Chapter 96: No More Blood Skull Society

Screams reverberated throughout the whole territory of the Blood Skull Society as everyone frantically runs away from something invisible.

They don't know why but everyone suddenly burst into a mist of blood.

Although the line is connected to them, Shu Feng made sure that they would be oblivious on what he did by tampering the element behind those black thread of lines.

Since the element embedded into those thread is the combination light element and some sliver of soul of those connected.

'Light Element invloves the creation of illusion. Considering that I failed to notice this thread previously, it means that the caster is proficient in manipulating light.' Shu Feng thought while watching those humans; screaming and running in terror without any hint of mercy.

Why would he show mercy to those people who already lost their values as a human? It is laughable since it is already a mercy for Shu Feng to give them a quick and easy death.

'Supposedly light cannot travel this far to connect to all the members without any points that it can attached itself. This is where the sliver of their soul plays a great role.'

'When they form a bond using their sliver of soul, even if they went to the deepest part of the Earth; they would still be connected to each other.'

Shu Feng thought while turning his gaze to Long Zao and the others which gave them fear and eternal silence.

'Normally, that old dragon would have been able to detect that connection, considering that he is a previous Immortal with a great Soul Power. But with the addition of the illusion which could strangely hide any traces even in the face of a former Immortal, that line is something that no human could create!' He thought while feeling the crisis behind this situation.

He knows vaguely that something is amiss with this Blood Skull Society so he decided to wiped it out as soon as possible. He never doubted his feelings even when he is still living on earth.

It requires him a strong judgement, quick descision making and clear instinct when dealing with shabby and dangerous dealings.

He didn't know why but it is already engraved in him to give analytical and detailed prescriptions in every sensitive and mild situations. A good habbit is hard to change after all.

"All this threads are only connected to every subordinates including those Pillars, and no matter how many times I traced it, it is not connected to their Leader." Shu Feng thought while a lot of theories and conclusions came to his mind.

After a few seconds of pondering, his eyes strangely twinkled as if he became enlightened with something.


Back at the outer territory of the Blood Skull Society, everyone is already gone and only a pool of blood remained at the scene. It is completely deserted and abandoned.

"Leader! Emergency! Everyone is suddenly turning into a mist of blood." A man cloaked in black robe directly burst into a creepy room facing a man standing up with a crow on his shoulder; gazing at the window while watching his subordinates turn into a mist of blood.

"It seems like someone managed to discover the illusion that I put." The leader said while slowly turning his head towards that man.

The man in question felt relieve since their leader seems to know something. But his relief suddenly turned into a terror.

The thing that is standing up in front of him is not their leader anymore! But a shadow with a wicked smile looking at him with the desire to kill!

"Ah-a..." The man stumbled as he forced his body to move and escape from this room immidiately.


But the shadow suddenly extends upward while opening its mouth showing those terryfying teeth; that shadow completely gobble the man in whole without leaving a single trace.

The shadow returned to its original form with that wicked smile.

"Ah~It seems like someone planted a space detonation within those threads, kekekeke." That shadow uttered with a tone filled with pleasure and excitement while embracing himself in a weird pose.

"Then there is no use in staying in this body anymore~ It's just a pity that I didn't manage to catch that perfect host, ahhh~"

That shadow said in a sad and dramatic tone but with a mixed of excitement.. It's like the feeling of getting violated gave him pleasure.. (?)

After that, the shadow suddenly burst into the room making it taint in pure darkness. In just a few moments, the shadow immidiately formed a corporeal naked human figure with red sharp eyes. His hair is up to his broad shoulder.

His muscles are perfectly toned with a chest ready to be squish all you want.. (?) The dark mist covered everything else down there to make sure that the kids reading this novel would not find it inappropriate...(the author who is a kid himself)


The body of the 'Leader' of the Blood Skull Society fell to the floor like a puppet. His limbs became that of a stick with his hair turning white and all of his life force completely gone.

"His body fluid and energy should be sufficient to keep my human form for a month without using any of my powers." The humanoid said while walking towards that corpse which instantly turned into dust with just his slight touch.

Then that humanoid suddenly grab sonething from the table and directly embraced it to his chest.

"Ah~ I know that you are different from the others starting the day you started 'loving' me~"He said while wiggling his body in pleasure with his face blushing red from the excitement he is currently feeling.

"Don't worry, we would still meet personally someday. And when that time comes,–

That humanoid said while slowly facing that thing in front of him.

"I hope you are also ready to receive my 'love' for you." He said before throwing that thing letting it fall to the floor then suddenly disappearing together with the crow.


That thing fell on the floor. And surprisingly, it is the poster of Shu Feng.


Back at the Center of the Demon King Forest, Shu Feng is currently trembling. Since when he trace everyone using that thread, he manage to track someone who is supposedly running towards that room.

And obviously, he witnessed everything that happened inside that freakingly creepy room which made him serious at first but then it suddenly turn into a deep fear at the end.

He even regrets his decisions in life!

He is just about to control some of his Black Hole to kill the Leader using the space that he traced using those lines but it seems like he doesn't need to personally kill the leader anymore.

Since something crazy already killed him.

And that something seems to have formed a kink... for him?

"Sigh, there is no point in worrying about it this time. At least the most important thing right now is that I already wiped the whole blood skull society which marks my other mission complete."

Shu Feng said while the black thing coating him slowly draw back toward his chest and directly enters his heart.


[Mission #03 - Completed]