Chapter 9

Jace's POV


Luis sighs, "What do we do now?"

I look down at Marie and then back at Doc. "Is she okay to move to my bedroom?"

She gives me a hesitant look before reluctantly hanging her head, "I want to say that she should be locked to the wall in the dungeon after hearing everything that just happened.. but yes, she can be moved to your bedroom as you wish Alpha."

I hold back a growl, "Watch what you say to me Doctor, my mate is nothing to joke about."

She sighs and begins walking to her office but I catch her mumble under her breath, "I wasn't joking.."

I roll my eyes and wrap my arms under Mariana's legs and push her into my chest. I slowly slide off the bed, "Mom can you follow me up to the room please I need to speak with you."

My mother nods and passes me holding the door open for me, I look to Luis before I leave, "Luis, work with the Warriors outside, we need to prepare for anything that could happen. The whole Aaron situation has me uneasy."

He nods and bows his head, "Yes Alpha."

I follow my mother out of the infirmary and up the stairs to my room. My mother opens my door and I walk inside, lightly laying my mate on the bed, pulling the covers over her.

"Best not to make too much noise, she needs to rest. Let's talk outside." I tell my mother walking back out into the hall.

She follows me out and I crack the door, "Mom I have a favor to ask you."

She looks at me concerned, "What is it honey?"

I sigh and rub my face, stress very prominent in my face, my mother rubs my shoulder softly, "Oh Jace.. Maybe you should get some rest. You've been so stressed out about the war and now your mate on top of everything. You need not be afraid to talk to me, I'm your mom. It's my job to listen and guide you."

I nod, "I know Mom, But back to my favor. I want you to take Mariana shopping when she wakes up and is feeling better."

She steps back a bit, shock written all over her face, "Jace are you sure that's a good idea? This girl is unstable!"

She covers her mouth as soon as the words left, "I'm so sorry.. That was way more mean then I intended."

I shake my head, "Mom please, She's been shown no love all her life. Her family hated her and now she's just found out she killed her own brother. She needs this, and as far as I know, she's safe for now."

My mother thinks it over before nodding slowly, "Alright honey, I'll take her and your sister out tomorrow. I think your right about her needing this, that poor child has never been shown a mother's love and she will definitely feel better after."

I smile, "Thank you mom."

I give her a hug and she rubs my back soothingly, I pull away and kiss her on the head before walking back into my room. My mom waves me goodbye before making her way back down the hall. The door closes with a quiet click and I walk over to the bathroom, I start the water for the shower and rest my hands on the counter of the sink. I look up at my reflection and sigh.

"I look horrible." I mumble to myself.

I shrug the shorts I had thrown on earlier off and toss them into the hamper next to the door. With another exhausted sigh I slide into the shower and groan at the warm water hitting my aching muscles. I rest my head on the tiled wall, just letting the water run down my back.

You are worried.

I push myself off the wall and let the water run down my face, Yea I am.

A couple minutes pass before I move my head out from under the water and grab the two in one shampoo and conditioner. I lather it onto my hair and massage it into my scalp.

What are you going to do about this.

I think for a second, What is there to do? We can't change her back. It's up to her.

I rinse the soap out of my hair and grab a loofah, pouring body wash onto it. I scrub the dirt and blood off my skin and watch it run down the drain.

She is out mate.

Nah Shit Jarred. I know that.

You don't seemed concerned about it at all, our mate can not be claimed as long as she has this demon in her. I want to claim our mate.

I sigh and turn the water off after rinsing all the soap off. I step out of the shower, steam swirling around me and walk to the side of the sink. I grab a towel and wrap it around my waist.

I am concerned Jarred! She's my mate too. No matter what we say or do, its down to Mariana to forgive herself. But thanks to the goddess herself, telling Mariana that she killed her own brother. I don't see that happening anytime soon.

I grab another towel and dry off my hair, rubbing all of the water off my chest and arms, and attempting to get my back. I wait a couple minutes before coming to the conclusion that Jarred wasn't going to come out anytime soon. I shut the light off and walk back out into my room, making my way to the dresser and grabbing a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt to throw on. I look behind me at the bed and see my mate's sleeping form under the covers.

I change into the clothes and walk over to the opposite side of the bed, slowly crawling in and pulling the covers over my body. As if she could feel my body close, My mate rolls over and snuggles into my chest. I smile and wrap my arms around her, getting comfortable and rubbing my hand done her arm. I close my eyes and bask in this precious moment. Wanting nothing more then to help my mate in anyway I could, but something like this was out of my knowledge. It pained me to know that my mate was suffering, wether physically or mentally.

But at that moment, I had her in my arms. Had my other half within my reach. It made me extremely happy, and I know it made Jarred happy as well, whether he will admit it or not. And that's all I wanted, all I needed..


Marie's POV


I groan, my body feels like I've been beaten over and over by a brick. I open my eyes slowly, I look to the side of my and see an empty bed. I frown, I'm in Jace's room but Jace isn't here..

I sit up, the room was lit up by the sunlight streaming in through the window. I could see the room more clearly now. I hadn't even had the chance to look around it yet. In front of the bed was a little wooden cabinet, something you would generally hold blankets in. I slide off the bed and open the cabinet.

"Yep blankets." I murmur.

I look towards the window and remember that It was facing he back of the pack house. I walk up to it and see several pups running around with a ball, kicking it and throwing it around. I smile at the joyful sight, I remember watching the kids play when I was young..

I frown, and turn around. My eyes fall on a Picture frame on his dresser. I walk closer and pick it up. The picture was a man and women with two little kids in their arms. All of them looked extremely happy. The kids were looking up at their parents like they were the best things to ever live. As well as the parents looking at them like they mean something. I feel my eye tear up and they slip down my cheeks, looking at how happy Jace's family looks made me wish mine was the same.

I miss my old mom more then anything, the way she used to push me on the swings at the park down the road, a place that humans normally took their kids. I had read about it in a book and wanted more then anything to visit a place like that. So for my birthday, my mom snuck us out of the pack house and down to the human park. It was the happiest day of my life.

More tears slipped down my cheeks.

But after that day.. My mom was never the same. She began treating me horribly, starting calling me names and telling me I couldn't go out, couldn't go play with the other pups. Confined me to my room. Beat me and verbally abused me.

I placed the picture back down and shook the horrible thoughts from my head. I look down at my appearance and see that I'm still only wearing the oversized shirt I had thrown on earlier. Flashes of what happened appear in my head. I wince as my memory begins to come back.

Everything. Everything was clear.

I killed Aaron. Levi come out. The goddess..

I killed my brother.

When the realization of my words hit me and fell to the floor sobbing. My whole body hurt, like I was a worthless piece of trash. How could anyone look at me with any sort of love or affection after what I did. I could never be loved.. I could never.

A soft knock on the door had me breaking out of my trance and whipping the tears from my face. I get up and open the door slowly. Jace's mother stands there with a pile of clothes and a plate of food in her arms. I open the door wider.

"Oh sweetie what's wrong?" She says instantly.

She walks in and places the food and the pile of clothes on the dresser and comes back over to me, pulling me into her arms. I sob into her shoulder, letting everything out. All the pain I felt, all the anger I held at myself.

"Oh Marie.. Everything will be okay. Here's what we are going to do today. I brought you some clothes that I think might fit you and some food to put in that tummy of yours."

She pulls away and wipes the tears from my cheeks.

"You, me and Jennie are going to go shopping today, how does that sound?"

I nod, "Okay.."

She smiles and gives my shoulders a gently squeeze. She turns and hands me the pile of clothes and ushers me into the bathroom.

"Now go get dressed, then you can eat and we will head out."

I nod and close the door behind me. I walk to the mirror and place the clothes down on the counter. I rub my face, fatigue notable on my face. I grab the hem of my shirt and tug it over my head. I grab the light blue sweatshirt and pull it over my head and lead my arms through the holes. I grab the pair of boxers that I guess are Jace's and pull them up my legs. Then grab the pair of legging and tug them up my legs. I look at my reflection in the mirror and sigh.

"I look like crap." I mumble.

I look down on the sink and notice two toothbrushes next to each other. One Red and one Purple. I pick up the purple one and assume it's mine, and squeezing out toothpaste onto it. I run it under the water and shove it in my mouth. I hear a soft knock on the door again and a voice behind it.

"Mariana honey? You alright in there?" Her gently voice calls.

I turn to open the door, she smiles at me. "Oh there you are, finish brushing and come eat!"

I nod and turn back to the sink to rinse my mouth. I make my way back out into the room and she motions me over to the bed to sit and eat. I plop down and grab the plate she hands me. My mouth waters at the smell of bacon, I instantly shove a piece into my mouth. I moan at the delicious taste.

I hear My mate's mother chuckle, "Seems someone is hungry."

I nod and finish shoving the bacon into my mouth, picking up my fork and working into the scrambled eggs.

"My name is Nancy if you don't remember, But your more then welcome to call me mom. We are your family now after all."

Tears sweep up in my eyes, threatening to pour down my face. She places a hand on my shoulder, squeezing lightly.

"You've been through so much Mariana, But I want you to know that you are everything this family needs. You make Jace very happy, happier then I've seen him since his father died. Don't ever think you will never have a place here, your the pack's new Luna, and a strong one at that."

She winks at me and I smile, "Thank you for telling me that, I needed to hear it."

She smiles back, "You read for a girls day?"

I nod, "Yep, but um.. who's Jennie?"

She claps her hand, "Oh! Jennie dear! Come in please."

She turns and calls out, The door creaks open slightly and a girl walks in. Not much taller then me with short dirty blonde hair. She stumbles in shyly and gives me a warm shy smile.

"H-hi!" She chirps.

"This is Jennie, my daughter." Nancy chimes in.

I smile and stick my hand out, "Hi, I'm Mariana but you can call me Marie."

She takes my hand gently and shakes it, "Hi Marie! I'm Jennie, Jace's little sister."

Nancy giggles, "Eek this is going to be so much fun! Alright Marie dear, get up and bring your plate with you. We can drop it off on the way to the garage."

I get up and grab my plate, Nancy places a pair of slides on the ground.

"Here, these might be a bit big, but they will do until we can get you some new ones."

I slip my feet into them, they feel a bit big but nothing to bad. I follow the two women out and down the stairs, I look around, trying to get a whiff of Jace's scent. I frown, Where could he be?

He could be working right now, he is the Alpha of one of the largest packs.

I jump slightly, Jesus Shiver! You scared the shit out of me!

She gives me a wolffish snicker in my head, Whoops hehe.

I shake my head, You've been pretty quiet, you didn't even want to meet your mate.

She's goes silent, I make a mental note to check on her about the whole mate situation later. I snap back to reality and see the kitchen come into view. Lucy is running around with plates in her hand going in and out of the noisy dinning room connected to the kitchen. I look in awe at the giant room filled with people cooking and cleaning. Lucy comes back into the kitchen and jumps when she sees us in the doorway.

"Good heavens Nancy! You scared me half to death." She comes over and rubs her hands on her apron.

"What can I do fo you?" She asks, one of her hands propped on her hip.

Nancy gestures to me, "Just dropping off a plate."

I hold up the empty plate with a small smile, "Thank you for the breakfast, it was delicious."

Lucy's eyes brighten up, "Aww so sweet! I'll take that from you, I'm glad you enjoyed it!"

She takes a step forward and I hand her the plate, "You three enjoy your day out!"

She turns and waves at us from behind her, placing the plate in one of the three giant sinks on the side of the wall opposite us. Nancy waves for us to follow her back down the hall, she opens a door and we walk in to one of the biggest garages I've ever seen. The giant stadium sized room was filled to the brim with cars. Cars of all shapes, sizes and colors lined up in several rows. Nancy grabs a pair of keys from her pocket and clicks a button, a car a few feet in front of us lights up with a beep.

We walk up to the car and I recognize the 1998 Dodge Challenger. It was a car I saw a lot, which also doesn't make any sense. I saw this car a lot when I was living with my old pack, it would come in and out of the pack lands every other weekend. I always had a perfect view of it parked in the driveway above my room. Even the color is the same, But just to be sure..

I walk to right side of the car and my eyes widen, I stare down at the black paw print right under the rear view mirror. The same paw print on the car from my pack...

"Marie? You alright honey?" I look up to Nancy and Jennie looking at me worried.

I point at the paw print, "You.. You were at my pack house.."