all without any single hesitation. It costs him a total of 100 SP but that kind of amount could be ignored since he has over 70 thousand System Points!

As the Pills enters his abdomen, it immidiately desolves and the energy containing inside those spreads through his meridians and entered his Dantian. Drops of Chaos Energy slowly drips into his Chaos Pool. Looking from above, the drops of Chaos Energy is like a bucket of water trying to fill up a whole pond!

But the Chaos Energy inside his Chaos Pool didn't linger in there much due to the starving vortices that supplies his Inner World that contained a glutton core.

In just a few moments, his Chaos Pool that was filled up was almost drained again! So with no other choice, he took another ten Chaos Pills which cost him another 100 System Points.

[SP: 76 590]

It was almost impossible for someone to be able to absorb Energy Source for just a whole hour and yet Shu Feng could even continiously consume twenty Chaos Pills in just a matter of no more than one minute! We didn't even consider the fact that it was Chaos Energy that he is absorbing and converting it into other forms base on how his body needs it in just a few moments!

Currently, Shu Feng needs to convert the Chaos Energy into two forms base on his current cultivation method which are the Chaos Drop and Chaos Dust. He needs to convert Chaos Energy into Chaos Dust since it is the main source of Energy that makes up his vortices which in turn supplies his Inner World with a constant amount of Energy that is converted back into Chaos Energy from the Chaos Dust.

Some of you may say that why not just let Shu Feng directly supply his Inner World with the Chaos Energy instead of just going through this long process. But as I said in the past past chapter, his Inner World requires a constant supply of Energy and since he can't always cultivate all the time, all the vortices would do the job for him naturally.

As for the Chaos Drop that he stores into his Chaos Pool, it could act as a supply for the vortices if Shu Feng is not cultivating. More importantly, his Chaos Pool serves as his own source of Energy when casting or performing some skills and when he is using his abilities.

Although it was called a Chaos Drop and it trully is a liquid-like material when it entered his Chaos Pool, it is still a Chaos Energy that is formless and indefinite. But with the pureness of his Energy, the Chaos Energy liquifies instead.

Outside, the Energy barrier was eatened like a burning paper and the smoke launch forward and bump into the tornado this time. But instead of a collision or a repelling effect, the smoke seep through the tornado since it was originally made of pure air and some leaf blades and not enhanced by Energy Source.

Considering that it is a 'smoke' they successfully merged into one and within just a split second, the whole tornado turned into pure black but luckily, with the speed of the wind rotating, it manage to prevent the smokefrom goint out from it's own grasp.

The smoke keep on coming from the orb that was held by the First Devil which made the tornado darker than dark even more!

It is a terryfying sight to behold as some screams of terror and wails of despair could be heard from the tornado. But what everyone didn't know, a more terryfying thing was happening inside that tornado currently!


Shu Feng felt a numbing heart beat that almost made him weak all over his body in just a single thump. He abruptly woke up from his cultivating state with that intense thumping sound coming from his heart. To be precise, it is coming from his whole Serene Space!

Normally, a cultivator will suffer a backlash if they were disturb in their cultivation but Shu Feng is different, his own body is strong enough to withstand the power of Chaos Energy that even when he is disturbed, his own body would contain those Energies automatically.

Since the reason why cultivators suffers backlash from a sudden disruption is because their body couldn't withstand the power of Energy Source when they didn't concentrate in containing it themselves.


The thumping sound came again suddenly which made Shu Feng drop to the ground with his both hands serving as a pillar of support to his weakening body while in a kneeling position. He is sweating all over like something even more terryfying is about to happen! It is his own body that is telling him about it already!

What Shu Feng didn't know, the moment that the dark smoke merged to the tornado around him, everything is already too late. Or maybe, the moment that he was strucked by the Tribulation Lightning and was in a weakened state (Chapter 86), everything is already too late. Being weakened made his enemy take advantage of it which in turn forcefullly made hom gain a sudden enlightenment and finally bringing him to his current situation.

He had no choice, but even if he knows that this would happen, it will not change his descisions. Dealing with the present if much more important and if making descisions brings great consequences, leave it for the future and he will eventually deal with it again.