Chapter 94: Good Brother




"Emergency System Update Completed"

"New Feature [Chaos Altar] unlocked..."

"[Chaos Altar] is a sacred place where the purest Chaos Energy exist. Some creatures live in this place together with other weapons and equipments. The system holds the key to the altar which made it accessible to the Host."


"[Book Of Creation] acquired"

"This book contains all starting informations regarding the true capability of Chaos which is the power of Creation. Please be aware that this book can only be opened by continiously injecting Chaos Energy which would reveal it's contents corresponding to the strength of your Chaos Energy."

As the new system features was announced, the black ball covering Shu Feng shows signs of breaking. As time pass, the crack keeps on spreading which terrifies everyone in front of it as if a hungry beast was staring at them within those cracks!

All of them would flinch everytime they hear the cracking noise. It's like a countdown of their lifespan which made them more unable to think straight. Everyone is afraid of dying after all.


Instead of a cracking noise, what they hear instead is the sound of their death. It's not even a exaggeration for them to commit suicide on the spot if they had a choice than to face the being that is about to come out of that seemingly plain clored ball.

The layer that's covering Shu Feng immidiately crumbles and disappears into thin air finally revealing his lone figure floating mid-air.

He is surrounded with the darkest air matter that anyone could ever see. Him hugging his knees with his eyes close makes him more darker than ever to the point that only his hair indicated that he is still a human by waving continiously in a slow yet dangerous motion.


"Initiating [Absolute Compatibility]

"10% completed.. "

"30% completed..."

"60% completed..."

"90% completed.."


"[Absolute Compatibility] failed..."

Shu Feng opens his eyes slowly but their own feeling told them that a sharp blade is directly place on their necks that would slice their heads off in a blink of an eye if they even make a single mistake!

The members of the Blood Skull Society are cursing inwardly. They didn't expect that the mission they thought would be simple turned out to be the deadliest one!

If they had known that things would became irreversible, they would rather choose to defy their Lord's order than to hunt a nuclear bomb that is about to explode!

As of the moment, they cannot even look up to view the magnificent and beautiful being right in front of them. They could only tremble in fear as their doomsday is already set.

As Shu Feng's eyes blankly stares around, everyone felt their trembling heart jump out all of a sudden which made them unable to breath for a split second. Shu Feng slowly descends from his location thus revealing his whole figure.

Looking closely, his clothings were gone as he is just being covered by the black thing around him. There isn't any major changes in his whole stature except from his appearance at the moment.

As his toes touch the ground, a black hole immidiately appears which quickly expands in a blink of an eye. It totally covers the whole place where all of the members of the Blood Skull Society was located.

All of them wore a terrified expression as the ground which they stared at instantly disappeared and was placed by a black hole. It is this time that they realize how beautiful the ground is and how they miss it.

Albeit being a hole, all of them did not fall as a invisible force was keeping them on the place which acted as a temporary ground for them.

"Eliminate..." Shu Feng mumbles as he stares at them with a blank expression.

When the First Devil heard what Shu Feng said, he felt the urge to escape and save his life. He is sweating as he keep on forcing his body to move.

Luckily, the sucking force previously is already gone and they could freely move however they want in the current situation, but due to the immense threat that they are facing, all of them are stiffened to the point that they can't feel their muscles anymore.

'Move or you'll die!!!' The First Devil shouted inwardly as he suddenly disappeared from his spot directly appearing outside the range of the black hole.

Realizing that he escaped his death, the First Devil cannot help but smile evilly while looking at Shu Feng's direction with a smug look on his face. He feels like even when facing a monster, a capable person like him would be able to escape!

But when his gaze fell on Shu Feng, there is no one besides those kneeling insects. That is when he realized that he is f*cked up.

A cold and tingling sensation dip into his back. He doesn't need to look behind him in order to know who it is. Instead, he quickly urge his remaining strength to further enhance his speed.

But no matter how hard he tries, that sensation won't go away. He suddenly came to a conclusion that he is going to die this time!

He cannot help but display a expression filled with pure despair.



Before he could even shout for help, his whole being disappeared like a mist in one fell swoop.

Not a sound escaped,

Not even a single strand of hair remained,

His whole existence totally vanished from here on out.

Everyone who see Shu Feng eliminating the First Devil just like that remained silent; unable to utter a single word.

Shu Kei; unable to comprehend what's happening to his brother suddenly feels a throbbing pain inside his heart. He wants to jump forward and force his big brother to wake up but the immense feeling of death looming at the battlefield made him flinch.

'Starting this day, you will be Shu Kei'

Kei suddenly flinch back as he remembered those warm words ringing into his head. Guilt surge inside him as it overcomes his fear.

He resolved himself.

Took a deep breath while tightly embracing Zise on his arms.


"Big Brother!!!! Wake Up!"


Kei's shout produces echo effect which reverberated throughout the whole territory making all remaining alive beings hear him clearly.

The people beside him froze on the spot. They didn't expect him to shout at that critical moment where their life and death is unclear.

Shu Feng flinch slightly. Maybe due to his brother's shout or the notification sound. But one thing is clear, his consciousness is not yet totally devoured.

He gaze towards the source of that shout and disappeared on his spot. The people who noticed this immediately cursed inwardly knowing that something bad is about to happen.

Shu Feng reappears a few distance away from Kei and Zise. But the pressure coming out of him unconsciously made everyone forget the idea of running away.

But Kei is different, as if the pressure did not affect him, he bravely took his step and walk towards his brother slowly. He wants to run but his body seems to have lost all of its strength.

Halfway through, he cannot take it anymore and completely fell. His body is totally drained out leaving him like a living corpse.


But as soon as he is about to fall, a cold and terrifying yet warm sensation embrace him and Zise. This feeling gave him the sense of security and comfort.

"Thank You, Kei. You have been a good brother."

Those words rings inside his head before he completely lose his consciousness.