Chapter 8

Jace's POV


My mother grabs the side of her chair, "Good heavens I need some water."

I instantly go to get up but Jess our Pack Doctor stops me.

"No, you will stay in bed until I've determined that your mate is no longer a threat."

My eyes instantly go red, a menacing growl escapes my clenched jaw. She pales and backs up lowering her had in submission.

"I apologize Alpha, I mean't no disrespect towards our Luna, I was only thinking of the safety of our pack." She says gently.

"You will do well to remember who is in charge here Jess, Disrespecting her is disrespecting me. Understood?"

She nods her head and I lay back against the head of the bed, holding onto my mate, who's curled up next to me. She turns to grab a glass and fills it with water, handing it to my mother who takes it gratefully and downs the whole thing. I sigh and look back down at my mate, she's still unconscious and hasn't made any sounds or movements since we've been here.

"What exactly is she?" My mother asks softly.

I sigh again, "Levi said he's a demon, and that she is more powerful then we could ever imagine. But when we were talking I caught something he said. His mate was taken form him when he was a wolf, at least that's what I think he meant. I had no idea demon wolves were even a thing until now, as well as if they even had mates. All I'm saying is that I think we should take a look at the records in the study to find everything we can about them. For my mate's sake we need to get that demon out of her."

Jess shakes her head, "That will be quite difficult if she was born with it."

I look at her shocked, "Wait how did you know she was born with it?"

She walks over to my mate slowly and gestures for permission to touch her. I nod and she rolls her over slightly, moving the side of her hair to reveal my mark on her shoulder. I gasp, I didn't even bother looking at it until now. It was black, with multiple black veins coming off of it. Almost as if it was poisonous.

"What in the world.." I mutter, not able to keep my eyes off it.

"A demon is inhabiting her soul, which means, you marked something that isn't technically yours." She explains.

She walks over to her office the the side of us and comes out holding a book. She flips through it and shows us a page, inside it showed a female Wolfe's shoulder, baring the mark of a mate. But looks almost identical to Mariana's mark. Black blood poured from the wound, it looks infected and poisonous. I look back at Mariana's mark and see that its still getting slightly worse.

"This has happened before?" I ask.

"Not in this same instance, this female was marking by someone that wasn't meant for her. The goddess assigns one other significant half. When this will is broken and someone that was designed for you tries to claim you, it creates a sort of after effect. The female didn't end up find her other half in time before she died."

"Your saying my mate is going to die!" I exclaim.

She sighs, "I'm not totally sure, because she is your mate, and you are her mate. The only reason it looks like that is because the demon is part of her soul, but not part of yours."

I close my eyes for a second, trying to wrap my head around all of this. "But why her, why choose a girl to take over? He even told me himself, he's always there, even if she can't feel him. He could come forwards anytime he likes. But the only way he got out this time was because Aaron triggered something in her. Something traumatic. And the silver counteracted the anger, it weakened her so that she couldn't feel anything but pain."

I shift her back over to my chest and move the hair form her close eyes, "And she won't even wake up, she was fine last time. But I suppose last time she hadn't fully let Levi out before she injected herself."

I frustratingly rub my face with my hand, my mother rests her hand on my shoulder gently, "Honey, everything will be okay."

I look up, "How do you know that? We don't even know what this demon is exactly. This is the first time we've heard anything about this."

She gives me a sad look, "But you can't just give up, she's your mate."

I soften my face, "Mom I'm not giving up, I'm just a bit frustrated. I don't know what I'm supposed to do."

Jess walks over to the side of the bed and moves Marie over to her side again, checking the mark on her shoulder. "It doesn't seem to be getting any worse, the other patient I read about was deteriorating rapidly, her body showing signs of giving out completely. The first thing she lost was her wolf, then her hearing, her sight, then her sense of touch."

I gulp, "You're saying that could happen to her?"

She shrugs, "I'm not completely sure Alpha Jace, again this isn't the same thing as the other case."

Just then, Luis bursts through the doors of the infirmary, "Alpha!"

I instantly sit up, "What's going on Luis?"

He bends down trying to catch his breath, "You're not going to believe this."

I'm about to open my mouth to ask again when I'm silenced by a women walking through the doors. I choke, the women was beyond gorgeous. Like something I'd never seen before. She was wearing a very flowing blue dress, but it seemed off. Like the light in the room was swirling around it, almost like it was apart of her. I go to stand up but she holds her hand out, stopping me.

"There's no need for that."

My breath stops, her voice angelic, my ears couldn't get enough of it. My mother gasps beside me, "Oh Goddess!"

The women smiles, "Hello Nancy, You'll be happy to know Johnathon is waiting for you and misses you greatly, he wishes to tell you he loves you more then.."

She smiles wide and giggles a bit, "More then peanut butter and pickles, what a strange combination."

Tears instantly form in my eyes, dripping down my face. I hear my mother's soft sobs next to me. I can't believe it..

"You are the Moon Goddess.."

She nods with a small smile, "Hello there my child, I hope you are enjoying my gift to you. She was one of my favorite creations."

I look down at Mariana and pull her closer to me, "Yes, I love every part of her. I can't wait to get to know her more."

The goddess moves over to her side of the bed and touches her softly on the arm, "It is time to wake now, my child."

Almost instantly, Mariana groans. I smile brightly and shake her slowly, she opens her eyes and My heart skips a beat. Her beautiful green eyes stared back at me, glistening with confusion and curiosity.

"W-what's going on?" Her tiny little voice squeaks.

I chuckle a little bit, "We can talk about that later, There's someone here you might want to see."

I help her sit up and she looks over to the women standing next to her, "Mom?"

The women frowns, "I'm sorry my child, I am not your mom. I know deep down how much you miss her, the old mom you knew before she changed. I hope you will forgive me for waking you."

She shakes her head gently, "It's alright, Is there something wrong Goddess?"

I glance at my mom shocked, We both exchange a confused glance.

How did she know it was the goddess right away?

How could she not? You knew right away as soon as she walked into the room. The only women in the world that you would consider beautiful other then your mate.

I understand after realizing it myself, "My Goddess? Why are you here?" I ask.

She looks to me, "As you've already figured out, there is something in Mariana that is not supposed to be there."

She looks back down to Mariana and takes her hand gently, "Unfortunately I can not remove it alone. This thing inside of her was forged of her own making."

I look at her with wide eyes, "Your telling me she created Levi!?"

She gives me a gently look, "Yes, that is what I am saying."

I place my head in my hand and rub my face, "How do we get rid of it?"

She frowns, "That is something only she can do."

She looks back at Marie, I look at my mate and she gives me a terrified look.

I grab her small form and pull her unto my chest, rubbing her head softly. She holds onto me with dear life, her body shaking.

The goddess looks incredible sad, "My child this was not meant to happen to you, but due to the life you grew up with.. your wolf was caged for so long, growing a more rabid side of her more and more each day."  

Marie shifts to look at her, "It was Marcus.. wasn't it?"

The goddess nods her head, "Yes, that sad day was what sent your wolf off. What gave form to Levi was the first kill of someone you were related to."

She stiffens, "Related to?"

She nods her head again, "Yes.. My child.. Marcus was your half brother."

I look down instantly, seeing the life leave Mariana's eyes. She slumps into me, all the strength and energy left in her, gone. I cradle her, holding her so close to me.

"Oh Princess.." I whisper, keeping her steady in my arms.

I look up at the goddess, "This is impossible, how do these things just happen?"

"It's something that happens once every millennia. This young lady is incredible, her unique structure is enticing."

I growl, "This is not funny My goddess, this is not even remotely interesting at all. You just told this already broken girl, that she killed her own brother."

'That.. that's why he didn't kill me..." Marie whispers.

"What princess? Who are you talking about?"

"Marcus' father.. he had the chance to kill me.. he let me go."

The goddess nods again, "Yes, he knew who you were My child, He was your real father."

My mate sobs into my chest, her body shaking even more then before. My heart shatters, seeing my mate so broken, kills me inside.

"Your mom was unfaithful to her mate. She was power hungry, wanted more then what she had."

I look up at her, "Wait.. power hungry? Wasn't she mated to the Alpha? What's sleeping with someone lower going to give her?"

"She was not mated to the Alpha. She was mated to the Beta, George McCalous, Marcus' Father. She rejected George and Mated to the Alpha of the pack, Richard Blood."

At the alpha's name Mariana screamed. She pushed me away and frantically tried to tear something off of her skin, I grabbed her arms, trying to keep her from hurting herself. She screamed out, crying profusely.

"Let me go! Please!! PLEASE! I didn't do it! I Did nothing wrong!" She cries out.

The goddess steps forward and touches her lightly on the forehead, Mariana instantly goes limp in my hands. Her eyes closing and falling back into my arms.

"What did you do?"

"She will sleep now, I think this has been a bit too much for her mind to handle." The goddess says.

She looks around the room at everyone, "I must apologize for the short visit, but I must go now. I fear that me being here will interfere with upcoming events. I will take my leave now."

She looks back down at me, "The only way she will survive this is if you convince her that killing Marcus was not her fault. Once she believes that.. she will be whole again."

At that, the goddess disappears. I blink, trying to register the fact that she just disappeared right here. I look to my mom, her tear stained face looked to mine.

I look back at my sleeping mate, and then to the doctor standing at the end of the beds, then to Luis.

"Well.. We're fucked.."