Chapter 10

Nancy looks at me confused, "What are you talking about Mariana?"

I back away from the car, images of that nightmare flash in front of my eyes. I fall to the ground and my heart rate quickens, I look up at the car and see the paw print. My breathing constricts and I start gasping for air. I feel the pain in my chest increase, the pressure getting heavier and heavier. Voices echo around the garage, but all I hear are muffled sounds. Almost like I'm under water.

I feel arms on either side of my body trying to pick me up, I get to my feet and they let go but the room starts to spin, and my vision gets hazy. I fall back on my hands and knees. Tears are streaming down my face; everything is blurry and spinning.

I try to look around but then everything feels like I'm drowning, I gasp for my air. Clawing at my chest, trying to get something, anything, into my lungs. More flashes of images cross my eyes and I scream. My head feels like it's going to explode.


All I feel is pain, anger, confusion.

I can't think, I CAN'T SEE.

Just then I feel arms wrap around my body and I'm pulled into someone's lap. Sparks ignite at touch and I scream even more. My hands go to my hair and I grip it hard. I feel hands on my arms, pulling them away from my face and onto their chest, their hands then moving to my head, pushing it into their neck. I inhale sharply, gulping as much air as I can into my lungs.

My body is shaking violently, all my senses blocked. My hearing eventually starts to return, and I feel myself being held firmly against a warm figure. When my body registers the feeling of sparks, I fall limp into my mate's arms. Sobbing into his shoulder.

"Shhhh... Mariana it's okay.. Princess it's okay."

My hands grab a hand full of his shirt as I continue to cry, he holds me firmly.

"Shh... It's okay, It's okay. I'm here Marie, I'm here." He whispers into my hair.

He rocks me back and forth until I calm down, I shake in his arms, my body giving up all energy it had before. Jace shifts in place and pulls me away from his chest, He grabs my face in his hands and places a kiss on my forehead.


His voice doesn't register in my head, all I see is a hazy mess.

"Mariana hey. Look at me." He moves my head up to his eyesight.

I bring my eyes up to his, and just like that all the blurring in my vision was gone. I could see his crystal blue eyes as clear as day. He rubs my cheek with his thumb, and I melt into his touch. The sparks running through my body like fire.

"Are you alright now?"

His voice was like honey.

I nod and he rests his forehead on mine, our breathing matching in perfect sink.

"Is she alright?"

My head snaps in the direction of Nancy's voice and the pain in my chest starts to build.

"Mom leave!" Jace yells at her.

Before I could start to panic again, my face is moved back in front of Jace's, and his lips are on mine. My eyes widen, and my heart starts to beat faster. I lean into the kiss and my muscles relax, his arms rubbing soothing circles on my back. I pull away and lay my head on his shoulder, his grip gets tighter, protective. He picks me up, wrapping my legs around his torso and walking us out of the garage.

I focus on him, on his touch, his warmth. I concentrate on his scent, on the sparks, trying desperately to calm down. He walks into his room and closes the door behind him, slowly laying my on the bed. He scoots in beside me and pulls me to his chest.

"Are you alright Princess?" He whispers into my hair.

I nod, closing my eyes and resting in his embrace, he continues to rub circles on my arm, keeping me in a calm state. After what felt like forever, he loosens his hold on me and I turn around to look up at him. His smile is gently, I can feel his joy floating around us. Like smoke drifting around the room as a beautiful light, fading in and out.

"Do you feel it? Do you see the light?"

My eyes widen, "Wait you can see it too?"

He laughs, the sound bringing comfort to me. "Yes, the light floating around the room, it's your joy. Very rarely can you see your mate's emotions, but you Marie, you are extraordinary."

I grin, "It's pretty, what else can you see?"

He looks around. "Just flickers of something," he narrows his eyes at something across the room, "something dark."

I turn my head to look at what he's seeing but he grabs my chin with his hand and stops me. "You don't need to look at it, look at me."

I keep my gaze trained on his, I focus on the dark and light blue mixing in his eyes. I see a few spots of light green on the inside around his pupil and I smile.

"What are you smiling about?"

I reach up and touch the spot under his right eye, "You have little spots of green around your pupils."

I can feel him relax into my hand, and I place it on his cheek. The world just seemed to slow down at that moment, it was just me and him. Every sound, every distraction, just faded away. I concentrate on his heartbeat, smiling at the steady sound; I could sense Shiver listening to it as well. Jace leans forward and places his forehead on mine. I move my head up, pushing his back and connect my lips with his. I shocked myself with the sudden confidence and Jace seemed to enjoy it. His arms snake around my waist and pull me closer to him. I breathe in deeply, his scent hooking me in, I push into him more. He growls and flips us, him on top of me. I look up at him wide eyed and hungry.

He leans down to place a gentle kiss on lips, I kiss back and wrap my arms around his neck. His hands run down my side and connect with my hips. Sparks make their way up my body, making me shiver with anticipation. Jace leans back and rests his head on my forehead. He looks to the side and goes rigid. I lean back confused and squeal in shock when he grips both my arms and pulls them towards him.

"What are you—"

He growls and his hold on my arms gets harder, I wince and look up to see his eyes trained on my wrists, he had pulled my sleeves up. I look down to see my scares littered all over my skin. I look away, my hair falling in front of my face. My whole body gives up all energy it had; I sigh in embarrassment.

"Mariana why?"

I don't move, not a sound comes out of me other than my staggered breathing. He lets go of my arms and pushes me down on the bed, I fall back with an oomph. I look up at Jace looking down at me, his body touching me no more.

"Why, Princess tell me why."

I close my eyes and take a deep breath in before opening them and explaining.

"I hated myself, for years I believed every word my mother spat at me. Believed that my whole family hated me. The only person I thought would protect me was my brother, but even he couldn't stop them for long. Aaron.. betrayed me.. He was my best friend."

Jace scans my body up and down, He lifts my shirt and his eyes trail over every part of my skin up until the waistband of his boxers I was wearing. He looks up at me again.

"There's more isn't there."

I look away from him and his hands gently trail down to the waistband before slowly pulling them off. He sucks in a breath, and I gasp when his lips connect with my thigh, his tongue trailing over the scars. I look towards him, something bubbles in my stomach and I wiggle, uncomfortably with his gaze. He grabs my face and makes me meet his eyes while he trails his lips up my leg, kissing every single mark.

"No.. more.. of.. this." He says in between each kiss.

I don't break his gaze. He springs up and connects his lips with mine. I feel him press his body against mine and heat builds in my stomach. My senses are on overdrive and I feel my control slipping, Jace's eyes widen when he sees mine.

"Your eyes are glowing." He says, concern slipping into his tone.

I grab his face and pulls back towards mine, his lips connecting with mine again. I break the kiss, "It's fine, I'm not switching to him. I'm just incredibly turned on." I hear the edge in my voice, my voice coming out husky and hungry.

His red eyes flare, a furry of passion and lust.

My mind goes blank.
