Chapter 7

I go to lunge at him but a large arm reaches out and grabs me by the waist. Sparks erupt all around my torso and I feel all my mixed emotions settle slightly. I glance up to see Jace giving me a gentle look, He kisses my forehead and holds me against his chest keeping me at bay.

I look up at Aaron with a furious expression, "Explain yourself Aaron, what exactly did my mother tell you."

He looks conflicted and looks back and forth between the woods behind him and my face. I notice his tense stance and give Jace a little tap on his arm, he looks down at me, "What?"

I nod my head in Aaron's direction and he notices the same as me, "He's going to run."

Just then we are all circled by Jace's pack, the wolves creating a barrier to keep all three of us in. Aaron looks around furious, "Let me out of here! Do not make me call reinforcements, I have an entire pack waiting on the other side of the trees."

Jace tenses up behind me and pulls away, two wolves walk up to him and shift. I turn my attention back to Aaron.

"Tell me what she said Aaron, no one wants to fight you here. This isn't what I want. I don't want blood shed, and you are sick to think that I would ever want YOU to fight for me."

He glares at me, "You are MINE, your mother promised me when we were pups that I could have you. No one would ever love a monster like you, someone so weak and pathetic, held up in their room like a prisoner. You actually thought I was your friend!?"

He busts out laughing, his doubles over holding his stomach, "You are just as pathetic now as you were when we were pups."

I clench my fists, "You shut your mouth before I rip your tongue out."

He smirks, "Touched a nerve did I? Don't you remember Flower? Remember being on the floor covered in your own blood as your mother stabs you over and over?"

I snap, launching my self at him, shifting in mid air. I feel my body convulse as something else takes hold. My bones begin to crack, my teeth pulling at my gums as larger, sharper canines extend from my mouth. My breath is hot, and my mind goes blank.

The last thing I remember is My mate calling out for me before everything goes dark.

Jace's POV.


I tense up at the thought of more wolves on the other side of the trees, if that's the case and he's truly not bluffing, I need to come up with a plan to keep everyone safe.

I mind link my beta Luis, and my third Cameron, "Both of you come here."

I unwrap myself from Mariana while she talks to Aaron, I spot my beta and my third shift once they reach me.

Luis speaks up first, "What's going on Jace?"

"Aaron says there's more wolves on the other side of the trees, if that's the case we need to get everyone out of this clearing quickly. We can't risk the safety of the new warriors. This can't be their first and last fight."

Cameron turns his head and his eyes go wide, I snap my head in the direction he's looking and see Aaron laughing hysterically.

He starts speaking again, and everything he says hits me like a bullet.

"Her mother really stabbed her?" Cameron whispers.

I growl and he looks down, "Apologies Alpha."

When I turn back to look at Mariana she's shifting in mid air, "Mariana don't!"

I yell out to her but stop in my tracts when I notice her fur color changing, streaks of red trail done her back, her body growing every second until she's even bigger then my wolf. Her teeth show and her breath comes out heavy, I smell the air and cringe.

"That's not Mariana anymore.."

Luis and Cameron's heads snap up at my voice. "What!?" They both yell.

We all stand there and watch as the wolf tears into Aaron, it's jaws clamping onto his arm, tearing it clean off. His screams could be heard for miles.

"GET THE PACK OUT OF HERE!" I yell at my beta and third, they both shift and start barking at the other wolves to run for the woods.

Jace that is the wolf Mariana was telling us about, he must have broken control when Aaron said something that triggered her.


I watch in horror as Levi rips Aaron's guts from his stomach, The life already gone from his eyes, but still Levi continues to tear him apart.


He wolf snaps it's head up, and turns to look at me. Blood drips from it's muzzle.

"Levi.. is that your name?"

He wolf narrows it's eyes and stalks towards me, I see both red eyes staring into my soul. I pus back every instinct to run in the other direction, keeping my ground.

Jace this is not smart, that is not our mate. He will kill you without a second thought.

We have to do something, we can't just leave her here like this, she's still in there.

I mind link Luis, "Bring me a syringe of silver, when you get here do not let the wolf see you with it, give it to me discreetly and do not ask questions."

He responds immediately, "Yes Alpha."

I return my attention to Levi, he's now standing a few feet from me.

"So, it is your name?" I ask again.

He stares at me for a second before nodding slowly.

"I'm Jace.. I guess you could say I'm Mariana's mate.. which technically makes me your mate as well?"

The wolf snorts and I hear a voice in my head.

I am no one's mate. I am a separate being that you mutts don't understand.

I jump a bit at the threatening tone in his voice.

"Okay.. I apologize. I don't mean to disrespect you. What exactly are you.. if You wouldn't mind telling me?"

He's silent for a minute before responding in my head.

I am a demon.

I give him a weird look, "A demon?"

He nods.

Luis' voice enters my head, "Alpha I have your syringe, tell me when to come to you. I waiting at the edge of the woods."

"I have an idea, place it behind the moss covered rock by the tree exactly behind me."

I look back at Levi, "Why would a Demon be in Mariana's body, she already has a wolf."

You could not comprehend how powerful your 'mate' is. The amount of strength a person would need to contain me is tremendous, and yet Mariana did it so easily. Most of the time she has no idea I am actually there, in the back of her mind.

I growl, "Why are you here?"

I hear him chuckle in my head, Because I am here to kill, that is what I was made for. To kill anyone and everyone.

My eyes widen, "Why would you want to do that? Mariana is just a girl! She would never want something as horrible as that!"

Who said anything about her wanting it.

"So your here against her will, your here no matter if she wants it or not?"


I turn my back to him, "Follow me I want to show you something."

And why would I go anywhere with you?

I glance behind me, "Because you'll understand after you do."

I start walking into the trees, glancing behind me to make sure he can't see me as I duck down to grab the syringe of silver and tuck it into a pair of shorts I throw on.

You are wearing shorts now, why is that?

I glance at him with a casual smile, "I got cold, don't have fur at the moment."

He tilts his head in curiously as he follows behind me, I break through the trees towards the pack house.

I hope you know what your doing, because you are risking our entire pack.

I hope so too..

I stop in front of the house and mind link everyone to return to their normal duties and to pay no mind to the wolf standing next to me. Quickly wolves and people file out of the house, children start tossing a ball around. Pregnant moms sit down on the patio to watch the children, while chatting with fellow pack mates. Warriors pull out the mats and start training in the court year.

What is this?

I look up at him, "This is my pack. This is life."

I point towards the pups playing ball, "There is the happiness of my pack, carefree and joyful."

I point at the women, "There is the succession of my pack, the jewels, they ensure the population of my pack."

I look to the warmers training, "There is the protection of my pack, they keep everyone safe. This pack would have fallen many years ago if it wasn't for the efforts of my warriors."

Then finally I stand next to him and look up at him as he turns to look at me, "And Mariana, she's now my world, my everything. She's what keeps me going. She will ensure my line continues. When she's ready of course, I would never force something so important on her."

What is the point of all of this?

I look back at my pack with pride, "Why would you want to kill something so amazing? So joyful? Every person in my pack is important. Losing even one would be like losing a limb. A part of me would be missing."

I have no need for these things. I have lived for generations, I have seen your kind die, and be born. I've seen the violence that comes with it, the love of another being taken from you.

I freeze, "Your mate was taken from you?"

Yes. Now Is there anything else you'd like to show me before I kill everyone here?

My blood runs cold at his extremely serious voice, "You would do that? You would kill all of us for no reason at all?"

He gives me a wolf smirk.

Who said I had to have a reason to kill.

I growl and grab the syringe plunging it deep in his shoulder, emptying all the contents.

I will KILL you!

He howls in pain and snaps at me, I move back and mind link the whole pack to get back inside. In an instant everyone is running for the house, disappearing in a few minutes. The warriors stick around ready to be called to help.

I push my hand out, "Don't interfere."

They all nod simultaneously, Levi hits the ground hard. His bones begin to crack and I flench when I begin hearing a different type of scream. Not one of a demon or a wolf.. but one of a girl.

She will be okay once she's fully back to herself.

Doesn't mean it won't still hurt watching her in pain.

I grit my teeth as I begin pulling the pain from her body into my own, I hit the ground on my hands and knees. Her screams end where mine begin. I feel hands on me as my warriors surround both of us laying their hands on me for strength. I mentally thank them as I watch her human body fully form before the pain dulls enough for me to think.

I blink away tears and reach out for her, my hand connects with her skin and sparks erupt up my arm. I hear her gasp and cough up blood. I pull her towards me and cradle her in my arms. A blanket is draped down over us both as she begins to shiver.

"Alpha, we need to get you both to the infirmary, let doc check you both out." Luis murmurs to me softly.

Cameron comes to my side and helps pull me up, "Here, lets me move the blanket so that its on top of her and it won't get in the way of you moving."

I nod, he pulls the blanket down and I growl lonely, my pack mates shield their eyes form her body. Cam looks at the ground as he drapes the blanket over her and helps me tuck it around her.

I follow Luis into the pack house and to the infirmary. Doc is already waiting with two beds ready for us both.

"Lay her here, and you can push the two beds together. I will not attempt to separate either of you at the moment."

I nod and slowly place her down on the bed, pushing back the hair in her face. I grab the other bed and push it next to hers and lay down next to her.

"What exactly happened out there Jace?"

I growl and give her a look.

She coughs and corrects herself, "Apologizes Alpha, please tell me what happened."

I begin to explain everything from beginning to end, not leaving out any details. My mom bursts through the door in the middle of my explanation and sits down next to me listening to the rest.

"Oh goddess! She killed Alpha Aaron!?" She covers her mouth, holding her chest with her other hand.

I look down, "That's not all."

"What could possible be the rest?" She exclaims.

"If I hadn't gotten Levi with the silver.. He would have killed the entire pack."