Chapter 6

Three of the raiders covered their bodies in mana as they charged towards Zack. Their speed, strength, and endurance were enhanced making them formidable opponents. They began attacking Zack in unison, but couldn't land a blow. Every strike was either dodged, or parried, and with time they were the ones on the defense. The guards finished chanting as chains of mana bound Zack. They were trying to disrupt his magic while the raiders closed in to exploit the opening they made.

Zack's eyes began to glow as he shattered his bindings quickly calling his spear. With a single swing, a powerful shockwave was produced that sent all the raiders flying away. A few mages fused their attacks together as a massive ball of fire roared towards Zack. He stared it down unbothered and stopped it with his hands pouring his own mana into it.

The flames began to morph taking the form of a giant python. The python curled around Zack guarding his body as it opened its mouth ready to incinerate anyone who attacked. Seeing such high-level magic they began sweating as they adjusted their grip on their weapons.

"This city permits all races, and If you continue to attack her I'll show no mercy." Zack declared with powerful killing intent.

"You dare attack the city watch! You've already forfeited your life with these actions, and the punishment is death!" The guard yelled as he readied his men to attack.

"What's the punishment for defying your King's decree?" Zack declared to the crowd.

"How dare you speak of his majesty! Everyone be ready to at.."

Zack took a gold plate from his bag showing the guards. The second they saw it they immediately sheathed their weapons as a look of panic swept their faces. The gate guards were indeed acting out of their own prejudice for monsters and figured no one here would ever report them.

When the raiders began to charge again the guards quickly restrained them. They knew anyone who carried that insignia had the trust of their sovereign, and his testimony would hold weight. The guards' immediately dispersed the crowd, and then tried to casually sneak away.

"This incident isn't over just like that. Give me your name now!" Zack demanded halting the guard in charge under immense pressure.

"It's Galan sir." Galan was struggling to stand under the pressure.

"Commander Miles will hear of this," Zack stated while checking on the woman.

The Arachne has long silver hair trailing to her shoulders, and parted down the front to hide the extra red eyes. The woman was wearing an elegant silk top that exposed her delicate stomach, and child-bearing hips. She has creamy skin and six black spider legs. The two front legs resembled humans but had black armor from the thighs down, and were shorter than the others. Trailing down her bicep is the same armor as her legs, and they were wrapped around her stomach.

Behind the arachne was a wagon filled with clothes. Zack examined her closely noticing some minor wounds that appeared to be from people hurling rocks. Having a mob form after you was something he experienced long ago. Zack walked up to her wanting to put her at ease.

"You're gonna see strange light, but I'm only trying to heal your wounds," Zack stated as he began.

"Thank you...I never been to a city before but heard all races were welcome here. I should've known it was only for the pretty ones..." She said while lowering her head.

"If that was the case you would've been let right in," Zack replied while glancing at the clothes.

Hearing this she thought Zack was simply being polite, but it still made her blush.

"Did you make all those yourself? They're very pretty, and if your selling I would like to browse a little." Zack smiled retrieving some gold.

"Of course you can!" She replied with a gorgeous smile.

After browsing at her inventory Zack bought a few things he thought Lilith would like. He wanted to get something for Ren to but her frame was rather unique. This made it difficult to find appropriate clothing for her.

"How much for these?" Zack inquired pointing at a few dresses, and nightgowns.

"You helped me back there so you can have them for free." She said with a smile.

"No, you worked hard on these so please accept this. Do you live around here?" Zack asked while handing her the gold.

"No, I was hoping to find a place near the city. I've always loved making clothes but never had anyone to wear them. I just wanted to make something beautiful for once, and see if I could make someone smile...I thought I could live near here, and maybe open a shop one day. Guess that's not gonna happen though." Destiny said while lowering her head.

"If you want you can stay with me. There's already an empty building you could work out of, and I can show you a few towns that are more friendly. I even have a large order ready to be placed if you decide to join. Is that something you're interested in?" Zack asked with a smile.

This was the first time Destiny met someone who wasn't scared of her. Zack even called her pretty and complimented her hard work. After hearing his offer she immediately hugged him tightly.

"What's your name? Sorry, I forgot to ask." Zack investigated.

"My name is Destiny. How far are we traveling?" She asked.

"I'm Zack by the way, and It's about an hour on foot. I just need to make a report about the men who caused problems earlier. If you start heading down the road I can catch up after. Won't take long I promise." Zack said as he went into town.

'Such a nice man. He called my clothes pretty and wasn't avoiding eye contact. This trip was worth it after all.'

While walking down the road Destiny had a big smile on her face. After making sure the proper punishments were given Zack grabbed a few more things from the market. He wanted to ensure Destiny had some more materials to work with and then exited the gate as he flew down the road swiftly. When Zack caught up he offered to store Destiny's stuff and gave her a temporal ring. The two talked about her travels as they continued down the road.

When they got home Ren was dragging back a colossal boar through the front gate, and it was roughly the size of a small bus. Even Ren had problems dragging it with her immense strength. The moment she saw Zack was back Ren came charging over to hug him and quickly lifted him into the air. Destiny saw Ren and felt a little down.

'Of course, he has a wife already.'

"Is this a new roommate?" Ren asked as she let him go.

"I'm Destiny nice to meet you. Your husband is a nice man." Destiny said while waving.

"He's not my h-husband," Ren stated while averting Zack's gaze.

"Sorry I just assumed by the way you two embraced," Destiny said as they walked inside together.

"Do you want me to help you?" Zack asked Ren.

"No, it's okay, and I'm sure you need to show her around. Are we still taking this to your friend's house?" Ren replied.

"Yeah, we are. If you still want to meet everyone that is. I saw this in town and figured you would like it. It's capable of holding a large lake worth of water. They even filled it with some of the King's finest rum. I figured you would like to carry this instead of a barrel." Zack said as he handed her an enchanted gourd.

Ren immediately gave him another bear hug. Since she's been here Zack has asked her for nothing but continues to help her.

"You're so good to us," Ren smiled before dropping him gently.

"I'll be back after a tour, and if you see Lilith remind her about our plans," Zack replied as they walked off together.

After Zack showed Destiny all the essential areas they walked towards the front gate. There was a large empty building he would use for extra storage when things got too packed. With Ren around, and her drinking they had a lot more space.

"Do you think this would be enough for a workstation?" Zack investigated.

"It's perfect. What did you need me to make?" Destiny asked with eyes filled with joy.

Destiny always dreamed of having her own business, and It was this reason she wanted to start immediately. This was a far better environment than she had imagined, and she was already arranging things in her mind.

"It's mostly clothes for kids, and Ren if she wants it. Whenever the food is ready we will be visiting a friend of mine, and while there you could get the measurements. When I ran back into town I had someone load a bunch of dyes, and other materials you might be able to use. Not sure what you need exactly so it's a little random. but anything else you need I could get tomorrow." Zack replied as Lilith walked in.

"Ren said we had someone new. She wanted your opinion on something, and it will give me time to introduce myself." Lilith said as she pushed Zack out the door.